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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2000, published 89th ILC session (2001)

Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - China (Ratification: 1997)

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1.  The Committee notes the detailed information contained in the Government’s first and second reports. It notes with interest the extensive technical cooperation the Government has undertaken with the ILO, which demonstrates the high level of commitment the Government has given to employment promotion.

2.  Article 1, paragraph 2(a) and (b), of the Convention.  The Committee notes the substantial progress made in developing the economy and reducing poverty within a short period of time. The Government states that growth in employment has averaged 2.8 per cent per year, with growth in urban areas averaging 4 per cent. Employment was 56.3 per cent in 1997, and 56 per cent in 1998. Urban unemployment was 2.85 per cent in 1997, and 2.76 per cent in 1998.

3.  The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the outcome of the pilot projects in 100 cities to modernize the labour market, as well as the outcomes of efforts mentioned in the Government’s report to: establish re-employment centres for displaced state-owned enterprise (SOE) workers, develop SMEs, promote self-employment, undertake labour intensive public works, and make the employment service more proactive. The Committee also would appreciate continuing to receive information on progress made in the following areas: promoting more effectively labour intensive growth; ensuring that skills are appropriate for labour demand; extending social protections; supporting SMEs; removing policies which distort incentives, including tax and urban development policies; strengthening public employment services, especially for displaced workers; and improving vocational guidance.

4.  Concerning education and vocational training, the Committee notes that the Government has established minimum training standards for vocational training centres and other institutions which provide training. The Government also reports that it has created conglomerate training centres which are intended to integrate training and employment placement services. It also is exploring ways to use telecommunications to provide training to more participants and has established numerous training programmes targeted at particular groups. Please continue to provide information on the outcome of these efforts, and on training provided to displaced workers from the private sector. Please also provide information on any follow-up taken to the various ILO projects and workshops pertaining to improving links between training and employment.

5.  Article 1, paragraph 2(c).  The Committee notes the numerous programmes aimed at ensuring that women and people with disabilities are fully integrated into the labour market. Please provide further information on measures taken to ensure that race, colour, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin are not permitted bases for discrimination in counselling people on employment options, providing education and training, or in hiring practices, including statistics on the lay-offs and subsequent placement in new jobs of persons falling within these categories.

6.  Article 2.  The Committee notes the Government’s statement that employment policies are developed in the framework of coordinated economic and social policies and re-examined and readjusted regularly, resulting in new policies and programmes on a periodic basis. The Government also periodically holds regional and national conferences on employment. There is a national bureau of statistics and the ten-year census includes employment issues (a census is currently in process). In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security collects statistics. Policies and programmes are evaluated on the basis of this information. Please continue to provide information on the outcome of these periodic reviews. Please also provide further information on the action taken as a result of the recent ILO review of labour statistics methodologies and statistical analysis.

7.  Article 3.  The Committee notes that through the National People’s Congress and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security the Government consults with workers’ and employers’ organizations, and with representatives of rural area workers. Please continue to supply information on the frequency and outcome of consultations, in particular consultations held with representatives of rural and informal sector workers.

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