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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1994, published 81st ILC session (1994)

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 (No. 159) - Uruguay (Ratification: 1988)

Other comments on C159

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The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in reply to its earlier comments. It notes, in particular, the adoption of Act No. 16.320 of 1 November 1992 which provides for the establishment of the National Employment Directorate, within the framework of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, entrusted with the employment policy and vocational guidance questions. The Government indicates that the general vocational guidance service of the National Employment Directorate contemplates, inter alia, the needs of disabled persons. The Committee also notes the information concerning the functions of the National Honorary Committee of the Disabled, in particular as regards the implementation of the national policy on vocational rehabilitation and social integration of disabled persons. It further notes the Government's statement to the effect that, taking into account the size of the country, various services for disabled persons are provided at the national level. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply a copy of the draft Regulations for the application of Act No. 16.095 referred to in the report and provide, in its next report, additional information on the following points:

Article 5 of the Convention. The Government indicates in its report that, in spite of the fact that Act No. 16.095 does not provide for the inclusion of employers' and workers' representatives on the National Honorary Committee of the Disabled, the organizations of employers and workers have been consulted. With reference to its previous comments, the Commitee reiterates its request to the Government to describe consultations with representatives of employers' and workers' organizations on the implementation of the national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons.

Article 9. In its previous comments the Committee noted from the Government's report that the implementation of the project elaborated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security with the assistance of the ILO would make it possible to take concrete measures in order to give effect to this Article. The Government continues to refer to the above-mentioned project in its latest report, stating that the issues concerned fall within the competence of several public entitities. The Committee therefore reiterates its hope that the Government will not fail to provide, in its next report, information on measures taken under section 16(H) of Act No. 16.095 to ensure the availability of suitably qualified vocational rehabilitation staff, as provided for in this Article.

Point V of the report form. The Committee hopes that the Government will continue to provide a general appreciation of the manner in which the Convention is applied. Please supply statistical information, extracts from reports, studies and inquiries concerning the matters covered by the Convention (for example, with respect to particular areas or branches of activity or particular categories of disabled workers).

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