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Article 2, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Convention. Regulating the use of white lead, sulphate of lead and all products containing these pigments in artistic painting or fine lining. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government indicating that the use of white lead based paint, lead sulphates and all products containing these pigments, are not regulated in relation to artistic painting or fine lining. The Committee asks the Government to undertake measures in law and practice to ensure that full effect is given to Article 2 of the Convention.
Article 3. Prohibition of the employment of males under 18 years of age and of all females. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government indicating that there are no laws prohibiting the employment of males under 18 years of age, and of all females, in any painting work of an industrial character involving the use of white lead or sulphate of lead or other products containing these pigments. The Government further notes information in the Government’s report on the Benzene Convention, 1971 (No. 136), indicating that sections 84 and 89 of the Labour Code afford pregnant women and young workers protections against hazardous work. The Committee asks the Government to provide further information on measures in law and practice to ensure that full effect is given to Article 3 of the Convention.
Article 5, Part I(a) and Part III. Regulating the use of white lead, sulphate of lead and of all products containing these pigments. The Committee notes that the Government has not provided information on whether white lead, sulphate of lead, or products containing these pigments are prohibited in painting operations, except in the form of paste or of paint ready for use (Part I(a)); and on whether cases of lead poisoning and of suspected lead poisoning are notified, and subsequently verified by a medical person appointed by the competent body, and on instances when medical examinations of workers may be required (Part III). The Committee asks the Government to provide information on measures undertaken or envisaged to give effect to the provisions of Article 5, Part I(a) and Part III, of the Convention.
Article 7. Statistics as to morbidity and mortality with regard to lead poisoning. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government stating that, according to the data provided by the National Institute for Labour Medicine, no cases of lead poisoning, or cases of employees’ health problems caused by contact or work with white lead based paints have been registered so far. The Committee asks the Government to continue to provide statistical information as to morbidity and mortality due to lead poisoning.
Part V of the report form. Application in practice. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government indicating that planned legislative amendments will encompass elements of this Convention that have not been included in specific regulations so far. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the progress of these planned legislative amendments; and to give a general appreciation for the application of the Convention in practice.