National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes with satisfaction details provided by the Government in reply to its previous comments on the measures undertaken to relieve labour inspectors from the tasks of policing illegal employment. The Government indicates that this duty was transferred to the Federal Ministry of Finance on 1 July 2002. A special unit of the customs administration KIAB (control of illegal employment of workers) combats illegal employment by checking work permits and thus the employment of foreigners. The focus of the controls carried out throughout the country is on the catering and construction industries. Findings from controls are reported to the respective competent authorities (administrative sanctions authorities, employment service and labour inspectorate) for the relevant proceedings.
The indication that it had been necessary to increase the staff of the control authorities to 300 shows that such activity requires the mobilization of considerable resources in terms of staff and time which inspectorates can only provide to the detriment of their primary duties. Hence, the Committee welcomes that labour inspection activities now focus on the duties laid down by the Convention and would be grateful if the Government would provide further information as to the nature and the results of the proceeding carried on by inspectors in cases reported to them.