National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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1. The Committee takes note of the information provided by the Government in its report. It notes the provisions of the regulations mentioned in its previous comments, namely the Inter-sectoral rules concerning occupational safety and health in retail trade (POT R M-014-2000) and the Inter-sectoral standard instructions for the retail trade employees on occupational health (TI R M-018-033-02) which give effect to the Convention with regard to the sectors in question.
2. Article 4, subparagraph (a), of the Convention. Laws and regulations maintained in force in order to ensure the General Principles set forth in Part II. The Committee notes the adoption of sanitary standards mentioned in the Government’s report, among which there are the following:
- Hygienic requirements for air composition in industrial and public premises. SanPin;
- Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and mixed lighting of living and public premises. SanPin 2.2.1/;
- Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for the quality of water in the centralized water supply system. Quality control. SanPin;
- Hygienic requirements for the water quality in the non-centralized water supply system. Sanitary protection of the sources. SanPin
The Committee therefore requests the Government to supply a copy of the abovementioned standards (in English if such versions are available) to enable the Committee to determine the extent to which they have an impact on the application of the Convention.
3. The Committee refers to its previous comments where the Government was requested to indicate whether the respective laws and regulations adopted under the former Soviet Union still remained in force. Since the Government’s report contains no specific information, the Committee requests it, once again, to specify such laws and regulations, with regard to other sectors governed by the scope of application of the Convention.