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Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) - Honduras (Ratification: 1956)

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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

The Committee notes the observations of the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP), transmitted with the Government’s report, on the objective evaluation of jobs.
Article 2 of the Convention. Minimum wages. The Committee recalls that the level of the minimum wage in the maquila sector, where the workforce is predominantly women, is the second lowest after the rate applicable to small enterprises in the agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing sectors. The Government indicates in its report that information on employment by gender is produced for the maquila textile industry by the Central Bank of Honduras (BCH) and that it is awaiting a reply from the BCH concerning updated statistics on this issue. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide information on: (i) the procedures for fixing minimum wage rates for workers in the maquila sector; (ii) the distribution of the benefits granted to workers in the maquila sector (percentage of beneficiaries, level of the benefits, etc.); and (iii) the application in practice of Part Four of Executive Decision No. STSS 006-2019 (approving the minimum wage rates for the maquila sector for 2019–23), to which it referred in its previous report.
Article 3. Objective job evaluation. The Committee notes the indication by the COHEP in its observations that both its Committee on Gender and Sustainable Enterprises and its member organizations in the banking sector have an approved system which takes into account, for the definition of a job, a description covering, among others, the criteria of training, experience, responsibilities, structural level and attitudinal skills (In this regard, see the General Survey of 2012 on the fundamental Conventions, paragraphs 675, 695, 700 and 708). The Committee once again requests the Government to indicate whether: (i) objective job evaluation procedures exist and at what levels (national, sectoral, enterprise, etc.) and (ii) the standards developed by employers, based on a system for the management of gender equity, includes a method for the objective evaluation of jobs.
Article 4. Cooperation with workers’ and employers’ organizations. With reference to the manner in which employers’ and workers’ organizations participate in the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal “value” in the context of the various national dialogue bodies. The Committee notes the Government indication that historically the Economic and Social Council (CES) has not had a tripartite round-table on employment and gender, although that does not prevent it from being considered in future. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide information on the framework in which cooperation takes place with the employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned to promote the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value.
Enforcement. Labour inspection. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that, according to the data of the regional departments for Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, there are cases of inspections related to remuneration, and particularly concerning deductions from wages, the non-payment of the minimum wage and the non-payment of overtime hours, among other issues. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on: (i) any cases or complaints of unequal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal “value” that have been dealt with by the labour inspection services, with an indication of the penalties imposed and remedies granted; and (ii) the possibility of providing training to labour inspectors on the identification and means of addressing cases of the violation of the principle of the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Gender pay gap. Statistics. The Government indicates in its report that, despite an increase between 2021 and 2022 in the average income of men by 22.1 per cent and 11.9 per cent for women, in comparative terms the average income of women continued to be higher in 2022 (7,859 Honduran lempiras, equivalent to approximately US$318) that than of men (7,480 lempiras, equivalent to approximately US$302). This may be attributed to the fact that, according to the data used by the Government for the preparation of the Labour Market and Wage Report, women have higher educational levels and are engaged in jobs in urban areas. According to the annual report Labour Market Equity and the Wage Gap 2021– 22, published by the Secretariat for Labour and Social Security: (1) the data shows a labour market participation rate of 48.7 per cent for women compared with 74.3 per cent for men in 2021, which shows that women are less likely than men to enter the labour market, and when they are in the labour market, they are more likely to be in informal, vulnerable and worse paid jobs; (2) women held 60 per cent of jobs in the public sector and 30 per cent in the private sector; and (3) the gender wage gap is negative in the public sector, which means that women are earning more than men, with the exception of rural areas and the private sector. The Committee welcomes the efforts made by the Government to compile and analyse statistical data on the gender pay gap and requests it to continue its efforts to study and address the underlying causes of: (i) the lower labour market participation rate of women (in the private sector); and (ii) the existing pay gaps (such as vertical and horizontal occupational segregation) (in this regard, the Committee refers to its 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 712); and (iii) the educational level and occupational skills of men and women, and to provide detailed information on the specific measures adopted and the progress achieved in this regard.
Article 1(b). Work of equal value. Legislation. The Committee recalls that section 367 of the Labour Code and section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act (LIOM), as well as Decree No. 27-2015 of 7 April 2015 (which prohibits the setting of different remuneration for the same category of salaried work based on whether the worker is a man or a woman), do not ensure the application of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value. The Committee observes that the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) recommended the effective enforcement of the principle of equal pay for work of equal “value” in order to narrow and eventually close the gender pay gap (CEDAW/C/HND/CO/9, paragraph 37(c)). The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that the legislation duly reflects the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal “value” and to provide information on the progress achieved in this respect, in consultation with the social partners.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2020, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee takes note of the supplementary information provided by the Government in light of the decision adopted by the Governing Body at its 338th Session (June 2020) and the Government’s indication that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a serious impact on the submission of its supplementary report. The Committee proceeded with the examination of the application of the Convention on the basis of the supplementary information received from the Government this year, as well as on the basis of the information at its disposal in 2019.
The Committee notes the observations of the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP), received on 1 October 2020, relating to the minimum wage, the distribution of the benefits awarded to workers in the maquila industry, compliance with the principle of the Convention, objective job evaluation, cooperation with employers' and workers' organizations, and application in practice through the work of the labour inspectorate, as well as the Government’s reply received on 6 November 2020.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. National policy and plans. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the measures taken or envisaged to improve women’s access to a broader range of occupations that offer career prospects and higher wages. The Committee notes the information provided in this respect and refers to its detailed comments on the application of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), particularly with regard to the elimination of gender stereotypes.
Article 2. Minimum wages. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value in the context of the determination of minimum wages. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the Minimum Wage Commission sets minimum wages in accordance with the country’s current economic and social indices. The Committee also notes COHEP’s indication in its observation that, when setting the minimum wage, matters relating to the gender pay gap are not taken into consideration. The Committee also notes the adoption of Executive Decision No. STSS-006-2019 which sets minimum wages by branch of activity for 2019 and 2020, and approves the minimum wage for the maquila industry for 2019 to 2023, signed in the tripartite Agreement for the Promotion, Investment, Generation, Protection and Development of Decent Employment, Health, Access to Credit, Consolidation of Debt and Access to Housing of Workers in the Honduran Maquiladora Textile Sector and other Companies in the Free Zone, signed on 13 December 2018 (Maquila Sector Agreement). The Committee notes that the level of the minimum wage in the maquila sector, which is predominantly female, is the second lowest, just above the level applicable to small enterprises in agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing. In this respect, the Committee notes the indication by the Government and COHEP that, as well as setting the minimum wage, the Maquila Sector Agreement provides that the Government and the Honduran Association of Maquiladoras (AHM) shall provide other benefits, including the purchase of social housing and access to childcare facilities. The Committee recalls that the fact that minimum wage legislation does not distinguish between men and women is not sufficient in itself to ensure that the process is not affected by gender bias, and that special attention is needed in the design or adjustment of sectoral minimum wage schemes to ensure that the rates fixed are free from gender bias, and in particular that certain skills considered to be “female” are not undervalued (see General Survey of 2012 on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 683). In this respect, the Committee observes that Part Four of Executive Decision No. STSS-006-2019 refers, with regard to monitoring the payment of minimum wages, to the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women workers for work of equal value. The Committee requests the Government to take measures so that the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value is taken into consideration, not only in relation to the monitoring of the payment of minimum wage rates, but also in the mechanisms that set those rates, to ensure that certain skills deemed to be “female” are not undervalued and are taken sufficiently into account, as opposed to traditionally “masculine” skills. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the distribution in practice of benefits granted to maquila industry workers (percentage of beneficiaries, value attributed to the benefits, etc.). Finally, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of Part Four of Executive Agreement No. STSS-006-2019.
Article 3. Objective job evaluation. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to ensure that, when adopting any objective job evaluation mechanism, it allows the measurement and comparison of jobs on the basis of objective criteria. The Committee notes that the Government does not indicate in its report whether there is an objective job evaluation mechanism. It also notes that COHEP as well as the General Confederation of Workers (CGT) and the Workers’ Confederation of Honduras (CTH) indicate that no objective job evaluation mechanism is in place. In this respect, COHEP indicates that it took part in preparing the OHN-3001 standard on the gender equality control system. The Committee recalls that the Convention requires the adoption of measures to promote the objective evaluation of jobs and that evaluation methods are formal procedures which, through analysing the content of jobs, give a numerical value to each job (see General Survey of 2012 on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 700). The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether such procedures exist and, if so, at which levels (national, sectoral, company, etc.). Noting that the business sector has developed a voluntary standard on a gender equity control system, the Committee requests the Government to indicate whether that system includes an objective job evaluation method.
Article 4. Cooperation with workers’ and employers’ organizations. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to take measures in order to conduct awareness-raising activities on the importance of the principle, targeting employers’ and workers’ organizations. The Committee notes that, in this respect, the Government refers to the Gender Equality and Equity Plan II 2010-2022 (II PIEGH). The Committee also notes the indication by COHEP that it participated in the tripartite working group on employment and gender for the implementation of the plan and that the Government did not raise the issue of the pay gap with employers. The Committee notes that, in its response to the observations of COHEP, the Government indicates that this issue was discussed in the Economic and Social Council (CES), in the context of the Table on International Labour Standards, whose members have agreed that it was necessary to raise awareness on the principle included in the Convention with employers and workers, for which it was suggested to request the technical assistance of the ILO. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on its collaboration with employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned, in the context of the tripartite working group on employment and gender of the Economic and Social Council (CES), and in other forums, in order to apply the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value.
Application in practice. Labour inspection. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the application of the principle in practice. The Committee also notes the Government’s indication that it expects positive results following the adoption of the Labour Inspection Act, by means of Decree No. 178-2016 (Labour Inspection Act) which increases the applicable penalties in relation to minimum wages. The Committee also notes the Government’s indication that there are no recorded complaints about the payment of lower wages to women. The Committee recalls the importance of training for labour inspectors in order to increase their ability to prevent, detect and settle cases of discrimination in relation to pay (see General Survey of 2012, paragraph 875). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on labour inspection activities relating to the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2020, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes the observations of the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP), received on 1 October 2020 concerning the compilation of statistics and consultations with the social partners and the Government’s reply received on 6 November 2020.
The Committee notes the supplementary information provided by the Government on the matters raised in the direct request addressed to it, and reiterates the content of its observation adopted in 2019, which is repeated as follows.
The Committee notes the observations of the General Confederation of Workers (CGT), the Workers’ Confederation of Honduras (CTH) and COHEP, sent with the Government’s report, as well as the observations of the COHEP, received on 2 September 2019 and the response of the Government received on 9 October 2019.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Gender pay gap. Statistics. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the progress it had made to reduce the gender pay gap. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that since 2018, the pay gap has been more favourable to women in the private and public sectors, given that women have higher levels of schooling and work more in urban areas. In this regard, the Government provides a set of data disaggregated by sex, including statistics on: average income by branch of activity, minimum wages by branch of activity, and minimum wages by occupation (levels of responsibility). The Committee notes the Government’s indication that it lacks information to be able to conduct an analysis, explaining that the only source of information on the labour market is the permanent household survey of National Institute of Statistics (INE). The Committee notes that, in their observations, the CGT and CTH indicate that, in practice, significant gender pay gaps do exist, particularly in the public sector, and that it would be important to make a comparison by position. The Committee also notes that, in its observations, the COHEP indicates that the statistical data provided by the Government needs to be reviewed and refers to a series of surveys conducted by businesses on the participation of women in the workplace (the report on women in business management “Mujeres en la gestión empresarial” and the Market Systems Survey Analysis “Encuesta de diagnóstico sistemas de mercado” and the projects on Human Rights Due Diligence of Companies in relation to the Supply Chain “La debida diligencia empresarial en materia de derechos humanos en relación con la cadena de suministros”). COHEP notes that 98 per cent of companies consulted as part of the project on Human Rights Due Diligence of Companies in relation to the Supply Chain provide equal pay to men and women for the performance of the same work. While noting this information, the Committee observes that the data provided do not allow the comparison of the pay of men and women in different positions and at levels of responsibility by which may nonetheless be of equal value. In so doing, the Committee draws to the attention of the Government that the principle of equal pay for work of equal value not only requires equal pay for the same work but also equal remuneration for jobs that may be entirely different but nevertheless of equal value (see 2012 General Survey on fundamental Conventions, paragraphs 667 and 679). In order to be able to conduct a detailed analysis and with full knowledge of the facts on the gender pay gap, the Committee requests the Government to make every effort to compile the most comprehensive statistics possible on the level of pay for men and women in the private and public sectors. In this regard, the Committee refers in particular to its general observation concerning the application of the Convention adopted in 1998.
Article 1(b). Work of equal value. Legislation. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that section 367 of the Labour Code and section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act (LIOM), as well as Decree No. 27-2015, do not ensure the application of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, and requested the Government to report on any legislative amendments. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that: (1) labour law reform begins with the submission to the Economic and Social Council (CES) of the intention to reform or amend the Labour Code; and (2) the National Institute for Women (INAM) has initiated a proposal to reform the LIOM and a number of meetings between representatives of the various state institutions and of civil society have been held on that matter; and (3) the highest-ranking authorities have been informed so that they can begin taking the necessary measures to bring the labour legislation into line with international Conventions. The Committee also notes that, in its observations, the COHEP indicates that no employers’ association has been convened to analyse the LIOM reform, and that it has not been submitted to the CES. The Committee trusts that the necessary measures will be taken to ensure that the legislation duly reflects the principle of equal pay for men and women for jobs that are of a different nature, but are of equal value, and requests the Government to provide information in this regard.
The Committee also recalls the importance of consultations with the social partners in the process of labour law reform, and trusts that the Government will ensure this occurs in relation to any measures implementing the principle of the Convention.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2019, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes the observations of the General Confederation of Workers (CGT), the Workers’ Confederation of Honduras (CTH) and the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP), sent with the Government’s report, as well as the observations of COHEP, received on 2 September 2019 and the response of the Government received on 9 October 2019.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. National policy and plans. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the measures taken or envisaged to improve women’s access to a broader range of occupations that offer career prospects and higher wages. The Committee notes the information provided in this respect and refers to its detailed comments on the application of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), particularly with regard to the elimination of stereotypes.
Article 2. Minimum wages. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value in the context of the determination of minimum wages. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the Minimum Wage Commission sets minimum wages in accordance with the country’s current economic and social indices. The Committee also notes COHEP’s indication in its observation that, when setting the minimum wage, matters relating to the gender pay gap are not taken into consideration. The Committee also notes the adoption of Executive Decision No. STSS-006-2019 which sets minimum wages by branch of activity for 2019 and 2020, and approves the minimum wage for the maquila industry for 2019 to 2023, signed in the tripartite Agreement for the Promotion, Investment, Generation, Protection and Development of Decent Employment, Health, Access to Credit, Consolidation of Debt and Access to Housing of Workers in the Honduran Maquiladora Textile Sector and other Companies in the Free Zone, signed on 13 December 2018 (Maquila Sector Agreement). The Committee notes that the level of the minimum wage in the maquila sector, which is predominantly female, is the second lowest, just above the level applicable to small enterprises in agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing. In this respect, the Committee notes the indication by the Government and COHEP that, as well as setting the minimum wage, the Maquila Sector Agreement provides that the Government and the Honduran Association of Maquiladoras (AHM) shall provide other benefits, including the purchase of social housing and access to childcare facilities. The Committee recalls that the fact that minimum wage legislation does not distinguish between men and women is not sufficient in itself to ensure that the process is not affected by gender bias, and that special attention is needed in the design or adjustment of sectoral minimum wage schemes to ensure that the rates fixed are free from gender bias, and in particular that certain skills considered to be “female” are not undervalued (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 683). In this respect, the Committee observes that Part Four of Executive Decision No. STSS-006-2019 refers, with regard to monitoring the payment of minimum wages, to the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women workers for work of equal value. The Committee requests the Government to take measures so that the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value is taken into consideration, not only in relation to the monitoring of the payment of minimum wage rates, but also in the mechanisms that set those rates, to ensure that certain skills deemed to be “female” are not undervalued and are taken sufficiently into account, as opposed to traditionally “masculine” skills. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the distribution in practice of benefits granted to maquila industry workers (percentage of beneficiaries, value attributed to the benefits, etc.). Finally, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of Part Four of Executive Agreement No. STSS-006-2019.
Article 3. Objective job evaluation. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to ensure that, when adopting any objective job evaluation mechanism, it allows the measurement and comparison of jobs on the basis of objective criteria. The Committee notes that the Government does not indicate in its report whether there is an objective job evaluation mechanism. It also notes that COHEP as well as the CGT and CTH indicate that no objective job evaluation mechanism is in place. In this respect, COHEP indicates that it took part in preparing the OHN-3001 standard on the gender equality control system. The Committee recalls that the Convention requires the adoption of measures to promote the objective evaluation of jobs and that evaluation methods are formal procedures which, through analysing the content of jobs, give a numerical value to each job (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 700). The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether such procedures exist and, if so, at which levels (national, sectoral, company, etc.). Noting that the business sector has developed a voluntary standard on a gender equity control system, the Committee requests the Government to indicate whether that system includes an objective job evaluation method.
Article 4. Cooperation with workers’ and employers’ organizations. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to take measures in order to conduct awareness-raising activities on the importance of the principle, targeting employers’ and workers’ organizations. The Committee notes that, in this respect, the Government refers to the Gender Equality and Equity Plan II (II PIEGH). The Committee also notes the indication by COHEP that it participated in the tripartite working group on employment and gender for the implementation of the plan and that the Government did not raise the issue of the pay gap with employers. The Committee notes that, in its response to the observations of COHEP, the Government indicates that this issue was discussed in the Economic and Social Council (CES), in the context of the Table on International Labour Standards, whose members have agreed that it was necessary to raise awareness on the principle included in the Convention with employers and workers, for which it was suggested to request the technical assistance of the ILO. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on its collaboration with employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned, in the context of the tripartite working group on employment and gender of the Economic and Social Council (CES), and in other forums, in order to apply the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value.
Application in practice. Labour inspection. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the application of the principle in practice. The Committee also notes the Government’s indication that it expects positive results following the adoption of the Labour Inspection Act, by means of Decree No. 178-2016 (Labour Inspection Act) which increases the applicable penalties in relation to minimum wages. The Committee also notes the Government’s indication that there are no recorded complaints about the payment of lower wages to women. The Committee recalls the importance of training for labour inspectors in order to increase their ability to prevent, detect and settle cases of discrimination in relation to pay (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 875). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on labour inspection activities relating to the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2019, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes the observations of the General Confederation of Workers (CGT), the Workers’ Confederation of Honduras (CTH) and the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP), sent with the Government’s report, as well as the observations of the COHEP, received on 2 September 2019 and the response of the Government received on 9 October 2019.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Gender pay gap. Statistics. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the progress it had made to reduce the gender pay gap. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that since 2018, the pay gap has been more favourable to women in the private and public sectors, given that women have higher levels of schooling and work more in urban areas. In this regard, the Government provides a set of data disaggregated by sex, including statistics on: average income by branch of activity, minimum wages by branch of activity, and minimum wages by occupation (levels of responsibility). The Committee notes the Government’s indication that it lacks information to be able to conduct an analysis, explaining that the only source of information on the labour market is the permanent household survey of National Institute of Statistics (INE). The Committee notes that, in their observations, the CGT and CTH indicate that, in practice, significant gender pay gaps do exist, particularly in the public sector, and that it would be important to make a comparison by position. The Committee also notes that, in its observations, the COHEP indicates that the statistical data provided by the Government needs to be reviewed and refers to a series of surveys conducted by businesses on the participation of women in the workplace (the report on women in business management “Mujeres en la gestión empresarial” and the Market Systems Survey Analysis “Encuesta de diagnóstico sistemas de mercado” and the projects on Human Rights Due Diligence of Companies in relation to the Supply Chain “La debida diligencia empresarial en materia de derechos humanos en relación con la cadena de suministros”). COHEP notes that 98 per cent of companies consulted as part of the project on Human Rights Due Diligence of Companies in relation to the Supply Chain provide equal pay to men and women for the performance of the same work. While noting this information, the Committee observes that the data provided do not allow the comparison of the pay of men and women in different positions and at levels of responsibility by which may nonetheless be of equal value. In so doing, the Committee draws to the attention of the Government that the principle of equal pay for work of equal value not only requires equal pay for the same work but also equal remuneration for jobs that may be entirely different but nevertheless of equal value (see 2012 General Survey on fundamental Conventions, paragraphs 667 and 679). In order to be able to conduct a detailed analysis and with full knowledge of the facts on the gender pay gap, the Committee requests the Government to make every effort to compile the most comprehensive statistics possible on the level of pay for men and women in the private and public sectors. In this regard, the Committee refers in particular to its general observation concerning the application of the Convention adopted in 1998.
Article 1(b). Work of equal value. Legislation. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that section 367 of the Labour Code and section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act (LIOM), as well as Decree No. 27-2015, do not ensure the application of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, and requested the Government to report on any legislative amendments. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that: (1) labour law reform begins with the submission to the Economic and Social Council (CES) of the intention to reform or amend the Labour Code; and (2) the National Institute for Women (INAM) has initiated a proposal to reform the LIOM and a number of meetings between representatives of the various state institutions and of civil society have been held on that matter; and (3) the highest-ranking authorities have been informed so that they can begin taking the necessary measures to bring the labour legislation into line with international Conventions. The Committee also notes that, in its observations, the COHEP indicates that no employers’ association has been convened to analyse the LIOM reform, and that it has not been submitted to the CES. The Committee trusts that the necessary measures will be taken to ensure that the legislation duly reflects the principle of equal pay for men and women for jobs that are of a different nature, but are of equal value, and requests the Government to provide information in this regard.
The Committee also recalls the importance of consultations with the social partners in the process of labour law reform, and trusts that the Government will ensure this occurs in relation to any measures implementing the principle of the Convention.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

The Committee notes the observations of General Confederation of Workers (CGT) and the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP) sent with the Government’s report and the Government’s replies to them. It also notes the observations of COHEP received on 31 August 2016, which are endorsed by the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and which refer to the application of the Convention in general and to the issues being examined. The Committee requests the Government to provide its comments on the latter.
Article 2 of the Convention. Minimum wages. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to indicate how the principle of the Convention is applied in setting minimum wages by sector of activity, and how it is ensured that these wages are set on the basis of objective criteria that are free from gender bias. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its report to the effect that the minimum wage is set on a tripartite basis by branch of economic activity and taking the number of employees and size of enterprise as criteria. The Committee recalls that there is a tendency to set lower wages for sectors predominantly employing women. Due to such occupational segregation, special attention is needed in the design or adjustment of sectoral minimum wage schemes to ensure that the rates fixed are free of gender bias and, above all, that certain skills considered to be “female” are not undervalued (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 683). With regard to the maquila sector, the Committee notes that, according to the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP), 52 per cent of workers in the maquila textile industry are men and 48 per cent, women. The Committee also notes that the Government reports the adoption, on 19 December 2014, of the “Agreement for the Promotion of Investment, Employment Protection, Health and Access to Housing for Workers in the Honduran Maquila Textile Sector”, setting the minimum wage for enterprises in the maquila sector with a gradual increment rising from 6.5 per cent in 2015 to 8 per cent in 2018. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the manner in which it ensures in practice that the wage rates set free of gender bias and above all do not undervalue certain skills considered to be “female”, and to provide copies of the wages set in these sectors. It further asks the Government to provide information on the practical effect given to the “Agreement for the Promotion of Investment, Employment Protection, Health and Access to Housing of Workers in the Honduran Maquila Textile Sector” and on its impact on wages in the maquila sector.
Article 3. Objective job evaluation. With regard to the need to adopt a mechanism for objective job evaluation that makes it possible to measure and compare the relative value of jobs on the basis of objective and non-discriminatory criteria that are free of gender bias, the Committee notes that the Government reports that there is no such mechanism at present but that one is expected to be adopted. The Committee recalls that the concept of “equal value” requires some method of measuring and comparing the relative value of different jobs. There needs to be an examination of the respective tasks involved, undertaken on the basis of entirely objective and non-discriminatory criteria to avoid the assessment being tainted by gender bias. While the Convention does not prescribe any specific method for such an examination, Article 3 presupposes the use of appropriate techniques for objective job evaluation, comparing factors such as skill, effort, responsibilities and working conditions (see 2012 General Survey, paragraph 695). Bearing in mind that the legislation does not include the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, as provided for in the Convention, and in order to facilitate the application of that principle in practice, the Committee requests the Government to ensure that, when adopting any objective job evaluation mechanism, it makes it possible to measure and compare the relative value of jobs on the basis of objective and non-discriminatory criteria that are free from gender bias, such as skill, effort, responsibilities and working conditions.
Article 4. Cooperation with workers’ and employers’ organizations. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the inclusion of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value in the agenda of the tripartite Economic and Social Council (CES). The Committee notes that the Government reports that it is not possible to influence the parties to collective agreements to include clauses that guarantee equal remuneration. According to COHEP, however, the matter has not been raised for discussion in the CES. The Committee requests the Government to adopt measures setting up activities to raise awareness among employers’ and workers’ organizations about the importance of the principle set in the Convention, and invites the Government to propose that issues pertaining to the application of the Convention be examined in the CES.
Application in practice. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on any court decisions relating to the application of the principle of the Convention, and on how the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value is ensured in the employment and economic development zones (ZEDEs). The Committee notes that, according to the Government, there have been no court decisions relating to the principle of the Convention. With regard to the ZEDEs, the Government reports that these are not in operation as of yet. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on any court decisions handed down concerning the application of the principle of the Convention. It also requests the Government to provide information on any developments regarding the opening of the ZEDEs and on how the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value will be ensured in these zones.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

The Committee notes the observations of General Confederation of Workers (CGT) and the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP) sent with the Government’s report and the Government’s replies to them. It also notes the observations of COHEP received on 31 August 2016, which are endorsed by the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and which refer to the application of the Convention in general and to the issues being examined. The Committee requests the Government to provide its comments on the latter.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Gender pay gap. In its previous comments the Committee requested the Government to take specific measures, together with the social partners, to address adequately the gender pay gap, and to provide statistical information, disaggregated by sex, on the participation of men and women in the labour market and in the public and private sectors. The Committee notes that, according to figures established by the National Statistics Institute, in June 2015 in the private sector the wage differential between men and women stood at 10 per cent in women’s favour and in the public sector at 3 per cent in favour of men. An examination of the gender wage gap by branch of activity reveals that in certain sectors where women’s participation in the labour market is significantly lower than that of men, there is a wage differential that favours women. For example, the provision of gas and air conditioning industry (approximately 25 per cent), the manufacturing industry (approximately 17 per cent) and the hotel and restaurant industry (approximately 17 per cent), in construction (31.19 per cent) and in professional, scientific and technical activities (15.14 per cent). Furthermore, in some sectors where women predominate such as health care and social assistance or teaching, the pay gap is in women’s favour but to a much lesser extent (for example 6.57 in education). In other sectors, where men’s participation is greater than that of women, the wage differential favours men, for example in finance and insurance (approximately 18 per cent) or in information and communications (approximately 17 per cent). The Committee further notes that although women’s participation in the labour market increased from 34.9 per cent in May 2011 to 39.95 per cent in June 2016, it is still low and significantly below that of men (60.05 per cent in June 2016). As to the underlying causes of the wage differential in favour of women in sectors where men are predominant, the Committee has been able to ascertain on other occasions that this is due to the fact that the few women who do work in those sectors have a higher level of training and therefore hold more senior positions, including management posts, and accordingly receive higher salaries than men. As regards the wage differential in favour of women in the health and education sector, the Committee observes that the gap is narrow, which may be attributable to the fact that education and health are largely the domain of the public sector, where there is a lower wage differential between men and women. Noting that in its report the Government undertakes to tackle the gender pay gap together with the employers’ and workers’ organizations, the Committee asks the Government to examine the causes of the wage differential in favour of men or in favour of women (for example, vertical or horizontal occupational segregation, level of education and vocational training of men and women, family responsibilities or wage structures), and to provide detailed information on the specific measures that have been taken to address the wage differential and on the progress made. It also requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken or envisaged to improve men’s and women’s access to a broader range of jobs that offer career prospects and higher pay, including in sectors where men predominate, in order to reduce the inequality in men’s and women’s remuneration. It also asks the Government to continue to provide statistical information on the participation of men and women in the different sectors of activity and on the levels of remuneration of men and women in the different sectors of activity, disaggregated by sex and occupational level.
Article 1(b). Work of equal value. Legislation With regard to the need to amend section 367 of the Labour Code and section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act of 2000 (LIOM), which establish equal pay for equal work, the Committee notes the promulgation of Decree No. 27-2015 of 7 April 2015 which prohibits “the establishment of different wages in the same category of paid work, whether performed by men or by women, for work of equal value”. The Committee further notes the draft amendment of LIOM section 44 submitted by the National Institute for Women (INAM) to Parliament, which provides for “equality of remuneration between men and women for work of equal value without discrimination provided that the nature of the post, working time and length of service are likewise equal”. The Committee recalls in this connection that the concept of “work of equal value” established in the Convention encompasses not only equal remuneration for work performed under equal conditions of work, skill and output, but also equal remuneration for jobs that may be entirely different in nature but nevertheless of equal value (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraphs 667 and 679). The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 367 of the Labour Code, section 44 of the LIOM and Decree No. 27-2015 of 7 April 2015 so as to include the principal of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and to provide information on all developments in this regard. The Committee reminds the Government that, should it so wish, it may seek technical assistance from the Office to this end.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

Article 2 of the Convention. Minimum wages. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that the Directorate-General for Wages has incorporated a clause relating to compliance with the Convention in negotiations on minimum wages, and that the Directorate-General and the Inspectorate-General are responsible for enforcing compliance with the minimum wage. The Committee also notes the information relating to minimum wages fixed by sectors of activity and the Agreement on Protection and Employment Stability and Strengthening Employer–Worker Relations in the Honduran maquila (export processing) sector. Under this agreement the State, the trade unions and the Honduran Maquila Industry Association, establish the minimum wage adjustments to be applied in the maquila sector. In view of the fact that wages are generally lower in sectors where women workers predominate, such as the maquila sector, the Committee recalls that when fixing wage rates, special care must be taken to ensure that they are free from gender bias and, above all, that certain skills considered to be “female” are not undervalued. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the manner in which the principle of the Convention is applied when minimum wages are fixed and how it is ensured that the fixing of minimum wages is based on objective criteria free from any gender bias.
Article 3. Objective job evaluation. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that individualized evaluations have been carried out in each Secretariat of State and all staff members in all departments have been evaluated to verify that they have a suitable profile and that there is no disparity in pay for posts with equal responsibility. The Committee notes from the documentation provided, that the Government refers to performance appraisal, which is aimed at evaluating how workers carry out their tasks. The Committee emphasizes that this is different from objective job evaluation, the objective of which is to measure the relative value of jobs with different content on the basis of the work to be performed. Objective job evaluation is concerned with evaluating the job and not the individual worker (see General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, 2012, paragraph 696). In order to facilitate the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, the Committee asks the Government to take steps to adopt a mechanism for objective job evaluation that makes it possible to measure and compare the relative value of jobs on the basis of objective, and non discriminatory criteria that are free from gender bias, such as skills, effort, responsibility and conditions of work. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on any developments in this respect.
Article 4. Cooperation with workers’ and employers’ organizations. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the Directorate-General for Wages will promote the inclusion of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value on the agenda of the tripartite Economic and Social Council. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on this matter and on any collective agreement containing clauses on equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value.
Part IV of the report form. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on any court decisions relating to the application of the principle of the Convention.
Part V of the report form. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on how the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value is ensured in the employment and economic development zones established by Decree No. 120-2013 of 20 March 2013, which are authorized not only to establish their own policy and regulations, but also tribunals with exclusive competence in these zones, including a tribunal for the protection of individual rights for the protection of fundamental rights.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

The Committee notes the observations from the General Confederation of Workers (CGT), received 1 September 2014, and the Government’s reply.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Wage gap. The Committee notes that, according to the CGT, there is a wide gender wage gap and, where women occupy higher-level posts, they are paid less. The Committee notes that, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics, the gender gap in total national average earnings was 5 per cent in 2012 and almost 7 per cent in 2013. Nevertheless, if the gender wage gap is examined in terms of branches of activity (taking particular account of the fact that minimum wages are fixed for each branch of activity or geographical area), that difference is much more pronounced in certain cases. For example, the difference in average earnings is 14.67 per cent in agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing; 45.24 per cent in manufacturing; 37.14 per cent in commerce and the hotel industry; 30.72 per cent in communal and social services; and 63.87 per cent among transport drivers. The gap is narrower in high-skill sectors (10 per cent for professional staff and technicians). The Committee previously noted, in the context of its examination of the application of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), the low labour force participation rate for women and the pronounced gender-based occupational segregation in both urban and rural areas. The Committee recalls that pay differentials remain one of the most persistent forms of inequality between women and men, and that governments, along with employers’ and workers’ organizations, need to take more proactive measures to raise awareness, make assessments, and promote and enforce the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value (see General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, 2012, paragraphs 668 and 669). The Committee asks the Government to take specific measures, in cooperation with the social partners, to address adequately the gender pay gap, and to provide information in this respect, including statistics, disaggregated by sex, on the labour market participation of men and women (by occupational sector and level of earnings), in the public and private sectors.
Article 1. Work of equal value. The Committee has been referring for years (since before 2003) to the need to amend section 44 of the Act on equal opportunities for women (LIOM), which provides for the payment of equal wages for equal work. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that the Under-Ministry for Inclusion and Development has taken measures to enable the Gender Committee in the National Congress to revise and submit proposals for amendments relating to gender, equality, equity and discrimination in employment. Moreover, the National Women’s Institute has concluded an agreement with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to promote amendments to the Labour Code to eliminate any discriminatory provisions. The Committee recalls that the concept of “work of equal value” lies at the heart of the fundamental right of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and the promotion of equality. The concept of “work of equal value” is fundamental to tackling occupational sex segregation, which characterizes the labour market in Honduras, as it permits a broad scope of comparison including, but going beyond, equal remuneration for “equal”, “the same” or “similar” work, and also encompasses work of an entirely different nature which is nevertheless of equal value (see General Survey, 2012, paragraph 673). The Committee urges the Government to take concrete steps towards amending in the very near future section 44 of the Act on equal opportunities for women (LIOM), so as to incorporate the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on any developments in this respect. It encourages the Government, if it so wishes, to request ILO technical assistance in this respect.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report does not contain a reply to its previous comments. The Committee therefore feels bound to reiterate its previous comment, which read as follows:
Wage gap. The Committee notes the extensive statistical data provided by the Government. According to the data provided, women are in the majority in the public sector, with an increase between 2008 and 2010 (105,873 in 2008 and 109,134 in 2010). In contrast, the representation of men declined over the same period (91,082 in 2008 and 85,586 in 2010). The data also show that a higher number of women received remuneration under the minimum wage rate throughout the period (for example, 6,053 women, compared with 1,817 men in 2010). In 2009 a significantly higher number of men than women received over four times the minimum wage (6,692 men compared with 5,524 women). There are no corresponding data for 2010. The Committee notes that, according to the statistics, the representation of men in the private sector is considerably higher than that of women (839,135 men and 283,305 women in 2010). Women are concentrated in agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, manufacturing, commerce, hotels and restaurants, and financial institutions and services. The Committee further notes that, according to the Government, the unemployment rate affects women more than men (5.2 per cent for women and 3.2 per cent for men) and the underemployment rate is also higher for women than for men (8.9 per cent compared with 7.7 per cent). In this respect, the Committee notes that the statistics provided, although they offer considerable information on the employment situation of men and women in the country, and to a certain point the earnings received by both men and women, do not provide a basis for determining fully the wage gap that exists between men and women. The Committee therefore asks the Government to provide statistical data on the average wage received by workers in each branch of activity and sector of occupation so that the Committee can combine it with the statistical data already provided by the Government and determine the existing wage gap.
Enforcement. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government concerning the consultations and controls undertaken in relation to compliance with the minimum wage. The Government indicates that there is no methodology for more specific evaluations to determine discrepancies in treatment between men and women. The Committee nevertheless observes that the information provided does not indicate that inspections examine compliance with the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, as established in the Convention. Nor does the Government provide information on the social audits undertaken by organized women to ensure compliance with the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value envisaged in strategic objective 1.3 of the Gender Equality and Equity Plan II, 2010–22. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the inspections carried out in relation to compliance with the principle of the Convention and on the implementation of social audits to ensure the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value.
Minimum wages. The Committee reiterates its request for information on the steps taken or envisaged to apply the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value in the fixing of minimum wages, and on the manner in which it is ensured that, in jobs predominantly occupied by women, minimum wages are not lower than those fixed for work of equal value performed in jobs where men predominate.
Article 4 of the Convention. Collective agreements. The Committee notes that COHEP is not aware of the holding of discussions in the tripartite forums of the Economic and Social Council (CES) or in the National Convergence Forum (FONAC) on the subject of equal remuneration for men and women, and that this subject has not been included on the agenda of the Economic and Social Council. Noting that the Government has not provided information in its report on the measures adopted, in collaboration with the social partners, to promote the application through collective agreements of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, the Committee hopes that the information requested will be provided in the next report.
Part V of the report form. The Committee notes the information provided by COHEP relating to the average earnings received in the manufacturing sector. The Committee notes that, according to the data provided by the Honduran Export Processing Association (AHM), in practice the average wage earned is higher than that agreed in minimum wage commissions, although it is not possible to detect from these figures whether there are wage differences between men and women. The Committee also notes that Executive Decision No. STSS 374 STSS08 on the adjustment on the minimum wage for 2009, which substantially increases the minimum wage, does not apply to the export processing sector (maquila). In view of the number of women working in this sector and the fact that the wages may be determined on the basis of the minimum rates established, the Committee considers that this exclusion may have a disproportionate impact on women. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the reasons for the exclusion of the export processing sector from the application of the adjustment of wage rates. The Committee also asks the Government once again to provide statistical data on the distribution of men and women by earnings level, economic activity, occupational group or level of education/skills and geographical area.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report contains no reply to its previous comments. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous observation, which read as follows:
Article 1 of the Convention. Work of equal value. The Committee has been referring for many years to the need to amend section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act (LIOM), which establishes the requirement for equal wages for equal work. In this respect, the Committee notes that on 3 December 2008 Regulations under the Act were adopted, but that the Regulations do not contain any provision expanding section 44. The Committee however observes that strategic objective 1.3 of the IInd Gender Equality and Equity Plan, 2010–22, refers to the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value. The Committee once again asks the Government to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value and to provide information on any progress achieved in this respect. The Committee also asks the Government to indicate any measure adopted in accordance with the IInd Gender Equality and Equity Plan, 2010–22.
Objective job evaluation. Articles 2 and 3. The Committee notes that, in relation to the objective evaluation of jobs, the Government only refers to evaluations relating to those seeking jobs, and not evaluations of jobs in themselves. The Committee further notes the indication by the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP) in its communication that it is not aware of public or private initiatives undertaken for the purpose of the objective evaluation of jobs. The Committee also notes COHEP’s concern regarding the absence of a job classification system for the civil service, in accordance with sections 12 to 15 of the Civil Service Act, and their indication that there are significant wage disparities in the public sector. According to COHEP, the absence of a harmonized national classification of occupations with tripartite approval makes it difficult to undertake comparisons between jobs and it is not feasible to establish a comparison of the value of the various tasks. The Committee notes that, according to COHEP, at the end of 2006 an inter-institutional working group was established, composed of representatives of the Secretariat of State for the Labour and Social Security Offices, the National Institute of Statistics, the National Institute of Vocational Training, the Secretariat of State for the Education Office, the Honduran Export Processing Association (AHM) and COHEP, to undertake the revision and harmonization of existing classifications.
The Committee asks the Government to take steps to ensure progress is made in developing a national classification system, based on objective and non-discriminatory criteria free from gender bias. The Government is also asked to provide specific information on the progress made in formulating a job classification system for the civil service, and to undertake an examination of the nature and extent of any wage disparities between men and women in the public sector. Please also provide information on the progress made by the inter-institutional working group in undertaking the revision and harmonization of existing classifications.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

Wage gap. The Committee notes the extensive statistical data provided by the Government. According to the data provided, women are in the majority in the public sector, with an increase between 2008 and 2010 (105,873 in 2008 and 109,134 in 2010). In contrast, the representation of men declined over the same period (91,082 in 2008 and 85,586 in 2010). The data also show that a higher number of women received remuneration under the minimum wage rate throughout the period (for example, 6,053 women, compared with 1,817 men in 2010). In 2009 a significantly higher number of men than women received over four times the minimum wage (6,692 men compared with 5,524 women). There are no corresponding data for 2010. The Committee notes that, according to the statistics, the representation of men in the private sector is considerably higher than that of women (839,135 men and 283,305 women in 2010). Women are concentrated in agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, manufacturing, commerce, hotels and restaurants, and financial institutions and services. The Committee further notes that, according to the Government, the unemployment rate affects women more than men (5.2 per cent for women and 3.2 per cent for men) and the underemployment rate is also higher for women than for men (8.9 per cent compared with 7.7 per cent). In this respect, the Committee notes that the statistics provided, although they offer considerable information on the employment situation of men and women in the country, and to a certain point the earnings received by both men and women, do not provide a basis for determining fully the wage gap that exists between men and women. The Committee therefore asks the Government to provide statistical data on the average wage received by workers in each branch of activity and sector of occupation so that the Committee can combine it with the statistical data already provided by the Government and determine the existing wage gap.
Enforcement. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government concerning the consultations and controls undertaken in relation to compliance with the minimum wage. The Government indicates that there is no methodology for more specific evaluations to determine discrepancies in treatment between men and women. The Committee nevertheless observes that the information provided does not indicate that inspections examine compliance with the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, as established in the Convention. Nor does the Government provide information on the social audits undertaken by organized women to ensure compliance with the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value envisaged in strategic objective 1.3 of the and Gender Equality and Equity Plan II, 2010–22. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the inspections carried out in relation to compliance with the principle of the Convention and on the implementation of social audits to ensure the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value.
The Committee notes that the Government’s report does not contain information on the other pending issues, which are as follows:
Minimum wages. As information on this subject was not included in the Government’s report, the Committee reiterates its request for information on the steps taken or envisaged to apply the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value in the fixing of minimum wages, and on the manner in which it is ensured that, in jobs predominantly occupied by women, minimum wages are not lower than those fixed for work of equal value performed in jobs where men predominate.
Article 4 of the Convention. Collective agreements. The Committee notes that COHEP is not aware of the holding of discussions in the tripartite forums of the Economic and Social Council (CES) or in the National Convergence Forum (FONAC) on the subject of equal remuneration for men and women, and that this subject has not been included on the agenda of the Economic and Social Council. Noting that the Government has not provided information in its report on the measures adopted, in collaboration with the social partners, to promote the application through collective agreements of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, the Committee hopes that the information requested will be provided in the next report.
Part V of the report form. The Committee notes the information provided by COHEP relating to the average earnings received in the manufacturing sector. The Committee notes that, according to the data provided by the Honduran Export Processing Association (AHM), in practice the average wage earned is higher than that agreed in minimum wage commissions, although it is not possible to detect from these figures whether there are wage differences between men and women. The Committee also notes that Executive Decision No. STSS 374 STSS08 on the adjustment on the minimum wage for 2009, which substantially increases the minimum wage, does not apply to the export processing sector (maquila). In view of the number of women working in this sector and the fact that the wages may be determined on the basis of the minimum rates established, the Committee considers that this exclusion may have a disproportionate impact on women. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the reasons for the exclusion of the export processing sector from the application of the adjustment of wage rates. The Committee also asks the Government once again to provide statistical data on the distribution of men and women by earnings level, economic activity, occupational group or level of education/skills and geographical area.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

Article 1 of the Convention. Work of equal value. The Committee has been referring for many years to the need to amend section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act (LIOM), which establishes the requirement for equal wages for equal work. In this respect, the Committee notes that on 3 December 2008 Regulations under the Act were adopted, but that the Regulations do not contain any provision expanding section 44. The Committee however observes that strategic objective 1.3 of the IInd Gender Equality and Equity Plan, 2010–22, refers to the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value. The Committee once again asks the Government to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value and to provide information on any progress achieved in this respect. The Committee also asks the Government to indicate any measure adopted in accordance with the IInd Gender Equality and Equity Plan, 2010–22.
The Committee notes that the Government’s report contains no reply to its previous comments. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous observation, which read, in relevant parts, as follows:
Objective job evaluation. Articles 2 and 3. The Committee notes that, in relation to the objective evaluation of jobs, the Government refers only to evaluations relating to those seeking jobs, and not evaluations of jobs in themselves. The Committee further notes the indication by COHEP in its communication that it is not aware of public or private initiatives undertaken for the purpose of the objective evaluation of jobs. The Committee also notes COHEP’s concern regarding the absence of a job classification system for the civil service, in accordance with sections 12 to 15 of the Civil Service Act, and their indication that there are significant wage disparities in the public sector. According to COHEP, the absence of a harmonized national classification of occupations with tripartite approval makes it difficult to undertake comparisons between jobs and it is not feasible to establish a comparison of the value of the various tasks. The Committee notes that, according to COHEP, at the end of 2006, an inter-institutional working group was established, composed of representatives of the Secretariat of State for the Labour and Social Security Offices, the National Institute of Statistics, the National Institute of Vocational Training, the Secretariat of State for the Education Office, the Honduran Export Processing Association (AHM) and COHEP, to undertake the revision and harmonization of existing classifications.
The Committee asks the Government to take steps to ensure progress is made in developing a national classification system, based on objective and non-discriminatory criteria free from gender bias. The Government is also asked to provide specific information on the progress made in formulating a job classification system for the civil service, and to undertake an examination of the nature and extent of any wage disparities between men and women in the public sector. Please also provide information on the progress made by the inter-institutional working group in undertaking the revision and harmonization of existing classifications.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

The Committee recalls that on 22 May 2008 it received a communication from the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP) providing information on the questions raised by the Committee and on the activities carried out by COHEP to contribute to the application of the Convention.

Wage gap. The Committee notes that the Gender Equality and Equity Plan II 2008–15 recognizes that “the wages of women under equal labour conditions and equal capacities only represent approximately 67.6 per cent of the average wage earned by men under the same conditions”. The Committee notes that the Gender Equality and Equity Plan II 2008–15 envisages the establishment of statutory and institutional machinery to guarantee compliance with the Convention (Strategic Objective 1.2). The Committee further notes the Government’s indication that a strategic effort has been made through the introduction of a gender perspective into the National Decent Employment Plan (PNED), through which it is hoped that the income gap between men and women will be reduced. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the specific measures adopted with a view to reducing the wage gap between men and women, including in the context of the IInd Gender Equality and Equity Plan 2008–15 and the PNED. The Committee also reiterates its request for information on the measures adopted in the framework of the National Institute for Women (INAM), the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security and the National Plan for Equality of Opportunity to promote the access of women to higher level jobs with higher remuneration and on the impact of these measures.

Minimum wages. As information on this subject was not included in the Government’s report, the Committee reiterates its request for information on the steps taken or envisaged to apply the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value in the fixing of minimum wages and on the manner in which it is ensured that, in jobs predominantly occupied by women, minimum wages are not lower than those fixed for work of equal value performed in jobs where men predominate.

Article 4 of the Convention. Collective agreements. The Committee notes that COHEP is not aware of the holding of discussions in the tripartite forums of the Economic and Social Council (CES) or in the National Convergence Forum (FONAC) on the subject of equal remuneration for men and women, and that this subject has not been included on the agenda of the Economic and Social Council. Noting that the Government has not provided information in its report on the measures adopted, in collaboration with the social partners, to promote the application through collective agreements of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, the Committee hopes that the information requested will be provided in the next report.

Enforcement. The Committee notes that, according to COHEP’s communication, it has been agreed that joint inspections will be carried out in industrial parks with a view to determining whether unequal remuneration exists. The Committee also notes that the IInd Gender Equality and Equity Plan 2008–15 envisages the establishment of the legal and institutional conditions for organized women to carry out social audits to ensure compliance with their labour rights, and particularly the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value (Strategic Objective 1.3). The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the results and impact of the joint inspections carried out in industrial parks and on the initiative referred to above under the Gender Equality and Equity Plan for social audits to be carried out by organized women in order to ensure compliance with the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value.

Part V of the report form. The Committee notes the information provided by COHEP relating to the average earnings received in the manufacturing sector. The Committee notes that, according to the data provided by the Honduran Export Processing Association (AHM), in practice the average wage earned is higher than that agreed in minimum wage commissions, although it is not possible to detect from these figures whether there are wage differences between men and women. The Committee also notes that Executive Decision No. STSS 374 STSS08 on the adjustment on the minimum wage for 2009, which substantially increases the minimum wage, does not apply to the export processing sector (maquila). In view of the number of women working in this sector and the fact that the wages may be determined on the basis of the minimum rates established, the Committee considers that this exclusion may have a disproportionate impact on women. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the reasons for the exclusion of the export processing sector from the application of the adjustment of wage rates. The Committee also asks the Government once again to provide statistical data on the distribution of men and women by earnings level, economic activity, occupational group or level of education/skills and geographical area.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

The Committee recalls that on 22 May 2008 it received a communication from the Honduran National Business Council (COHEP) providing information on the questions raised by the Committee and on the action carried out by the COHEP to contribute to the application of the Convention.

Article 1 of the Convention. Work of equal value. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes with regret that the Government has not provided information on the amendment of section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act (LIOM), which the Committee considers to be inadequate to give effect to the principle of the Convention as it establishes the requirement of equal wages for equal work. The Committee further notes that on 25 November 2008 Regulations were adopted under the LIOM, but that section 20(8) of the Regulations does not give expression in law to the concept of “work of equal value”. However, the Committee notes that the second Gender Equality and Equity Plan 2008–15 recognizes as one of the challenges the “full achievement of equal remuneration for women and men for equal work or work of equal value”. The Committee once again asks the Government to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and asks the Government to provide specific information on the progress achieved in amending section 44 of the LIOM and section 20(8) of its Regulations.

Articles 2 and 3. Objective job evaluation. The Committee notes that in relation to the objective evaluation of jobs, the Government refers only to evaluations relating to those seeking jobs, and not evaluations of jobs in themselves. The Committee further notes the indication by COHEP in its communication that it is not aware of public or private initiatives undertaken for the purpose of the objective evaluation of jobs. The Committee also notes COHEP’s concern regarding the absence of a job classification system for the civil service, in accordance with sections 12 to 15 of the Civil Service Act, and their indication that there are significant wage disparities in the public sector. According to COHEP, the absence of a harmonized national classification of occupations with tripartite approval makes it difficult to undertake comparisons between jobs and it is not feasible to establish a comparison of the value of the various tasks. The Committee notes that, according to COHEP, at the end of 2006, an inter-institutional working group was established, composed of representatives of the Secretariat of State for the Labour and Social Security Offices, the National Institute of Statistics, the National Institute of Vocational Training, the Secretariat of State for the Education Office, the Honduran Export Processing Association (AHM) and COHEP, to undertake the revision and harmonization of existing classifications.

The Committee asks the Government to take steps to ensure progress is made in developing a national classification system, based on objective and non-discriminatory criteria free from gender bias. The Government is also asked to provide specific information on the progress made in formulating a job classification system for the civil service, and to undertake an examination of the  nature and extent of any wage disparities between men and women in the public sector. Please also provide information on the progress made by the inter-institutional working group to undertake the revision and harmonization of existing classifications.

The Committee is raising other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2008, published 98th ILC session (2009)

The Committee notes the communication submitted by the Honduran Private Enterprise Council (COHEP) on 22 May 2008. The communication provides information on the questions raised by the Committee and the action taken by the COHEP to contribute to applying the Convention. The Committee welcomes the information submitted by the COHEP and emphasizes the relevance of the involvement of the social partners in the application of the Convention. The Committee will examine the communication at its next session, together with the report and the comments which the Government may consider it appropriate to make.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

1. Work of equal value. Minimum wages. The Committee notes that, according to the Government’s report, the setting up of a minimum wage negotiating committee represents progress made in the fixing of minimum wages. The Committee notes that section 25 of the Minimum Wage Act states that factors taken into account in fixing the types of minimum wage include equal or comparable work or wages established by collective agreements and wages paid for equal or comparable work by employers who voluntarily maintain minimum wage standards in industry. The Committee notes that section 25 also states that no classification will be made on the basis of age or sex. The Committee notes that the factors taken into account for the fixing of minimum wages do not include work of equal value. The Committee considers that the fixing of a minimum wage can help to promote the principle of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to supply information on the steps taken or planned to apply the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value in the fixing of minimum wages, and on how it ensures that, in jobs predominantly occupied by women, minimum wages are not lower than those fixed for work of equal value performed in jobs where men predominate.

2. Collective agreements. The Committee notes that, according to the Government’s report, the collective agreement ensures equality by abolishing preferences and discrimination and putting into practice the principle of equal pay for equal work. The Government also indicates that it uses collective bargaining as a mechanism for establishing equality and that tripartite negotiations bear fruit with regard to the concept of equality. The Committee reminds the Government that the principle of equal remuneration for equal work is narrower than the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value enshrined in the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the steps taken, in collaboration with the social partners, to promote the application through collective agreements of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value.

3. Objective job evaluation. The Committee notes that the Government has not supplied any information on the progress made with regard to objective evaluation of jobs. The Committee recalls that the application of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value requires an objective appraisal of the work concerned to determine whether jobs that involve different work have the same value for remuneration purposes. It also recalls that, owing to the tendency for men and women to do different jobs, it is essential to have a technique for assessing the relative value of jobs which are different in content in order to eliminate gender-based pay discrimination. The Committee reminds the Government once again that it may request technical assistance from the ILO, if it deems it necessary, for examining the various methods of objective job evaluation. The Committee, therefore, hopes that the Government will do its utmost to implement objective job evaluation in the public sector and promote such evaluation in the private sector, and asks the Government to keep it informed in this respect.

4. Practical application. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that the National Institute for Women (INAM), the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security and the 2002–07 National Plan for Equal Opportunities contribute, among others, to the elimination of discrimination against women. The Committee notes that, according to the data supplied in the report on the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), women account for only 35.5 per cent of directors, managers and administrators. The Committee, therefore, asks the Government once again to supply information on the measures taken in the context of the abovementioned institutions and the National Plan for Equal Opportunities to promote the access of women to higher level and better paid jobs in the public service and on the impact of these measures.

5. Monitoring of application. The Committee notes that the labour inspectorate conducted surveys in 1,600 enterprises at national level and interviewed 28,427 workers. The Committee also notes that contraventions recorded in 103 enterprises gave rise to an adjustment in the minimum wage of 1,106,895.57 lempiras which benefited 560 workers. Moreover, the Committee notes the Government’s concern at the difficulties encountered in quantifying the activities of the labour inspectorate and its need for a monitoring team to measure the impact of inspection visits. The Committee asks the Government to continue supplying information on the activities of the labour inspectorate. As regards the Government’s concern regarding the collection of information on inspection activities, the Committee reminds the Government that it can request technical assistance from the ILO.

6. Part V of the report form. The Committee notes that the Government has provided the statistical data requested by the Committee. It notes that the average income in 2006 for men was 3,681 lempiras, compared with 3,612 lempiras for women. The Committee also notes, on comparing the statistical information supplied for Conventions Nos 100 and 111, that a substantial gender pay gap exists in sectors where women predominate. The Committee notes, for example, that in manufacturing in 2006, men were paid an average wage of 4,529 lempiras while women received an average of 2,811 lempiras. In the wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants, where women also account for a large proportion of the workforce, men received an average wage of 5,019 lempiras while women were paid 3,369 lempiras. In communal, social and personal services – the branch with the greatest concentration of women, according to the Government’s statistics – the average wage was 6,830 lempiras for men and 4,212 lempiras for women. The Committee invites the Government to consider the possibility of investigating the underlying causes of pay differences in the various branches of activity, especially manufacturing, trade, and communal, social and personal services. The Committee asks the Government to continue supplying information on wages in the various sectors of activity, disaggregated by sex. The Committee also requests the Government to supply information on average wages for men and women in the export processing industry (maquiladoras).

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

Article 1 of the Convention. Work of equal value. In its previous comments, the Committee pointed out that section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act (LIOM), does not adequately apply the principle of the Convention. The Committee reminds the Government that the principle of equal pay for equal work laid down by section 44 does not ensure sufficient protection against all forms of gender-based pay discrimination. The Committee recalls that discrimination can exist in cases where women are concentrated in certain sectors of activity in which the work is poorly paid in relation to its value. Hence the Convention establishes a wider principle than that of section 44, with the aim of ensuring that women who perform work which differs from that of men but is of equal value, according to objective evaluation criteria such as responsibilities, qualifications, skills or conditions of work, receive the same remuneration. The Committee draws the Government’s attention to its general observation of 2006, which points out that “Noting that several countries still retain legal provisions that are narrower than the principle as laid down in the Convention, as they do not give expression to the concept of ‘work of equal value’, and that such provisions hinder progress in eradicating gender-based pay discrimination against women at work, the Committee urges the governments of those countries to take the necessary steps to amend their legislation. Such legislation should not only provide for equal remuneration for equal, the same or similar work, but also prohibit pay discrimination that occurs in situations where men and women perform different work that is nevertheless of equal value.” (paragraph 6). Noting that the Government’s report does not provide any information on the revision of section 44 and merely states that the reform of the Equal Opportunities Act is still under discussion, the Committee asks the Government once again to bring its legislation fully into conformity with the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value and asks it to supply detailed information in its next report on progress made on the revision of section 44 of the Equal Opportunities for Women Act.

The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2005, published 95th ILC session (2006)

1. Article 2 of the Convention. Practical application. The Committee notes that, when referring to programmes which will contribute to eliminating discrimination against women, the Government mentions, among others, the efforts made by the National Institute for Women (INAM) as a leading institution in the formulation, promotion, implementation and follow-up of the National Policy for Women which promotes public policies and measures designed to achieve the integration of women in all fields which can result in their equal development. It also refers to the initiatives of the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security and the National Plan for Equality of Opportunity 2002-07, which reflects the national policy for women. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply information on the measures which have been adopted in the context of the above programmes and institutions to promote the access of women to higher-level and better paid jobs in the public service and on their impact.

2. Article 3. Objective job evaluation. With regard to the comments made in paragraph 2 of its previous direct request, the Committee notes that the Government once again provides information on psychometric tests and methods for the evaluation of employees. The Committee recalls that it addressed this issue extensively in paragraph 2 and reiterates that what is at issue is the appraisal of the content of the job and not appraisal of workers in their individual capacity. Furthermore, such a technique is fundamental in determining whether jobs which involve different work are of the same value for the purposes of remuneration. Due to the tendency for men and women to carry out different jobs, it is essential to have a technique to assess the relative value of jobs which are different in content with a view to eliminating discrimination in the remuneration of men and women. The Committee reminds the Government that it may request the Office’s technical assistance, if it deems it necessary, to examine the various methods for the objective appraisal of jobs. The Committee refers to paragraphs 138-152 of its General Survey of 1986 on equal remuneration, and asks the Government to continue providing information on this matter.

3. Part V of the report form. General appreciation. The Committee notes that the Government has provided the statistical data requested by the Committee. It notes that in the table in Annex 12 on decentralized institutions, it is reported that 5.5 per cent of men were in managerial jobs in 2004, compared with only 2.8 per cent of women in equivalent positions. Furthermore, 20.9 per cent of men were in technical jobs, compared with only 5 per cent of women in similar posts. The greatest concentration of women is in administrative jobs (35.4 per cent of women, compared to 14.1 per cent of men). The Committee asks the Government to consider taking action to promote the access of a greater number of women to technical and managerial jobs in the public sector. Furthermore, it notes from Annexes 37 and 38 on average earnings for 2004, that the overall national average earnings of men are 3,301 lempiras, compared with 2,870 lempiras for women. The Committee asks the Government to consider the possibility of investigating the origin of such wage differences in the public sector and, with the cooperation of the social partners, also in a number of private sectors, so as to be able to understand the wage differences and to adopt appropriate corrective measures. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would keep it informed on this subject. The Committee also asks the Government to provide information on the average earnings of men and women in the export processing sector (maquila).

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2005, published 95th ILC session (2006)

1. Article 1 of the Convention. Work of equal value. In its previous comments, the Committee noted the adoption of the Act respecting equality of opportunities, published on 22 May 2000, to eliminate any type of discrimination against women and to achieve equality for men and women before the law. The Committee indicated to the Government that section 44 of the Act requires the payment of equal wages for equal work, provided that the job, the working day and the conditions respecting efficiency and seniority are also equal. The Committee reminded the Government that the Convention requires the establishment of equal remuneration for men and women "for work of equal value", and that in selecting the "value" of work as the basis for comparison between the work of men and women, the Convention has a broader meaning than "equal remuneration for the same work". The Committee noted that the Act respecting equality of opportunities was undergoing a process of amendment, which would be approved in 2004. It asked the Government to consider amending section 44 during this revision process so that it fully applies the principle set out in the Convention, thereby making it possible to compare jobs that are different but nevertheless of equal value.

2. The Committee notes that, although the Convention may be applied by various means and not only through legislation, where laws and regulations exist on equal remuneration, they must not be more restrictive than the Convention, nor inconsistent with it. The Committee therefore asks the Government once again to consider amending the legislation referred to above to give expression in law to the principle set out in the Convention, which provides for equal remuneration for work of equal value, and to supply information on this subject in its next report.

The Committee is raising other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2003, published 92nd ILC session (2004)

Further to its observation, the Committee notes the Government’s brief report in reply to its previous comments and the document attached. It asks the Government to provide information on the following points.

1. In its previous comments, the Committee noted the information provided by the Government indicating that the disparity in wage levels between men and women in the public service is due to the fact that men occupy positions of a higher level with higher remuneration. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that it is in the process of establishing labour information systems which will provide disaggregated information on any programme undertaken in the public service. The Committee hopes that the Government will provide practical information in its next report on the manner in which the above programmes help to eliminate this type of vertical discrimination against women.

2. With reference to the methods used for the objective appraisal of jobs, the Government indicated in its previous report that psychometric tests are undertaken through the General Directorate of Employment, for all jobseekers to determine their aptitudes. The Committee reminds the Government that the methods of objective appraisal referred to by the Convention are related to jobs and not jobseekers. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its last report that it is currently introducing labour information systems which will provide disaggregated information on criteria used for the classification of the various jobs in the public sector. As emphasized by the Committee in paragraph 255 of its General Survey of 1986 on equal remuneration as it may be necessary, with a view to applying the principle set out in the Convention, to compare jobs which may be of a different nature in terms of equal value, it is important that there exist methods and procedures of easy use and ready access, capable of ensuring that the criterion of sex is not directly or indirectly taken into account in the comparison. By way of illustration, in paragraph 60 of its 1986 General Survey, the Committee referred to a number of the criteria which are most frequently referred to in the various national legislations on equal remuneration for the purposes of comparing the work to be carried out by men and women. These include skills, responsibility and the effort (physical or mental) required to carry out the work, and the conditions under which it is to be performed. The Committee trusts that the Government will provide information in its next report on any measures adopted concerning the use of methodologies for the appraisal of jobs with a view to the correct application of Article 3, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Convention.

3. The Committee notes that the Government did not include in its report statistical information on the remuneration received in both the public and private sectors, disaggregated by sex, and according to the various levels and occupations. The Committee reminds the Government that such data are essential to enable it to undertake a proper examination of the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would make the necessary efforts to provide statistical information as indicated in its general observation of 1998. Please also ensure that the information reflects the distribution and remuneration of men and women workers in the various jobs and levels of enterprises in the export processing sector.

4. The Committee reminds the Government that it can ask the Office for technical advice and assistance on how to bring its legislation into conformity with the principle set out in the Convention, for the adoption of methodologies for the objective appraisal of jobs and for the implementation of a system for the compilation of statistics disaggregated by sex.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2003, published 92nd ILC session (2004)

The Committee notes the brief report provided by the Government in reply to its previous comments and the attached publications.

In its previous comments, the Committee noted the adoption of the Act respecting equality of opportunities, published on 22 May 2000, to eliminate any type of discrimination against women and to achieve equality for men and women before the law. The Committee indicated to the Government that section 44 of this Act requires the payment of equal wages for equal work, provided that the job, the working day and the conditions respecting efficiency and seniority are also equal. The Committee reminded the Government that the Convention requires the establishment of equal remuneration for men and women workers "for work of equal value" and that in selecting the "value" of work as the basis for comparison between the work of men and women, the Convention has a broader meaning than equal remuneration for the same work. Noting the information provided by the Government in its report on the application of Convention No. 111, the Committee observes that the Act respecting equal opportunities for women is undergoing a process of amendment, and that the modifications are to be approved in 2004. The Committee asks the Government to amend section 44 during this revision process so that it fully applies the principle set out in the Convention, thereby making it possible to compare jobs that are different but of equal value.

The Committee is addressing a request directly to the Government on certain points.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2002, published 91st ILC session (2003)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report contains no reply to previous comments. It hopes that the next report will include full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

1. The Committee notes the adoption of the Act respecting equality of opportunities, published on 22 May 2000, the objective of which is to integrate and coordinate the action to be taken by the State and civil society to eliminate any type of discrimination against women and to achieve equality for men and women before the law. It notes that section 44 of the Act (in Chapter IV on equality of opportunities in work and social security) provides that the Secretariat of State in labour and social security offices shall require equal wages for equal work, without discrimination whatsoever, provided that the job, the working day and the conditions respecting efficiency and seniority are also equal. The Committee reminds the Government that the Convention requires the establishment of equal remuneration for men and women workers "for work of equal value", and that in selecting the "value" of work as the basis for comparison between the work of men and women, the Convention has a broader meaning than the principle of "equal remuneration for the same work" (see the 1986 General Survey on equal remuneration, paragraph 19). The Committee would therefore be grateful if the Government would provide information in its next report on any measure that has been taken or is envisaged to give effect to the principle of the Convention, and if it would indicate whether it is envisaging amending section 44 of the Act respecting equality of opportunities in order to set forth the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value.

2. Article 2 of the Convention. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that, according to the Government, the disparity in wage levels between men and women in the public service is due to the existence of vertical segregation, based on the fact that men in the public sector occupy more senior and highly paid jobs. The Committee once again recalls that in order to overcome both vertical and horizontal segregation at work, the mere adoption of legislation on equal remuneration does not suffice: active measures are also required to eliminate direct wage discrimination and to change traditional attitudes to the role of women in society and on the labour market, which may result in indirect discrimination. The Committee therefore once again asks the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on any measures taken and any programme implemented in relation to the public service. The Committee also once again asks the Government to provide information on the criteria used in the classification of the various jobs in the public administration, with an indication of the salaries for the above jobs, as well as statistical information on the distribution of men and women in the various positions and at the various jobs of the public service.

3. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that, according to the statistical data provided by the Government, women represent 34 per cent of all total of persons engaged in the labour market in Honduras. The Government’s last report shows that, in February 2000, 70 per cent of the workforce in the export processing enterprises sector was made up of women workers. According to the Government, this high level of women in the export processing sector is due to vocational guidance and training programmes and the establishment of welfare services for women workers with family responsibilities. In this context, the Committee notes that the minimum monthly wage in export processing zones in Honduras (US$78) is higher than the national minimum wage per month (US$67) (see ILO, Labour and social issues relating to export processing zones, 1998, page 29). The Committee draws the Government’s attention to the particular situation of women workers in export processing zones and notes that, although the access of women to jobs in these zones has increased, they tend to be assigned to types of work at the lowest professional levels and to receive remuneration that is lower than that of men. As a result, many women workers in these zones only perform repetitive and semi-skilled work and receive a minimum of training (idem., page 32). The Committee asks the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on the programmes and welfare services mentioned above in the export processing sector, including information on the number of women benefiting from these services. The Committee asks the Government to provide statistical data on the distribution by sex of jobs in export processing enterprises, including the distribution of men and women in the various jobs and at the various levels in export processing enterprises, and the corresponding wages.

4. Noting the absence of overall statistical data in the Government’s report, the Committee recalls that adequate statistical information is essential to enable it to undertake a proper examination of the application of the principle of equal remuneration. It would therefore be grateful if the Government would continue providing statistical information disaggregated by sex in future reports, as set out in its general observation of 1998 under this Convention.

5. Article 3. In its previous comments, the Committee noted the information provided on the methods used to carry out an objective evaluation of jobs to establish different wage rates. The Committee once again draws the Government’s attention to paragraphs 138-152 of its General Survey on equal remuneration and reiterates its request for the Government to indicate whether there are methods for the objective evaluation of jobs, within the meaning of the above paragraphs, and if so to provide detailed information on these methods.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2001, published 90th ILC session (2002)

The Committee notes the Government’s brief report.

1. The Committee notes the adoption of the Act respecting equality of opportunities, published on 22 May 2000, the objective of which is to integrate and coordinate the action to be taken by the State and civil society to eliminate any type of discrimination against women and to achieve equality for men and women before the law. It notes that section 44 of the Act (in Chapter IV on equality of opportunities in work and social security) provides that the Secretariat of State in labour and social security offices shall require equal wages for equal work, without discrimination whatsoever, provided that the job, the working day and the conditions respecting efficiency and seniority are also equal. The Committee reminds the Government that the Convention requires the establishment of equal remuneration for men and women workers "for work of equal value", and that in selecting the "value" of work as the basis for comparison between the work of men and women, the Convention has a broader meaning than the principle of "equal remuneration for the same work" (see the 1986 General Survey on equal remuneration, paragraph 19). The Committee would therefore be grateful if the Government would provide information in its next report on any measure that has been taken or is envisaged to give effect to the principle of the Convention, and if it would indicate whether it is envisaging amending section 44 of the Act respecting equality of opportunities in order to set forth the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value.

2. Article 2 of the Convention. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that, according to the Government, the disparity in wage levels between men and women in the public service is due to the existence of vertical segregation, based on the fact that men in the public sector occupy more senior and highly paid jobs. The Committee once again recalls that in order to overcome both vertical and horizontal segregation at work, the mere adoption of legislation on equal remuneration does not suffice: active measures are also required to eliminate direct wage discrimination and to change traditional attitudes to the role of women in society and on the labour market, which may result in indirect discrimination. The Committee therefore once again asks the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on any measures taken and any programme implemented in relation to the public service. The Committee also once again asks the Government to provide information on the criteria used in the classification of the various jobs in the public administration, with an indication of the salaries for the above jobs, as well as statistical information on the distribution of men and women in the various positions and at the various jobs of the public service.

3. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that, according to the statistical data provided by the Government, women represent 34 per cent of all total of persons engaged in the labour market in Honduras. The Government’s last report shows that, in February 2000, 70 per cent of the workforce in the export processing enterprises sector was made up of women workers. According to the Government, this high level of women in the export processing sector is due to vocational guidance and training programmes and the establishment of welfare services for women workers with family responsibilities. In this context, the Committee notes that the minimum monthly wage in export processing zones in Honduras (US$78) is higher than the national minimum wage per month (US$67) (see ILO, Labour and social issues relating to export processing zones, 1998, page 29). The Committee draws the Government’s attention to the particular situation of women workers in export processing zones and notes that, although the access of women to jobs in these zones has increased, they tend to be assigned to types of work at the lowest professional levels and to receive remuneration that is lower than that of men. As a result, many women workers in these zones only perform repetitive and semi skilled work and receive a minimum of training (idem., page 32). The Committee asks the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on the programmes and welfare services mentioned above in the export processing sector, including information on the number of women benefiting from these services. The Committee asks the Government to provide statistical data on the distribution by sex of jobs in export processing enterprises, including the distribution of men and women in the various jobs and at the various levels in export processing enterprises, and the corresponding wages.

4. Noting the absence of overall statistical data in the Government’s report, the Committee recalls that adequate statistical information is essential to enable it to undertake a proper examination of the application of the principle of equal remuneration. It would therefore be grateful if the Government would continue providing statistical information disaggregated by sex in future reports, as set out in its general observation of 1998 under this Convention.

5. Article 3. In its previous comments, the Committee noted the information provided on the methods used to carry out an objective evaluation of jobs to establish different wage rates. The Committee once again draws the Government’s attention to paragraphs 138-152 of its General Survey on equal remuneration and reiterates its request for the Government to indicate whether there are methods for the objective evaluation of jobs, within the meaning of the above paragraphs, and if so to provide detailed information on these methods.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1999, published 88th ILC session (2000)

The Committee notes the information contained in the Government's report as well as the annexed statistical data.

1. Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes from the Government's report that the disparity in wage levels in the public service is due to the fact that men occupy more highly paid posts. It also notes that some women have obtained management-level posts. It recalls that to overcome both vertical and horizontal segregation at work, the adoption of legislation alone on equal remuneration does not suffice: active measures are required, such as programmes to change women's perspectives and prepare them to seek more highly-paid posts and occupations, which aim to change historical conceptions as to the role of women in society and in the labour market, since these may lead to indirect discrimination. The Committee would like to know whether such programmes exist within the public service. The Committee would like to know the criteria used in job classification in the public administration and requests a copy of this classification, with corresponding wage levels. It also requests information on the methods and criteria used to fix wage scales in the public sector and the measures adopted to eliminate sexist stereotyping from the system.

2. The Committee notes with satisfaction the full statistical data disaggregated by sex, annexed to the report. This has made certain comparisons possible. The statistics supplied on the total working population for normal weekly working hours, broken down by monthly wage levels and sex for September 1996, presents a picture similar to that pertaining in the public service, where, as indicated, a small number of women hold higher positions, but in general women receive significantly lower remuneration than men, and this holds true for all hourly categories. Women represent 34 per cent of the total working population, but receive approximately 29 per cent of total wages. By analysing the distribution of men and women according to wage level, the Committee notes that of workers in the lowest wage bracket, 100 lempiras or less, 67.91 per cent are women, while the two highest brackets yield the following distribution by sex: out of workers earning 7,500 to 10.000 lempiras only 19.53 per cent are women, while in the 10,000 lempiras or more category, only 15.69 per cent are women. In the same way, daily wage rates disaggregated by occupation and sex reveal wage differentials in, for example, personal, social and communal services. For Tegucigalpa in 1997, for the category of accountants, the most frequent wage for men was 283.33 lempiras and for women it was 131.50 lempiras. As the Committee has already noted on other occasions, much of the difficulty in giving real effect to the principle of equal remuneration is closely linked to the situation of men and women at work and in society and it refers to the measures to facilitate the application of the Convention explained in paragraphs 180 to 198 of its 1986 General Survey. The Committee requests that the Government continue to supply disaggregated statistical information as called for in the Committee's 1998 general observation, including information concerning export processing zones (Maquila).

3. Article 3. The Committee notes the information on the methods used to carry out an objective evaluation of jobs to establish different wage rates. The Committee refers to paragraphs 138 to 152 of the abovementioned General Survey and requests information on whether there are methods for objective evaluation of jobs as set forth in the abovementioned paragraphs, as well as other available relevant information.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1996, published 85th ILC session (1997)

1. In its previous direct request, the Committee noted the salary scales applicable in the public service for 1992, disaggregated by sex, and requested information on the marked difference in income levels between men and women, which, in some cases, were six times greater at the highest levels. As information has not been provided on these unequal salaries the Committee requests the Government, once again, to send the explanation requested.

2. In regard to the request for statistics concerning wage rates and average incomes received by men and women, disaggregated where possible by occupation, sector, seniority and skill level, as well as information on the corresponding percentage of women, the Committee regrets that no information has been provided on whether it is possible to supply this data. The Committee hopes that the Government will be in a position to send this information in its next report.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 82nd ILC session (1995)

1. The Committee thanks the Government for transmitting the wage scales applicable in the public service for 1992, disaggregated by sex. The Committee notes that the proportion of women earning the lowest income level (between 200 and 300 lempiras (Lps)) is double the number of men and that the number of men earning the highest income level (2,001 Lps and over) is six times greater than the number of women. The Committee requests information in the next report on the reasons for these very marked differences.

2. The Committee notes that it has not been possible to obtain the statistics which it requested previously concerning wage rates and average incomes received by men and women, disaggregated where possible by occupation, sector, seniority and skill level, as well as information on the corresponding percentage of women. The Committee hopes that the Government will be able to supply the above statistics in its next report.

3. The Committee notes that the reports of the General Inspectorate in relation to this Convention, as well as the texts of the collective agreements which are referred to in the report have not been received and it would be grateful if the Government would transmit them.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1994, published 81st ILC session (1994)

The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

1. The Committee takes note of the Government's report. The Committee notes that the report contains no recent information on the application of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide a detailed report on the application of the Convention in accordance with the report form adopted by the Governing Body. Furthermore, the Committee asks the Government to provide in its report:

(i) the wage scales applying in the public service, with a breakdown of the distribution of men and women in the various grades;

(ii) the text of the collective agreements fixing wage scales in the various sectors of activity indicating, if possible, the percentage of women covered by these collective agreements and the distribution of men and women in the various grades;

(iii) statistical data on wage rates and average incomes received by men and women, if possible, by profession, branch of activity, seniority and level of qualifications, as well as information on the corresponding proportion of women.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1992, published 79th ILC session (1992)

1. The Committee takes note of the Government's report. The Committee notes that the report contains no recent information on the application of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide a detailed report on the application of the Convention in accordance with the report form adopted by the Governing Body. Furthermore, the Committee asks the Government to provide in its report:

(i) the wage scales applying in the public service, with a breakdown of the distribution of men and women in the various grades;

(ii) the text of the collective agreements fixing wage scales in the various sectors of activity indicating, if possible, the percentage of women covered by these collective agreements and the distribution of men and women in the various grades;

(iii) statistical data on wage rates and average incomes received by men and women, if possible, by profession, branch of activity, seniority and level of qualification, as well as information on the corresponding proportion of women.

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