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In its previous comment, the Committee had requested the Government to provide information on the application in practice of the Convention including reports of the inspection services and information concerning the number and nature of the contraventions reported, if such statistics are available. The Committee notes, from the Government's latest report, that statistical information requested is not available.
The Committee asks the Government to give a general appreciation of the manner in which the Convention is applied including extracts from official reports and information on any practical difficulties in the application of the Convention.
The Committee notes that in the opinion of the Confederation of Turkish Workers Trade Unions (TURK-IS), communicated by the Government in its report, the application of the Convention is unsatisfactory due to the insufficiency of inspections and sanctions. For its part, the Confederation of Turkish Employers Associations (TISK) stated, in the comments supplied also with the Government's report, that the affiliated undertakings had experienced difficulties because of the insufficiency or inefficiency of occupational health services and of industrial physicians available. The Government is requested to provide the comments concerning these statements which it considers pertinent.