National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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Article 7 of the Convention. Special weekly rest schemes. The Committee notes that section 105 of the new Labour Law (Royal Decree No. M/51 of 27 September 2005) permits the accumulation of weekly rest days over a period of eight weeks in case of work taking place in remote areas and requiring continuous work due to its nature, subject to the agreement between the employer and the workers concerned and to the approval of the Ministry of Labour. It recalls, in this respect, that according to the spirit of the Convention workers should enjoy a minimum period of rest and leisure at regular weekly, or in any event reasonably short, intervals. In this connection, it refers to Paragraph 3 of the Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Recommendation, 1957 (No. 103), which indicates that persons to whom special weekly rest schemes apply should not work for more than three weeks without receiving the rest periods to which they are entitled. The Committee therefore requests the Government to re-examine the appropriateness of granting accumulated weekly rest once every two months and consider the possibility of amending the relevant provision of the Labour Law accordingly.
Article 8(3). Temporary exceptions – compensatory rest. The Committee has been commenting for a number of years on the absence of a legislative provision to guarantee that compensatory rest is granted whenever work is performed on the day of weekly rest. In this respect, it notes with interest the adoption of the new Labour Law, section 104(1) of which provides that the weekly rest may not be compensated by cash. However, the Committee notes that section 106 of the Labour Law permits temporary exceptions from the normal weekly rest scheme (i.e. 24 hours of rest at full pay every Friday for all workers) on various grounds, including accident, loss of perishable materials or abnormal pressure of work (up to a limit of 30 days a year). While noting the 60 working hours’ weekly limit, set by the Labour Law in the case of overtime work, the Committee requests the Government to clarify how it is ensured in law and practice that workers who are called upon to perform work on their day of weekly rest are granted in all cases a compensatory period of rest of a total duration of 24 hours, as prescribed by this Article of the Convention.
Part V of the report form. Application in practice. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the Convention is applied in a satisfactory manner. Recalling, however, that the Government has not provided any information concerning the practical application of the Convention since its ratification, it would appreciate receiving up to date information in this regard, including, for instance, statistics on the approximate number of workers covered by the relevant legislation, labour inspection results showing the number of contraventions observed concerning weekly rest and sanctions imposed, copies of collective agreements containing provisions on special weekly rest arrangements, etc.
Article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention. The Committee notes that the new Labour Code, which is supposed to ensure the granting of a compensatory rest period for work carried out on a weekly rest day, is still in preparation. The Committee hopes that the new Labour Code, which the Government announced for several years, will be enacted in the near future in order to give full effect to the provisions of the Convention. It asks the Government to supply a copy of the relevant text to the Office as soon as possible.
The Committee notes the Government’s report.
Article 8, paragraph 3 of the Convention. Referring to its previous observation, the Committee notes with interest the information in the Government’s report that a new Labour Code will soon be adopted and promulgated, which will ensure the granting of a compensatory rest day in addition to supplementary payment of wages in the event of work on a day of weekly rest. The Committee hopes that the new Labour Code will be enacted in the near future in order to give full effect to the provisions of the Convention. It asks the Government to supply a copy of the relevant text to the Office as soon as possible.
Article 8, paragraph 3 of the Convention. For several years, the Committee has been drawing the Government's attention to the need to adopt measures to guarantee compensatory rest to workers who, under certain fixed cases provided for in section 150 of the Labour Code, work on the weekly rest day. In its previous observation, the Committee noted the Government's indication that the Committee's comments were being considered. In its latest report, the Government states that pursuant to the Labour Code, an employer must pay a worker for overtime work and that such compensation imposes a substantial financial burden on the employer, particularly when the worker has worked on the weekly rest day. The Government further explains that this financial burden discourages most employers from requesting workers to work on the weekly day of rest. In this respect, the Committee observes that under Article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the granting of compensatory rest is compulsory in every case of exemption from the weekly rest, regardless of any monetary compensation in the event of work on a weekly rest day. It therefore requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 150 of the Labour Code in such a way as to give full effect to Article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention. It also requests the Government to keep it informed of any progress achieved in this respect and to supply a copy of the relevant text when it is adopted.
The Government is asked to report in detail in 1996.
Article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention. In earlier comments, the Committee noted that under section 150 of the Labour Code, in certain fixed cases, the employer is not obliged to observe the provisions of section 149, which provides for a weekly rest day on Friday or on a day replacing Friday. In those cases, there is no provision for compensatory rest as required by the Convention. The Committee has noted the statements of the Government to the effect that the Committee's comments were being considered. It hopes the Government will take measures to ensure that, where temporary exemptions from weekly rest day requirements are made, a compensatory day of rest is provided, and that it will provide full information.
Article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee recalls that under section 150 of the Labour Code, in certain fixed cases, the employer is not obliged to observe the provisions of section 149 which provides for a weekly rest day on Friday or on a day replacing Friday. Consequently, in the event of the exceptions authorised under section 150, no provision guarantees a period of compensatory rest for a worker who has worked during the weekly rest day, as provided for by the Convention.
The Committee notes the Government's statement to the effect that the question will be examined as appropriate. The Committee expresses the hope that following this examination, the Government will take the necessary measures to amend section 150 of the Labour Code in such a way as to give effect to Article 8, paragraph 3 of the Convention.