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The Committee takes note of the Government’s report.
Article 2 of the Convention. Acts of interference. In its previous comment, the Committee had requested the Government to adopt legislative provisions to protect workers’ and employers’ organizations against acts or interference by each other or each other’s agents, accompanied by effective and sufficiently dissuasive sanctions. The Committee had noted the Government’s indication that provisions strengthening this protection were contained in the Trade Unions and Industrial Relations Bill, 2000, a copy of which would be sent to the ILO after its adoption by the Legislative Assembly. Noting the Government’s indication that the Bahamas has not proceeded with the adoption of the Trade Unions and Industrial Relations Bill, 2000, the Committee hopes that the future legislation will be in full conformity with the requirements of the Convention and requests the Government to keep it informed in this respect.
Article 4 of the Convention. Compulsory arbitration in non-essential services. The Committee deals with this question in a direct request under Convention No. 87.