National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:
The Committee notes the Government’s report and the partial replies to its previous comments. It requests the Government to provide further information on: (1) the manner in which effect is given in practice to Article 7 of the Convention, including an indication of the nature of the services provided by the labour administration system to the categories of workers mentioned in this provision – categories which, according to the Government, are covered by the labour administration system; (2) the distribution, in statistical form, of the various categories of staff among the labour administration structures, including particulars concerning terms and criteria of recruitment, legal status (particularly the nature and duration of the employment relationship) and conditions of service (grades, remuneration level, rules on career advancement, disciplinary sanctions procedure and conditions relating to termination), and training provided (content, duration, number of workers concerned); and (3) financial resources allocated for the performance of workers’ duties (Article 10).
The Committee notes the project to set up a national labour advisory committee to replace the National Tripartite Council for Employment and Labour. It would be grateful if the Government would keep the ILO informed in this respect and communicate any relevant texts.
The Committee also requests the Government to communicate, with each of its reports, as required under Part IV of the Convention’s report form, extracts of any reports or other periodic information provided by the principal labour administration services and referred to in paragraph 20 of Recommendation No. 158, which supplements the Convention, together with information on any practical difficulties encountered in the application of the Convention.
The Committee notes the brief information provided in the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention. It would be grateful if the Government would supplement this information by providing further particulars and the relevant documents on: (1) the organization of the external services of the central labour administration system (Article 1 of the Convention); (2) the application in practice of Article 4 concerning the coordination of the functions and responsibilities of the labour administration system; (3) the legal basis for tripartism in the various fields of the national labour policy (Article 5) at the central level, as well as at the regional and local levels, where appropriate; (4) the manner in which effect is given to the various provisions of Article 6, paragraph 2; (5) the manner in which effect is given in practice to Article 7, with an indication of the nature of the services provided by the labour administration system to the categories of workers covered by this provision; and (6) the distribution of the various categories of personnel in the central labour administration and its external services (Article 10, paragraph 1) and the material and logical means of the labour administration services (paragraph 2).