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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) - Peru (Ratification: 1960)

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The Committee notes the observations of the National Confederation of Private Business Institutions (CONFIEP), received on 29 August 2024; the General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP), the Single Confederation of Workers of Peru (CUT-Peru) and the Autonomous Workers’ Confederation of Peru (CATP), received on 31 August 2024; and the CATP received on 1 September 2024. The Committee requests the Government to provide its comments in this regard.
Article 2 of the Convention. Equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. Agricultural sector. The Committee notes that in its report, the Government refers to the report of the National Labour Inspection Supervisory Authority (SUNAFIL), according to which inspection orders and specific decisions have not been issued relating to cases of wage discrimination in the agricultural sector. In this regard, the CGTP, CUT-Peru and CATP indicate in their observations that the workers in this sector, either as a result of the precarious work in which they are engaged, or because of lack of knowledge or training, do not have recourse to inspection systems as a means of claiming their wage rights, which makes it necessary for the labour inspector services to act on their own initiative. The Committee requests the Government to: (i) provide training for inspection services on the identification of cases of wage discrimination between women and men; and (ii) raise the awareness of and provide information to workers on this subject. The Committee also requests the Government to continue indicating the number of cases that have come to the knowledge of the authorities on this subject and, if they are available, to provide statistics on trends in the gender wage gap in the agricultural sector.
Monitoring and enforcement. The committee notes the Government’s indication that: (1) the failure to adopt a scale of categories and functions or a wage policy in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 30709 is a very serious infringement (Presidential Decree No. 019-2006-TR of 2019); and (2) the Multi-year Sectoral Strategic Plan (PESEM) 2024–30 for the labour and employment promotion sector will make it possible to follow differences in the remuneration of men and women, thereby facilitating the design of measures to reduce the wage gap. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that, during the 2022–24 period, 783 inspection orders were issued on wage discrimination and 102 inspection orders on matters relating to sex and gender. The Committee observes that the information provided by the Government does not clearly indicate whether the cases referred to relate specifically to cases of discrimination in remuneration between women and men and does not indicate whether the inspections were related to the Protocol on the Inspection of Remuneration Requirements. The Committee also notes the observations of the CGTP, CUT-Peru, CATP and CONFIEP, which consider that the training activities undertaken by the authorities are inadequate, especially in light of the increase in complaints during that period. The CGTP, CUT-Peru and CATP also emphasize that the training is exclusively intended for the technical personnel of the SUNAFIL and the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion, and does not include employers, workers or their organizations. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on: (i) the application of the Protocol on the Inspection of Remuneration Requirements; and (ii) the cases that have come to the knowledge of the authorities that are specifically related to equal remuneration for men and women, and information on the penalties imposed and the remedies granted. The Committee also requests the Government to indicate whether there are training or awareness-raising initiatives for workers and employers on the application of the Convention.
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