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The Committee notes with regret that the Government has not provided any information on the application of the Convention since its last report received in February 2004. The Committee trusts that the Government will be able to provide a detailed report on the application of the Convention, including information in reply to the points raised in the Committee’s 2004 observation, which set forth the following matters:
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Coordination of employment policy with poverty reduction. In its report received in February 2004, the Government provided information on the establishment of the “employment” component of the poverty reduction strategy approved in 2002, including its plans to enhance the range of vocational and technical training available, promote small and medium-sized enterprises, promote labour-intensive work and improve access to employment for women. The Committee also noted the objectives of the Labour and Employment Statistical Information Network (RISET), the establishment of which was already noted in its previous comments. The Committee requests the Government to provide up to date information on the measures taken to guarantee that employment, as a key component in poverty reduction, is at the heart of macroeconomic and social policies. It asks the Government in particular to provide information on the results achieved by group, such as for young people and for women, by the measures taken to improve the range of vocational and technical training available, on the promotion of small and micro-enterprises and on the jobs created by labour-intensive programmes.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners in the formulation and application of policies. The Committee recalled in 2008 that Article 3 of the Convention requires consultations with all interested parties – in particular, representatives of employers and workers – in the establishment and implementation of employment policies. It is the joint responsibility of the Government and the representative organizations of employers and workers to ensure that representatives of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of the active population are associated as closely as possible with the formulation and implementation of measures of which they should be the prime beneficiaries. The Committee trusts that the Government will include detailed information in this regard.
Part V of the report form. ILO technical assistance. The Committee once again asks the Government to indicate the actions taken to implement an active employment policy within the meaning of the Convention, further to the technical assistance received from the ILO.