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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2023, publiée 112ème session CIT (2024)

Convention (n° 26) sur les méthodes de fixation des salaires minima, 1928 - Guinée-Bissau (Ratification: 1977)

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee takes note of the observations of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), received on 1 September 2023.

Follow-up to the conclusions of the Committee on the Application of Standards (International Labour Conference, 111th Session, June 2023)

Article 3 of the Convention. Operation of the minimum wage-fixing machinery. The Committee notes the discussion that took place in the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards (hereinafter the “Conference Committee”) in June 2023 concerning the application of the Convention. It notes that the Conference Committee requested the Government: (i) to review the minimum wage for the public and private sectors without delay, in consultation with the social partners, in accordance with the Convention; (ii) to establish the minimum wage-fixing machinery in consultation with the social partners with a view to fixing and updating the minimum wage on a regular basis in accordance with the Convention; (iii) to strengthen social dialogue, including the machinery for consultations with workers’ and employers’ organizations, by ensuring their independence and autonomy in law and practice; and (iv) to provide to the Committee of Experts a copy of the promulgated and published version of the new Labour Code. The Conference Committee also requested the Government to avail itself of ILO technical assistance, in close cooperation with freely established and independent workers’ and employers’ organizations, to ensure full compliance with the Convention.
The Committee notes with regret that, according to the Government’s report, a new minimum wage for the private sector has not yet been set. The Government nevertheless indicates that the Ministry is working with the social partners and is in the process of recruiting a consultant to conduct a preliminary study and determine the minimum wage criteria, in accordance with section 154 of the Labour Code. The Committee notes that, according to the ITUC’s observations, the situation due to inflation and the rising cost of living has become unsustainable for workers. The ITUC also deplores the Government’s attitude to social dialogue and tripartite consultations, mentioning the Government’s use of violence and threats against workers. The Committee notes that the IOE also stresses the impact of rising food prices, urging the Government to take the necessary measures to bring the minimum-wage fixing machinery into line with the Convention, in close consultation with the social partners. The Committee therefore urges the Government to take all necessary measures to follow up on the conclusions of the Conference Committee without delay. It requests the Government to provide detailed information on the measures taken in this regard, including on the tripartite consultations that have taken place on the minimum wage.
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