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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 (No. 142) - Georgia (Ratification: 1993)

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The Committee notes the Government’s report received in September 2008 and the information it contains on legislation and new programmes launched. Further to its previous request, the Committee asks the Government to supply supplementary information with regard to the following points.

1. Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of education and training policies and programmes. The Committee notes that the National Professional Agency, as the body responsible for the creation of comprehensive systems of vocational education and training qualifications, has developed 34 study programmes based on modern demands of the labour market. It further notes that in order to reduce structural unemployment, the Government has launched the Development of Professional Training Infrastructure Programme and, between December 2007 and April 2008, has carried out the Vocational Training and Retraining Programme. Under the Development of Professional Training Infrastructure Programme, which is implemented in cooperation with the public and private sectors, the Government aims to establish 50 professional centres nationwide to improve the infrastructure for professional education and to adjust training to market conditions. Under the Vocational Training and Retraining Programme, registered unemployed persons received a three-month paid vocational training in private or municipal training. The Committee asks the Government to include in its next report information on the implementation of the Development of Professional Training Infrastructure Programme and to continue to supply information on measures taken with a view to strengthening, in practice, the relationship between education, training and employment.

2. Articles 3, paragraph 1, and 4. Information for vocational guidance and vocational further training. In reply to the Committee’s previous comments, the Government indicates that under the Vocational Training and Retraining Programme access to information on employment, vocational guidance and training/retraining has been improved and now includes online resources, brochures, a telephone hotline and newly established special information centres. The Committee further notes that 65 per cent of the participants in measures offered as part of the Vocational Training and Retraining Programme were women. The Committee asks the Government to continue to provide detailed information on the measures taken to ensure that comprehensive information and the broadest possible guidance are available to all, and on the new programmes aimed at the promotion of vulnerable categories of workers. The Committee also asks the Government to supply indications as to the impact of these measures and as to progress made through vocational training in meeting the needs for vocational training throughout life of both young persons and adults.

3. Article 5. Cooperation with employers’ and workers’ organizations. The Government indicates that a consultative body of the National Professional Agency, comprising leaders of the Employers’ Association of Georgia and the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation, is to be established. The Committee further asks the Government to keep it updated on the establishment of the consultative body and to provide specific information on the consultations regarding the questions covered by the Convention.

4. Part VI of the report form. Practical application. The Committee notes that more than 113,800 persons participated in training measures under the Vocational Training and Retraining Programme and that the number of women has increased by seven percentage points as compared to 2006. The Committee asks the Government to continue to supply further comprehensive information, allowing an appreciation of the effect given to the provisions of the Convention in practice.

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