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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention, 1969 (No. 129) - Serbia (Ratification: 2000)

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The Committee refers to its comments under the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81), in so far as they are concerned with the application of the present Convention.
The Committee notes the Government’s report received on 18 September 2013, the observations made by the Confederation of the Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia (CATUS) dated 28 August 2013 and received by the Office on 18 September 2013, the observations made by the Union of Employers of Serbia dated 26 August 2013 and received by the Office on 18 September 2013, as well as the observations made by the Labour Union Confederation (NEZAVISNOST) received by the Office on 29 October 2013.
Scope of labour inspection in agriculture. The Committee notes the Government’s indications that the Agriculture Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (Official Gazette of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, No. 34/68), which provides for specific occupational safety and health (OSH) standards and protective measures, is only applicable to employers that are registered with the National Business Registries Agency thereby limiting the scope of labour inspection. The Committee also notes the observations made by the NEZAVISNOST in this regard. The Committee asks the Government to provide further information on the scope of labour inspection (in particular, information on the number of workplaces and workers that are covered and excluded from it) including any applicable text, if possible, in one of the working languages of the ILO. Please also provide information on whether it is envisaged to amend the laws currently in force and extend the scope of labour inspection so as to ensure protection in the area of OSH for the greatest possible number of workers.
Article 9(3). Training of labour inspectors in agriculture. The Committee notes the Government’s indications that all labour inspectors, including those in agriculture, have been trained in carrying out integrated inspection visits, covering both employment and OSH. It further notes that all labour inspectors have been trained in applying a new methodology in agriculture drafted by the labour inspectorate in 2011 to reduce the number of industrial accidents and cases of occupational diseases and non-compliance with labour legislation. It further notes that training was provided to labour inspectors on the application of the EU Directives in agriculture and the use of chemicals in this sector. The Committee invites the Government to provide information that is as detailed as possible on the training courses provided for labour inspectors during the period covered by the next report in areas particularly relevant to agriculture (frequency, content and number of participants, etc.).
Article 13. Collaboration between the labour inspection services in agriculture and employers and workers. The Committee notes the indications made by the Union of Employers of Serbia, according to which better cooperation of all inspection services with employers and/or employers’ organizations is required, in particular through training and preventive action, i.e. better training for employers on rights and obligations in labour legislation. The Committee also notes the observations made by the NEZAVISNOST on the absence of information on arrangements made to improve collaboration between labour inspectors in agriculture and employers and workers, or their organizations. The Committee asks the Government to report in detail on any collaboration with employers and workers or their organizations in the agricultural sector, and to provide information on all progress made in this field, or any difficulties encountered.
Articles 26(3) and 27. Communication and content of the annual report. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that annual reports on the labour inspection activities contain separate data on the agricultural sector. While no annual reports on the labour inspection activities in consolidated form have been provided for the period covered by the Government’s report, the Committee notes nevertheless the various tables attached to the Government’s report translated into English, containing detailed information on the labour inspection activities for 2011 and 2012 including in the agricultural sector. The Committee hopes that the Government will ensure that a copy of the annual report containing the information listed in Article 27 on labour inspection in agriculture is forwarded regularly as provided for in Article 26(3), if possible, in one of the working languages of the ILO. With reference also to its 2009 general observation, the Committee would be grateful if the annual report would contain information on agricultural undertakings liable to inspection and the number of workers covered, in conformity with Article 27(c).
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