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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2008, published 98th ILC session (2009)

Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144) - Armenia (Ratification: 2005)

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Tripartite consultations required by the Convention. The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention received in October 2007. It notes that the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs conducts seminars with the representatives of employers and trade unions. It further notes that the Government’s report only mentions the consultations required on drawing up the reports on the application of ratified Conventions (Article 5, paragraph 1(d), of the Convention). The Committee therefore invites the Government to provide information on consultations held on all the matters related to international labour standards covered by the Convention, specifying their subject, frequency and the nature of any reports or recommendations resulting from the consultations.

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