National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
Global database on occupational safety and health legislation
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The Committee takes note of the Government’s report. It notes the Government’s indication that employers are required, in accordance with the respective provisions of the Labour Code, to provide for occupational safety and health conditions at the workplace which meet the established requirements in relation to occupational health and hygiene. The Government further indicates that the hygiene requirements are defined in normative acts, such as, for example, the sanitary regulations for the foodstuffs commercial enterprises SanPi N In this respect, the Committee notes the adoption of Decree No. 74 of 16 October 2000, issued by the Minister of Labour, approving the POT R M-014-2000 "Intersectoral Rules concerning occupational safety and health in retail trade", and the adoption of Decree No. 9 of 12 February 2002, issued by the Minister of Labour, approving the TI R M-018-033-02 "Intersectoral standard instructions for the retail trade employees on occupational health". With regard to Decree No. 74 of 16 October 2000, the Committee notes the footnote to section 1 indicating that the respective Rules are not to be published. The Committee therefore requests the Government to supply a copy of the above Intersectoral Rules to enable the Committee to determine the extent to which they have an impact on the application of the Convention.
With regard to other sectors governed by the scope of application of the Convention, the Committee requests the Government to indicate whether the respective laws and regulations adopted under the former Soviet Union remain in force. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would specify the laws and regulations currently in force that implement the provisions of the Convention.