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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144) - Ethiopia (Ratification: 2011)

Other comments on C144

Direct Request
  1. 2024
  2. 2020
  3. 2016
  4. 2014

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Article 5(1) of the Convention. Effective tripartite consultations. The Government indicates in its brief report that in the context of a national reform, government institutions, including the Ministry of Labour and Skills (MOLS), were reorganized. It adds that the MOLS has reinstated the tripartite Labour Advisory Board (LAB) with a new composition, which shall hold regular meetings as set out in the relevant directives. The Government also states that, due to the reform processes, its report was not presented to the Board for consultations prior to submission to the Office. With regard to the re-examination of unratified governance Conventions, the Government states that it is considering holding such consultations at the next meeting of the Board. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide detailed, up-to-date information indicating the content and outcomes of the tripartite consultations held on all matters relating to international labour standards covered by Article 5(1) of the Convention, including consultations on the re-examination of unratified fundamental and governance Conventions. It also requests the Government to indicate the composition of the re-established Labour Advisory Board and the manner in which it ensures that employers and workers are represented on an equal footing within this consultative body, as required by Article 3(2) of the Convention. The Committee further requests the Government to transmit a copy of any new texts regulating the functioning of the re-established LAB. In addition, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on any developments concerning the possible ratification of the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81) on which tripartite consultations were previously held with the social partners (the Ethiopian Employers’ Confederation (EEC), the Ethiopian Industry Employers’ Confederation (EIEC) and the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU)) as well as that of the 2014 Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), which had previously been submitted to the Council of Ministers, together with an explanatory note that was discussed and agreed upon with the social partners. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the frequency of the consultations held, once the reinstated LAB is operational, and to provide copies of the relevant directives in this regard.
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