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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2022, publiée 111ème session CIT (2023)

Convention (n° 144) sur les consultations tripartites relatives aux normes internationales du travail, 1976 - Sao Tomé-et-Principe (Ratification: 1992)

Autre commentaire sur C144

Demande directe
  1. 2024
  2. 2022
  3. 2017
  4. 2004
  5. 2000
  6. 1999
  7. 1998
  8. 1997

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
Article 5(1) of the Convention. Effective tripartite consultations. The Committee notes with interest the comprehensive information provided by the Government concerning the tripartite consultations held on matters covered by Article 5(1). With respect to Article 5(1)(a), the Government indicates that tripartite consultations are held in relation to items on the agenda of the International Labour Conference, and then submitted to the Prime Minister in his capacity as President of the National Council for Social Dialogue. The Government adds that, in the past, it did not regularly provide comments on draft texts to be discussed by the Conference, as on occasion it did not become aware of the issues in a timely manner, given that it did not have sufficient knowledge to enable it to navigate the ILO website where the relevant materials are made available. The Government indicates that these difficulties were overcome after a seminar provided by the ILO in August 2016. With respect to Article 5(1)(c), the Committee notes that the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), a governance Convention, and the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102), are being examined at the level of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs with a view to their possible ratification.The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed information on the content and outcome of the tripartite consultations held on all matters concerning international labour standards covered by Article 5(1) of the Convention, including on the re-examination of unratified Conventions. It also requests the Government to provide information on the frequency of such consultations (Article 5(2)).
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