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Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Ireland (Ratification: 1967)

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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Formulation and implementation of an active employment policy. The Government indicates that the target set in the new 2020 Programme for the creation of 200,000 additional jobs by 2025 was exceeded in 2023, with a total of 470,400 jobs created, including nearly 368,000 jobs outside of Dublin. The Government also indicates that a new Pathways to Work 2021–25 strategy was developed through consultation with employers, trade unions and civil society organizations, which constitutes Ireland’s most recent national employment services strategy. The Pathways to Work 2021–25 strategy sets out 83 commitments over five main strands of action: (i) improvements in the public employment services; (ii) facilitating recruitment for employers; (iii) ensuring that the welfare system supports moving into employment; (iv) extending targeted employment supports to groups facing specific challenges; and (v) delivering services that have been proved to show results in practice. The Government reports that the strategy’s first annual report highlighted key achievements, with ongoing work to meet all commitments under the external oversight of the Labour Market Advisory Council (LMAC), which includes representatives from employers, trade unions, and civil society bodies.
In addition, the Committee notes that, according to the ILO Department of Statistics (ILOSTAT), while the unemployment rate in Ireland in 2023 was of 4.3 per cent (4.4 per cent for men and 4.2 per cent for women), 34.5 per cent of persons with disabilities were unemployed (49.3 per cent for women) and the unemployment rate among youth was of 10.7 per cent (10.7 per cent for men and 10.6 per cent for women). In addition, the Committee also notes that, in its concluding observations of 20 March 2024, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) expressed concerns about the most marginalized and disadvantaged persons and groups continuing to be disproportionately affected by unemployment and underemployment. The CESCR recommended that the Government review its employment policies to address the root causes of unemployment, include in its action plan time-bound goals, focusing on young people, older persons, persons of African descent, migrants, Travellers and Roma and persons with disabilities, notably women belonging to one or more of those groups, and incorporate measures to overcome the structural and institutional barriers hindering their access to the labour market. The CESCR also expressed concerns about reports of a large number of workers engaged in various forms of precarious work and recommended that the Government take all measures necessary to limit the use of part-time work, precarious self-employment and “zero-hour contracts”, in particular by creating decent employment opportunities that guarantee job security and adequate protection of workers’ rights (document E/C.12/IRL/CO/4, paragraphs 26–27(a) and 30-31(a)). The Committee further notes that the mid-term review of the Pathways to Work 2021–25 strategy, carried-out by the LMAC and published in May 2024, indicates that while Ireland has made significant progress in labour market performance, nearing full employment, specific categories of workers like persons with disabilities, lone parents, members of the Travellers and Roma communities, and migrants remain underrepresented in Ireland’s labour market. The mid-term review also emphasizes the importance of not only tracking progress in job opportunities but also focusing on job quality, including wages, career prospects, and opportunities for upskilling and reskilling. In these respects, the Committee notes that, following the mid-term review, an updated Pathways to work 2021–2025 strategy with new and revised commitments and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) was published which focuses on addressing (i) labour and skills shortages, (ii) green and digital transitions, and (iii) the need to increase participation rates for disadvantaged groups. The updated Pathways to work 2021–2025 strategy includes targets to increase the employment rate for under-represented groups in the labour market and in relation to moving people who are in long-term unemployment into sustainable employment. Taking note of the concerns expressed in the 2024 concluding observations of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) and referring to the 2020 comments from the Committee on the Discrimination (employment and occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), the Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the measures taken under the updated Pathways to Work 2021–25 strategy and their impact on thepromotion of full, productive, freely chosen employment and decent work, particularly for disadvantaged categories of workers, including women, young persons, persons with disabilities, the Travellers and Roma communities, persons of African descent, migrants and older persons. The Committee also requests the Government to provide detailed information on the development, implementation and impact of the employment policy for the period after 2025. In addition, the Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information, including statistical data disaggregated by sex and age, on employment trends in the country, particularly on employment, unemployment and underemployment.
Impact of COVID-19 on employment. The Government indicates that COVID-19 temporary support measures, such as the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP), the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS), and the Employee Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS), successfully supported beneficiaries returning to or finding new employment following the lifting of public health restrictions. The Government reports that by 2022, 80 per cent of former PUP recipients and 88 per cent TWSS/EWSS recipients were in employment. By 2023, Ireland’s labour market reached a record 2.6 million persons in employment (an 11 per cent increase compared to 2019), with part-time employment growing faster than full-time, and a 2 per cent increase in underemployment since 2019. The Committee takes note of this information, which addresses its previous request regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment.
Coordination of education and training policies with employment policy. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the new National Access Plan (NAP) 2022–28, the National Skills Strategy 2016–25, the Action Plan for Apprenticeship 2021–25, and the Traveller Apprenticeship Incentivisation Programme. The Committee also notes the information on the upskilling and reskilling initiatives and programmes, such as the July Stimulus package 2020, the Modular Skills Provision 2021, the Human Capital Initiative Pillar 1, and the Springboard+ 2020–22 programmes. The Committee refers to its 2024 comment under the Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 (No. 142), and requests the Government to provide updated information on the impact of the measures adopted to improve the skills of the workers and to secure lasting employment, particularly for disadvantaged categories of workers.
Article 3. Consultations with the persons affected, in particular representatives of employers and workers. The Government indicates that the Pathways to Work 2021–25 strategy was developed following consultation with key stakeholders nationwide, including employers, trade unions and civil society organisations. The Committee notes with interest that the LMAC, which includes representatives from employers, trade unions and civil society bodies, provides oversight on the delivery of the Pathways to Work strategy 2021–25. Further, a public consultation was carried out in 2023, with 21 submissions received including from employer, trade union and civil society groups, which informed the development of the mid-term review of the Pathways to Work 2021–25 strategy. The Government also indicates that the Labour Employer Economic Forum (LEEF), as the formal structure for dialogue between social partners to discuss economic and social policies that affect employment and the workplace, continues to provide a forum to discuss developments related to the employment policy, such as progress towards a living wage, the Sick leave Act 2022, and the right to request remote working. The Committee requests the Government to continue providing detailed and updated information on the manner in which representatives of the person affected by the measures, including representatives of employers and workers, are consulted concerning the formulation and implementation of the employment policy.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2020, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee takes note of the supplementary information provided by the Government in light of the decision adopted by the Governing Body at its 338th Session (June 2020). The Committee proceeded with the examination of the application of the Convention on the basis of the supplementary information received from the Government this year, as well as on the basis of the information at its disposal in 2019.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment policy measures. Impact of COVID-19. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the impact of the employment measures taken under its twin key strategies: the Action Plan for Jobs and Pathways to Work 2016–20. It also requested the Government to continue to provide information on the procedures for deciding on and reviewing employment measures implemented within the framework of an overall economic and social policy. The Committee notes with interest that the Action Plan for Jobs has delivered strong job growth. In its supplementary report the Government indicates that as of the first quarter of 2020, total employment had grown to 2,353,500, representing 490,300 more people in employment since the Action Plan for Jobs was first launched in 2012. The Committee further notes that these are the highest employment figures ever recorded in the country and significantly above the Government’s 2020 target of 2.1 million. The Government indicates that the unemployment rate, which peaked at almost 16 per cent in 2012 had fallen to 4.7 per cent in the first quarter of 2020 and long term unemployment had fallen to 1.2 per cent, well below the target of 2.5 per cent set out in Pathways to Work 2016–2020. The Committee notes that the Government’s policies had increased the employment rate by over 15 per cent in all eight regions from the first quarter of 2012 to the first quarter of 2020. The Committee further notes that the targets set in the Programme for Government in 2016 for the creation of 200,000 additional jobs by 2020, including 135,000 jobs outside of Dublin, had been exceeded with jobs created totalling 272,700. The Government indicates that the impact of COVID-19 on Ireland’s economy is evidenced in the Labour Force Survey figures for the second quarter of 2020, which indicate that employment decreased by 149,800 (-6.3 per cent), bringing total employment down to 2,222,500. The Committee notes that a new Programme for Government was introduced in June 2020, setting a new target to create 200,000 additional jobs by 2025. With regard to the procedures for deciding on and reviewing employment measures implemented, the Government indicates that a set of milestones and metrics are used as indicators of progress in addressing the challenges and delivering on Pathways to Work 2016–2020. Progress on milestones are presented quarterly to the Cabinet Committee, and metrics are published on the Department website and reviewed and updated on an annual basis to reflect the key challenges and issues being addressed under this strategy each year. The Committee notes from the supplementary information provided by the Government that the majority of activities under Pathways to Work 2016–2020 have now been completed and reflect the much different economic landscape resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this respect, the Government indicates that the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection (DEASP) is developing a successor strategy for the period 2020–25, aimed at ensuring that positive labour market outcomes are achievable for all groups in Irish society and that the Irish labour force is well positioned to respond to ongoing and future economic challenges. The Government further indicates that the DEASP will continue to review its labour market activation programmes to ensure that they remain aligned to labour market needs. The Labour Market Advisory Council is expected to remain an important component of the recovery process, providing guidance on the active labour market policy responses required to address the economic challenges that Ireland is facing over the immediate and longer term. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information, including statistical data disaggregated by sex, age, region and economic sector on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment, unemployment and visible underemployment and on measures taken or envisaged to address the challenges encountered. The Committee further requests the Government to provide information on the implementation and outcomes of the new Programme for the creation of 200,000 additional jobs by 2025. The Government is further requested to provide updated information on the development, implementation and impact of the employment strategy for the period 2020–2025.
Education and training policies and programmes. The Committee had previously requested the Government to provide information on the impact of the Action Plan for Education, the National Skills Strategy 2025, and the Further Education and Training Strategy 2014–19. The Government indicates that the annual review of the Action Plan for Education registers an achievement rate of 85 per cent for 2018, rising to 86 per cent in the first quarter of 2019. The key achievements of the Action Plan from 2018 to 2020 include: the establishment of the Technological University Dublin; an employer satisfaction survey, as well as the roll-out of 11 new apprenticeship programmes in 2019 and three in 2020. The Government indicates that through the Action Plan to Expand Apprenticeship and Traineeship for the period 2016–20, the number of apprenticeship programmes has grown from 25 to 58 with a further 20 in development. The pathways to participation in Apprenticeship has also been reviewed to ensure that the national apprenticeship system is more inclusive of diverse backgrounds and is accessible to all. In addition, the Government launched a national apprenticeship jobs platform in 2019 ( and a national promotional campaign, Generation Apprenticeship, was created to promote apprenticeship participation and opportunities at local, regional and national levels. The Committee notes that the number of employers engaging with the apprenticeship system increased from 3,558 in 2015 to over 6,000 in 2019 and that annual new apprentice registrations grew from 3,153 to 6,177 between 2015 and 2019. The Government indicates that the COVID-19 has impacted recruitment into apprenticeship programmes, with recruitment being reduced by 60 per cent as of mid-2020. A time-limited Apprenticeship Incentivisation Scheme for employers of apprentices has been introduced whereby a €3,000 grant is paid over a two-year period for each new apprentice who is registered between 1 March and 31 December 2020 and retained into the third quarter of 2021. With regard to the National Skills Strategy 2025, the Government indicates that the level of adult participation in lifelong learning in Ireland increased from 6.9 per cent in 2016 to 12.6 per cent in 2019. A National Skills Council as well as an Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) have been established to advise the Government on future skills requirements and associated labour market issues that may impact the national potential for employment growth. The Government adds that nine Regional Skills Fora have been established to engage employers, enterprises and education and training providers at the regional level to tailor responses to skills needs. These Fora engaged with over 1,498 enterprises in 2019, 75 per cent of which were small, medium and micro-enterprises. The Committee notes the implementation of the Further Education and Training Strategy 2014–2019 (FET), which resulted in significant progress in education and which is periodically assessed and reviewed. The Government indicates that as a part of Budget 2018, the rate of the National Training Fund (NTF) levy has been increased (by 0.1 per cent in 2018 to 0.8 per cent and by a further 0.1 per cent in both 2019 and 2020) and a reform package, developed in consultation with employers, has been attached to the fund to make it more responsive to employers’ needs. The Government further indicates that as part of the reform package various policies and programmes, such as Skills to Advance, Springboard+ and Skillnet Ireland have been implemented to promote the upskilling and reskilling of the current workforce. The Committee notes that Skills to Advance, which is an employee development policy framework, enables targeted support for groups in vulnerable situations in the Irish workforce, with a particular focus on those with lower skills levels. It also supports small and medium-sized enterprises in developing their workforce. The Committee further notes that the Government has also initiated the Skill to Compete programme in response to the urgent need for activation, upskilling and reskilling of workers who have been displaced from their jobs as a result of COVID-19. It will provide for 19,000 additional full time and part time places, prioritizing placement of persons who have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic. The Government anticipates that a period of at least 18 months will be required to fully address the labour market disruption caused by COVID-19. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information, including statistics disaggregated by age and sex, on the impact of the Action Plan for Education, the National Skills Strategy 2025, the apprenticeship programmes and other relevant measures, in terms of enabling young people, women and persons belonging to disadvantaged groups to secure lasting employment. The Committee further requests the Government to provide information on the impact of upskilling and reskilling initiatives and programmes, such as the Skill to Compete and Springboard+ 2020 programmes, on persons who have lost their jobs as a result of COVID-19 and on employment trends.
Article 3. Consultations with the social partners. In its previous comments, the Committee requested further information on the activities of the Labour Employer Economic Forum (LEEF) with respect to the development, implementation and review of coordinated employment policy measures and programmes and their links to other economic and social policies. In its supplementary information, the Government indicates that, in response to COVID-19, the national Return to Work Safely Protocol was introduced in May 2020. It is designed to support employers and workers in putting measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. The initiative was jointly led by the Department of the Prime Minister (the Taoiseach), the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation and the Health and Safety Authority. The Protocol was developed and adopted following discussion in the LEEF, as the forum for high-level dialogue between the Government, trade unions and employer representatives on matters of strategic national importance. The Committee notes that a sub-group of the LEEF has been established to oversee the implementation of the Protocol across Ireland, in parallel with existing occupational health and safety statutory requirements. The Committee requests the Government to continue providing examples of the participation of the social partners in the development, implementation and review of measures adopted to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment, including measures aimed at overcoming the profound impacts of COVID-19 on the labour market.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2017, published 107th ILC session (2018)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment policy measures. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the application of Article 2 of the Convention, including on the manner in which employment policy measures are decided on and kept under review within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that it continues to tackle unemployment through its twin key strategies: the Action Plan for Jobs (APJ) and Pathways to Work. The APJ complements Pathways to Work, which targets the unemployed and young people, to assist them in accessing the labour market. Through these twin strategies, the Government aims to see 2.1 million people in employment by 2018. Following the 2014 Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD) review of the APJ process, a performance assessment framework was introduced to link actions more clearly to the Government’s high level strategic goals. The APJ is published each year and builds on progress made in previous plans. The Committee notes that the main objectives of the current APJ, launched in February 2017, are, by 2020: to increase the number of people at work by 200,000; to add up to 45,000 new jobs; and to reduce the unemployment rate to 6 per cent. Between June 2015 and January 2016, eight Regional APJs were published, which seek to increase employment by a further 10 to 15 per cent in each region by 2020 as well as to ensure that the unemployment rate in these regions is within one per cent of the state average. Key targets of the regional APJs include increasing the number of entrepreneurs/start-ups in each region by at least 25 per cent, improving their five year survival rate and increasing FDI investment into each region by 30–40 per cent. The Government’s second key strategy, Pathways to Work 2016–20, adopted in January 2016, sets out actions to support access to the labour market for long-term unemployed and young unemployed people. The Government adds that the strategy seeks to reverse the dramatic rise in the numbers of unemployed jobseekers on the Live Register. Pathways to Work 2012–15 has played a key role in increasing the number of people in work, which will shortly exceed two million, and that the number of unemployed during 2012–15 fell by about 38 per cent, with the overall rate of unemployment having fallen to 8.8 per cent in this period. Moreover, according to the APJ 2017 report, the number of young unemployed declined from 61,700 in December 2012 to 29,400 in December 2016. Recognizing that experience from other recoveries has shown that job creation alone is not sufficient to generate full employment, Pathways to Work 2016–20, developed through extensive consultation with stakeholders and front-line workers engaged in delivering employment services, reflects a shift from “activation in a time of recession” to “activation in a time of recovery and growth”. The Committee refers to its comments under the Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88), in which it noted that based on six strands of action, the strategy focuses on enhancing employment, education and training services for jobseekers; reforms aimed at making work pay; and increasing engagement with employers to provide employment opportunities. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the impact of the employment measures taken under the twin key strategies: Action Plan for Jobs and Pathways to Work 2016–20. It also requests the Government to continue to provide information on the procedures for deciding on and reviewing employment measures implemented within the framework of an overall economic and social policy.
Education and training policies and programmes. The Committee notes the Government’s indication concerning the adoption of the first Action Plan for Education 2016–19 in September 2016, which aims to make the Irish education and training service the best in Europe by 2026. It envisages the consultation with stakeholders in the monitoring and designing of each annual programme. The Committee notes that in the context of significant reform in the education and training sector, the Government launched the National Skills Strategy 2025, which seeks to support the development of a well-educated, well-skilled and adaptable labour force, and the Further Education and Training Strategy 2014–19, which facilitates lifelong learning, social inclusion and access to education and training opportunities. These strategies include among its key priorities addressing the challenge of unemployment and providing targeted skills programmes that support job seekers to reskill and upskill, particularly in areas where sustainable employment opportunities are emerging. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the Action Plan for Education, the National Skills Strategy 2025, and the Further Education and Training Strategy 2014–19. It also requests the Government to indicate the manner in which the social partners and other stakeholders concerned are consulted with respect to the development of education and training programmes that meet the needs of the labour market.
Article 3. Consultations with the social partners. The Government indicates that the development, implementation and review of the APJ and the Pathways to Work strategies are based on extensive consultation with interested parties, including the workers’ and employers’ organizations Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) and the Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation (IBEC), respectively, as well as those unemployed. The Committee notes with interest the establishment of the Labour Employer Economic Forum (LEEF), as a new formal structure for dialogue between social partners to discuss economic and social policies that affect employment and the workplace. The Committee requests the Government to provide further information on the activities of the LEEF with respect to the development, implementation and review of coordinated employment policy measures and programmes and their links to other economic and social policies.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
Employment policy measures implemented under the adjustment measures. Participation of the social partners. The Government indicates that the unemployment rate was 14 per cent in March 2013 and, while it has fallen from 15 per cent in February 2012 after several years of increases, the rate still remains unacceptably high. It adds that it is of additional concern that long-term unemployment accounted for 60 per cent of total unemployment in the fourth quarter of 2012, and for 46 per cent of the unemployed under the age of 25. The Committee notes that the Government is tackling unemployment and the stabilization of the employment rate through the twin strategies of the Action Plan for Jobs and Pathways to Work. The former is a multi-annual process aiming to have 100,000 more people in work by 2016 and 2 million people in work by 2020 through the introduction of additional employment supporting measures. It includes landmark projects which have been selected because of their potentially significant impact on job creation. The latter, which was launched in February 2012, introduced a new integrated employment and support service involving the transformation of local social welfare offices into a “one-stop-shop” (called INTREO) allowing jobseekers to access their entitlements and get help with planning their return to work. The Government indicates that in 2013 a renewed focus will be given to targeting activation places to the long-term unemployed. It further indicates, in reply to the Committee’s previous observation, that the abovementioned twin strategies provide a wide range of specific measures which are complementary to ongoing efforts to address labour market bottlenecks. Moreover, the Committee notes that the social partners were invited to contribute to the preparation of an update on progress of the employment target, which was prepared for the European Commission. The Government also indicates that extensive consultations were held with employers during the preparation of the Action Plan for Jobs and that six industry partners were nominated to partner with government to implement reforms contained in the 2013 Action Plan for Jobs. Noting the high level of long-term unemployment, the Committee invites the Government to indicate the manner in which Article 2 of the Convention is applied, by providing information on the manner in which employment policy measures are decided on and kept under review within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy. It also invites the Government to provide updated information on the impact of its active labour market measures adopted in order to address long-term unemployment and youth unemployment. Please also continue to provide information on the consultations held with the social partners concerning employment policy measures (Article 3).
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

Employment policy measures implemented under the adjustment measures. Participation of the social partners. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in August 2013 which includes detailed information in reply to the 2012 observation and an update of Ireland’s National Reform Programme (NRP). The Government indicates that the unemployment rate was 14 per cent in March 2013 and, while it has fallen from 15 per cent in February 2012 after several years of increases, the rate still remains unacceptably high. It adds that it is of additional concern that long-term unemployment accounted for 60 per cent of total unemployment in the fourth quarter of 2012, and for 46 per cent of the unemployed under the age of 25. The Committee notes that the Government is tackling unemployment and the stabilization of the employment rate through the twin strategies of the Action Plan for Jobs and Pathways to Work. The former is a multi-annual process aiming to have 100,000 more people in work by 2016 and 2 million people in work by 2020 through the introduction of additional employment supporting measures. It includes landmark projects which have been selected because of their potentially significant impact on job creation. The latter, which was launched in February 2012, introduced a new integrated employment and support service involving the transformation of local social welfare offices into a “one-stop-shop” (called INTREO) allowing jobseekers to access their entitlements and get help with planning their return to work. The Government indicates that in 2013 a renewed focus will be given to targeting activation places to the long-term unemployed. It further indicates, in reply to the Committee’s previous observation, that the abovementioned twin strategies provide a wide range of specific measures which are complementary to ongoing efforts to address labour market bottlenecks. Moreover, the Committee notes that the social partners were invited to contribute to the preparation of an update on progress of the employment target, which was prepared for the European Commission. The Government also indicates that extensive consultations were held with employers during the preparation of the Action Plan for Jobs and that six industry partners were nominated to partner with government to implement reforms contained in the 2013 Action Plan for Jobs. Noting the high level of long-term unemployment, the Committee invites the Government to indicate in its next report the manner in which Article 2 of the Convention is applied, by providing information on the manner in which employment policy measures are decided on and kept under review within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy. It also invites the Government to provide updated information on the impact of its active labour market measures adopted in order to address long-term unemployment and youth unemployment. Please also continue to provide information on the consultations held with the social partners concerning employment policy measures (Article 3).

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2012, published 102nd ILC session (2013)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment policy measures implemented under the adjustment measures. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its report received in August 2012 and the information provided by the Department of Education and Skills. The Committee notes that the previous report was received in 2005, and since then the country has been hard hit by the economic and financial crisis and has experienced a sharp rise in unemployment. It notes that the Irish Government has received financial support from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in order to address the banking crisis. The Government indicates in its report that around 325,000 jobs have been lost since employment peaked at 2.14 million in the final quarter of 2007, a fall of 15 per cent (real GDP, by comparison, declined by 12.5 per cent from its peak). While both male and female employment has declined, the impact on the former (-20.4 per cent) has been more significant than the latter (-8.4 per cent) given their dominance in the construction sector. The impact on young persons (aged 15–24) has also been substantial, accounting for more than half of the total employment decline. The Committee notes the training and education measures introduced by the Government and notes that in 2011, there were approximately 276,000 training and further education places available for the unemployed to access. It also notes the Eurostat statistical data indicating that unemployment reached 15 per cent in Ireland in August 2012. The Government indicates in its report that it believes that the bottlenecks in the Irish labour market include weak labour market demand, particularly in domestic services; long-term and structural elements of unemployment, with long-term unemployment accounting for 51.5 per cent of total unemployment; access to opportunities for up-skilling and re-skilling; the challenge of targeting cost-effective activation programmes to those most at risk of losing contact with the labour market and drifting into long-term unemployment; developing a more effective and streamlined response to the needs of the unemployed and removing disincentives to participation in training, education and employment opportunities. While many labour market bottlenecks need to be addressed, the Government’s key focus remains on employment creation through export growth and improved competitiveness. The Committee notes that initiatives outlined in the National Recovery Plan 2011–14 in relation to activation policies include a rationalization of the National Employment Action Plan towards greater capacity and efficiency; more frequent and intense intervention with priority cohorts; the development of a Profiling and Case Management system in 2011; sanctions in the cases of unemployed persons on the Live Register unreasonably refusing to cooperate with the plan and/or with appropriate training, education and employment interventions; changes to the provision for One Parent Families to alter the passive nature of income maintenance that prevails currently. The Government indicates that it is committed to creating an environment that will create new jobs as well as support existing ones. To further this aim, a Ministerial portfolio has been created with a focus on jobs. In addition, the Government announced its intention to bring forward a Jobs Initiative and committed the Government to adhere to the structural reforms required to accelerate growth, job creation and debt sustainability broadly in line with the provisions of the EU/IMF/ECB programme of financial support for Ireland. In this regard, the Government is committed to reversing the recent cut in the national minimum wage, while offsetting any effect on business costs through a reduction in the amount of pay-related social insurance that employers must pay. Taking into account that the next report is due in 2013, the Committee invites the Government to further specify how, pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention, it keeps under review the measures and policies adopted according to the results achieved in pursuit of the objectives of full, productive and freely chosen employment, specified in Article 1. It recalls that, in the terms of that Article, an active employment policy should be pursued “as a major goal”. It also invites the Government to include in its next report information on the impact of its active labour market measures adopted in order to address labour market bottlenecks and overcome the negative effects of the adjustment measures.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee notes that there is no information in the Government’s report concerning the participation of the social partners in the formulation and implementation of employment policies. The Committee recalls that in its concluding remarks of the 2010 General Survey concerning employment instruments, it emphasized that social dialogue is essential in normal times and becomes even more so in times of crisis (General Survey, 2010, paragraph 794). It therefore again asks the Government to provide information on consultations held with the social partners, both at the formulation and implementation stages of employment policies.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

The Committee notes with serious concern that the Government’s report has not been received since 2005. The Committee trusts that the Government will be able to provide a detailed report on the application of the Convention, including information on the following matters:
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment trends and labour market policies. Following the deterioration that took place in the employment situation since 2008, the Committee asks the Government to provide an assessment of the impact of its active labour market measures adopted in order to overcome the negative effects of the global economic crisis on the labour market. It also invites the Government to include information on how the measures to promote full and productive employment are decided on within a “framework of a coordinated economic and social policy”.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the consultations held with the social partners, both at the formulation and implementation stages of employment policies.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2010, published 100th ILC session (2011)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received since 2005. The Committee trusts that the Government will be able to provide a detailed report on the application of the Convention, including information on the following matters.

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment trends and labour market policies. The Committee invites the Government to provide an assessment of the impact of its active labour market measures. It would also appreciate receiving information on how the measures taken to promote full and productive employment operate within a “framework of a coordinated economic and social policy”.

Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the consultations held with representatives of the persons affected, both at the stage of the formulation of employment policies and in relation to the implementation of the measures adopted under such policies.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received since 2005. The Committee trusts that the Government will be able to provide a detailed report on the application of the Convention, including information on the following matters.

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment trends and labour market policies. The Committee invites the Government to provide an assessment of the impact of its active labour market measures. It would also appreciate receiving information on how the measures taken to promote full and productive employment operate within a “framework of a coordinated economic and social policy”, including information on the achievements of the National Action Employment Programme, in terms of employment generation.

Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the consultations held with representatives of the persons affected, both at the stage of the formulation of employment policies and in relation to the implementation of the measures adopted under such policies.

[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2010.]

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2008, published 98th ILC session (2009)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It refers to its 2005 direct request, and requests the Government to submit a report, for examination by the Committee at its next session, containing information on the following matters.

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment trends and labour market policies. The Committee invites the Government to provide an assessment of the impact of its active labour market measures. It would also appreciate receiving information on how the measures taken to promote full and productive employment operate within a “framework of a coordinated economic and social policy”, including information on the achievements of the National Action Employment Programme, in terms of employment generation.

Please also provide information on the impact of the legislation adopted in 2005 on the issuance of work permits and on the integration of migrant workers in the Irish labour market.

Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the consultations held with representatives of the persons affected, both at the stage of the formulation of employment policies and in relation to the implementation of the measures adopted under such policies.

[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2009.]

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its 2005 direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee takes note of the detailed information contained in the Government’s report for the period ending in May 2005.

1. Employment trends and labour market policies. The Government indicates that the country benefited from the good performance of the international economy in 2004 and that the number of people employed grew by 3 per cent, compared to 1.9 per cent in 2003. The unemployment rate fell to 4.4 per cent in 2004 from 4.6 per cent in 2003. Employment growth is expected to remain strong, forecast at 2.9 per cent, while unemployment, forecast at 4.2 per cent, is expected to remain low. The Government states that, in its second Implementation Report on the 2003‑05 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, the European Commission noted that Ireland’s ability to sustain relatively high growth rates and a low unemployment rate constituted evidence of the inherent flexibility of its economy.

2. As regards long-term unemployment, the Government recalls that it has been falling sharply and steadily for over a decade. Between 1993 and 2000, long-term unemployment fell by 84 per cent. In fact, the long-term unemployment rate dropped from 9 per cent in 1993 to 1.4 per cent in 2004. The Government explains that its current policy focus is now being put on increasing the skill levels of low-skilled employees and in-company training. Investment in training by employers and the development of programmes to facilitate both the unemployed and employees adapt their skills through further training and reskilling is critical to future employment growth. The Government also refers to various programmes such as the Task Force on Lifelong Learning, the Back to Work Allowance Scheme and the Back to Education Allowance Scheme. The Committee takes due note of this information and looks forward to receive from the Government in its next report an assessment of the impact of its active labour market measures. It would also appreciate receiving further information on how the measures taken to promote full and productive employment operate within a “framework of a coordinated economic and social policy”. Please also include in the Government’s next report information on the achievements in terms of employment generation of the National Action Employment Programme (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention).

3. The Government indicates that immigration of skilled labour from non-European Economic Area (EEA) countries has continued to grow substantially in recent years, as shown by the increase of work permits issued. In the light of the EU enlargement and the consequent increase in unemployment at EU level, changes have been made in the Work Permit Scheme which seek to ensure that persons in the domestic and EEA labour markets are given first opportunity to avail job vacancies. To this effect, the Government decided to allow full freedom of movement to nationals from the ten new Member States of the EU from 1 May 2004, and consequently to restrict non-EEA migration to highly-skilled/highly-paid employments. New legislation was published on 29 June 2005, which should be enacted at the end of 2005, and which will govern Ireland’s economic migration policy and systems. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of this new legislation on the issuance of work permits and on the integration of migrant workers in the Irish labour market.

4. Participation of the social partners. The Committee asks the Government to keep providing information on the consultations held with representatives of the persons affected, both at the stage of formulating employment policies and in relation to the implementation of the measures adopted under such policies, as required by Article 3 of the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2005, published 95th ILC session (2006)

The Committee takes note of the detailed information contained in the Government’s report for the period ending in May 2005.

1. Employment trends and labour market policies. The Government indicates that the country benefited from the good performance of the international economy in 2004 and that the number of people employed grew by 3 per cent, compared to 1.9 per cent in 2003. The unemployment rate fell to 4.4 per cent in 2004 from 4.6 per cent in 2003. Employment growth is expected to remain strong, forecast at 2.9 per cent, while unemployment, forecast at 4.2 per cent, is expected to remain low. The Government states that, in its second Implementation Report on the 2003-05 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, the European Commission noted that Ireland’s ability to sustain relatively high growth rates and a low unemployment rate constituted evidence of the inherent flexibility of its economy.

2. As regards long-term unemployment, the Government recalls that it has been falling sharply and steadily for over a decade. Between 1993 and 2000, long-term unemployment fell by 84 per cent. In fact, the long-term unemployment rate dropped from 9 per cent in 1993 to 1.4 per cent in 2004. The Government explains that its current policy focus is now being put on increasing the skill levels of low-skilled employees and in-company training. Investment in training by employers and the development of programmes to facilitate both the unemployed and employees adapt their skills through further training and reskilling is critical to future employment growth. The Government also refers to various programmes such as the Task Force on Lifelong Learning, the Back to Work Allowance Scheme and the Back to Education Allowance Scheme. The Committee takes due note of this information and looks forward to receive from the Government in its next report an assessment of the impact of its active labour market measures. It would also appreciate receiving further information on how the measures taken to promote full and productive employment operate within a "framework of a coordinated economic and social policy". Please also include in the Government’s next report information on the achievements in terms of employment generation of the National Action Employment Programme (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention).

3. The Government indicates that immigration of skilled labour from non-European Economic Area (EEA) countries has continued to grow substantially in recent years, as shown by the increase of work permits issued. In the light of the EU enlargement and the consequent increase in unemployment at EU level, changes have been made in the Work Permit Scheme which seek to ensure that persons in the domestic and EEA labour markets are given first opportunity to avail job vacancies. To this effect, the Government decided to allow full freedom of movement to nationals from the ten new Member States of the EU from 1 May 2004, and consequently to restrict non-EEA migration to highly-skilled/highly-paid employments. New legislation was published on 29 June 2005, which should be enacted at the end of 2005, and which will govern Ireland’s economic migration policy and systems. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of this new legislation on the issuance of work permits and on the integration of migrant workers in the Irish labour market.

4. Participation of the social partners. The Committee asks the Government to keep providing information on the consultations held with representatives of the persons affected, both at the stage of formulating employment policies and in relation to the implementation of the measures adopted under such policies, as required by Article 3 of the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2003, published 92nd ILC session (2004)

The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s detailed reports for the period ending May 2003 and the useful documentation attached.

1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes with interest that the objectives the Government set in its Employment Action Plan for 1998 in regard to long-term unemployment have been successfully attained. Between 1993 and 2000 long-term unemployment as a percentage of total unemployment went from 9 per cent to 1.2 per cent, representing a total decrease of 84 per cent. The Government states that the dramatic reduction in long-term unemployment in a relatively short period of time is a remarkable achievement and a significant contribution towards reintegrating a disadvantaged group of workers into the labour market. More recent labour force survey data show that during the period in question labour force growth has continued to exceed employment expansion, with the result that unemployment has also continued to increase. In the first quarter of 2003, the unemployment rate stood at 4.6 per cent as compared to 3.7 per cent for the first quarter of 2001. In terms of employment growth, the public sector has exhibited the most significant increase in job growth while employment in agriculture has continued to decrease.

2. The Government explains that with the aim of reducing consistent poverty it has adopted a national anti-poverty strategy that serves as a coherent framework for actions to tackle exclusion and disadvantage in society. The national anti-poverty strategy is reviewed in consultation with the social partners with discussions focusing on six main themes: educational disadvantage; employment; rural poverty; urban disadvantage; housing/accommodation; and health. The Government also states that it has concluded an agreement with the social partners, Sustaining Progress - Social Partnership Agreement 2003-05, in which it sets out several main objectives, including to maintain Ireland’s international competitiveness through policies that encourage enterprise and investment, to ensure that those in work have a fair share in the increased national prosperity, to substantially increase resources allocated to social inclusion, and to enable Ireland to become a learning, knowledge-based society, with the capacity to embrace with confidence the opportunities offered by technological change. The Committee takes note of this information with interest and hopes the Government will continue to provide information on the agreements and partnerships established with social partners and the impact they may have on attaining the objectives of this Convention. Please also continue to provide more general information on how employers’ and workers’ representatives are consulted, as required by Article 3 of the Convention.

3. The Government states that it has implemented a range of policy and legislative instruments to meet the goal of increasing the female labour force participation rate. Recent legislative developments such as increased maternity leave and the introduction of the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001 and the Part-time Workers Act, 2001, are meant to facilitate women’s retention of and advancement in employment. Additionally, in terms of childcare investment, the Government has allocated €437 million under the National Development Plan 2000-06 which has already supported an additional 12,200 childcare places. The Committee notes that the relatively strong growth of female employment in recent years has been an important feature in maintaining labour supply in a rapid growth context. Between 1998 and 2003 female employment increased by 26 per cent, while male employment grew by 15 per cent.

4. The Government indicates that immigration from non-European Economic Area countries has grown substantially in recent years. Work permits issued have increased from 6,000 in 1999 to 36,000 in 2001. Due to the increase in unemployment, it has introduced changes in the work-permit scheme to ensure that persons in the domestic and European Economic Area labour markets are given first opportunity to avail themselves of job vacancies (see observation under the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111)). Between 1998 and 2002 the proportion of non-nationals in the Irish labour force increased from 3.3 to 5.4 per cent. The total amount of non-European Economic Area nationals has increased most rapidly in recent years, going from 10,000 in 1998 to over 40,000 in 2002. According to the Government, new legislation to regulate immigration and work permits is currently being drafted and is to be introduced in the Irish Parliament in the autumn 2003 session. The Committee requests that the Government continue to provide information on the impact of the new legislation adopted on the integration of migrant workers in the Irish labour market.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2001, published 90th ILC session (2002)

1. The Committee notes that the Government’s report due in 2000 has not been received. It trusts that the Government will provide full information in the report due in 2002 on the issues raised in its 1999 observation.

2. The Committee notes the observations of the Scheme Workers’ Alliance, supported by the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers’ Union, received in September 1999, as well as the reply of the Government. The Scheme Workers’ Alliance has alleged that the employment Action Plan violates the requirement of freedom of choice in employment established in Article 1 of the Convention by requiring people in receipt of unemployment benefits for more than 12 months to either accept work or participate in a training programme. The Committee recalls that requiring persons in receipt of unemployment benefit for more than six months to accept either training or a job offer, as a means of facilitating re-entry of the long-term unemployed into the labour market, is not inconsistent with the objective of promoting full, productive and freely chosen employment.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2000, published 89th ILC session (2001)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous comment which read as follows:

1.  The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s report for the period ending September 1998. As of April 1999, the unemployment rate was 6.8 per cent, according to Eurostat. The Government states that the long-term unemployment rate was down to 5.6 per cent as of 1997, and that employment has grown by 7.5 per cent since 1995 and 84 per cent of new jobs are full time. The Government states that its main economic policy objectives are to secure and strengthen the capacity for sustainable employment, economic growth and social inclusion. To this end, a tripartite committee has secured agreement on public finances, a firmly fixed exchange rate, a coordinated wage strategy, and a commitment to economic and social solidarity.

2.  The Committee notes with interest the Government’s substantial progress in bringing down youth unemployment, from a peak of 27 per cent in 1993 to about 9 per cent as of April 1999, according to Eurostat. The Government states in its report that all persons 25 years of age and under in receipt of unemployment benefits for more than 12 months "are placed in job training or other constructive programmes" as provided for under the Employment Action Plan of April 1998. The Committee would appreciate receiving specific examples of such programmes and any evaluations which have taken place, as well as being kept informed of further changes in the youth unemployment rate.

3.  In addition to tackling youth unemployment, the Employment Action Plan aims to reduce the percentage of long-term unemployed more generally. In its report the Government acknowledges that long-term unemployment remains too high, and indicates its aim of creating employment opportunities for those seeking work. The Committee notes this information and requests further details on the success of the Employment Action Plan in reducing long-term unemployment, particularly for male workers over the age of 45 and workers with relatively low skill levels.

4.  Lastly, the Committee notes the information contained in the report on the independent evaluation of the human resource development programme undertaken by the Government. The Committee would appreciate being kept informed of any follow-up action taken in light of the report’s recommendations, particularly as it affects prospective employment opportunities, as requested in paragraph 3 of the report form under Article 1 of the Convention.

5.  The Committee notes the observations of the Scheme Workers’ Alliance, supported by the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers’ Union, alleging violation of Article 1 of the Convention relating to freedom of choice in employment. It has received the Government’s reply too late to deal with at the present session and therefore defers comment on the issue raised until its next session.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1999, published 88th ILC session (2000)

1. The Committee notes the information contained in the Government's report for the period ending September 1998. As of April 1999, the unemployment rate was 6.8 per cent, according to Eurostat. The Government states that the long-term unemployment rate was down to 5.6 per cent as of 1997, and that employment has grown by 7.5 per cent since 1995 and 84 per cent of new jobs are full time. The Government states that its main economic policy objectives are to secure and strengthen the capacity for sustainable employment, economic growth and social inclusion. To this end, a tripartite committee has secured agreement on public finances, a firmly fixed exchange rate, a coordinated wage strategy, and a commitment to economic and social solidarity.

2. The Committee notes with interest the Government's substantial progress in bringing down youth unemployment, from a peak of 27 per cent in 1993 to about 9 per cent as of April 1999, according to Eurostat. The Government states in its report that all persons 25 years of age and under in receipt of unemployment benefits for more than 12 months "are placed in job training or other constructive programmes" as provided for under the Employment Action Plan of April 1998. The Committee would appreciate receiving specific examples of such programmes and any evaluations which have taken place, as well as being kept informed of further changes in the youth unemployment rate.

3. In addition to tackling youth unemployment, the Employment Action Plan aims to reduce the percentage of long-term unemployed more generally. In its report the Government acknowledges that long-term unemployment remains too high, and indicates its aim of creating employment opportunities for those seeking work. The Committee notes this information and requests further details on the success of the Employment Action Plan in reducing long-term unemployment, particularly for male workers over the age of 45 and workers with relatively low skill levels.

4. Lastly, the Committee notes the information contained in the report on the independent evaluation of the human resource development programme undertaken by the Government. The Committee would appreciate being kept informed of any follow-up action taken in light of the report's recommendations, particularly as it affects prospective employment opportunities, as requested in paragraph 3 of the report form under Article 1 of the Convention.

5. The Committee notes the observations of the Scheme Workers' Alliance, supported by the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers' Union, alleging violation of Article 1 of the Convention relating to freedom of choice in employment. It has received the Government's reply too late to deal with at the present session and therefore defers comment on the issue raised until its next session.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1997, published 86th ILC session (1998)

1. The Committee took note of the Government's report for the period ending June 1996. It notes that, according to the most recent OECD data, the upward trend in the employment situation already visible at the end of the previous period has been clearly confirmed. With the marked expansion of economic activity, total employment growth reached 3.5 per cent in 1994, 4.4 per cent in 1995 and 4 per cent in 1996. Despite the continued growth of the active population, the unemployment rate was brought down to 11.3 per cent in 1996 as compared to 14.2 per cent in 1994. The Government nevertheless considers that the unemployment rate is still unacceptably high and that in particular there is a high incidence of long-term unemployment which accounts for about 60 per cent of total unemployment and affects more particularly low-skilled workers and workers over the age of 45.

2. The Government states that its policy to achieve full employment in the future is still based on the Programme for Competitiveness and Work and the National Development Plan 1994-99, both agreed with the social partners. The Committee notes however that, for the most part, the information in the report covers only active labour market, social protection and training measures. It would be grateful if the Government would also supply information, as it has done in the past, on the components of general economic policy which most affect employment. In this connection, the Committee notes that the significant decline in unemployment was achieved while inflation and budget deficit were kept under control. It asks the Government to describe in its next report how measures taken in areas such as monetary, budget, exchange rate and incomes policies contribute to the pursuit of the employment objectives of the Convention.

3. The Committee notes the description of the active labour market policy measures which aim in particular to make work more attractive through income tax and social insurance adjustments, and to promote the reintegration of the long-term unemployed through public employment programmes, the Back-to-Work Allowance Scheme and the Employers' Social Insurance Exemption Scheme. The Committee refers to its previous request and asks the Government in its next report to provide any available evaluations of the effectiveness of each of the numerous programmes pursued in terms of the effective and lasting integration in employment of the beneficiaries. More generally, it hopes that the measures taken as part of general economic policy and labour market policy will contribute to further confirming the trend towards lower unemployment.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 83rd ILC session (1996)

1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending June 1994 and the useful documentation attached. It notes that, as a result of an economic growth rate that is without equal among the other European countries that are parties to the Convention, employment continued to grow over the reference period, to start with at a modest rate (0.5 per cent and 0.6 per cent in 1992 and 1993), then at a more sustained rate (2.6 per cent in 1994 and again 2.4 per cent in 1995, according to OECD estimates). Despite the simultaneous rise in the active population, unemployment fell as of 1993, with the OECD standardized unemployment rate falling to 14.8 per cent in 1994, from over 16 per cent in 1992. However, the Government states that the rapid growth of production has been accompanied by very high productivity increases which have tended to diminish its favourable impact on employment. The Committee notes that despite the trend for the unemployment rate to decline, which has continued in 1995, it remains at a very high level. Furthermore, although labour market policy programmes have contributed to a significant decline in the unemployment rate for young persons, the proportion of long-term unemployment has continued to rise and now represents around half of total unemployment.

2. The Committee notes that, in its programme for 1993-1997, the Government has set itself the priority objective of "putting the country back to work" by reinforcing incentives to work in the framework of a mixed economy which, with a dynamic role for both the private and public sectors, is the most effective means of promoting employment and raising living standards. This programme emphasizes that support for employment growth is dependent on maintaining control over public finances, since meeting the requirements of the 1992 Treaty on the European Union as regards the budget deficit is the overriding requirement. The Government also states that its active intervention is required to promote job opportunities, particularly in combating long-term unemployment, which has to be the priority of all the social partners. The Committee notes with interest in this respect that the organizations of employers and workers concluded with the Government a new Programme for Competitiveness and Work (1994-1996), which establishes strategies for incomes policy and budgetary and social policies according to their expected impact on employment and unemployment. It notes that the National Development Plan, 1994-1999, which was formulated in consultation with the organizations of employers and workers, establishes the principal objectives of government action to promote employment in the context of an integrated strategy for industrial development and the reinforcement of training. The Government also transmits the first report on the reform of the support enterprise system based on the recommendations of the Industrial Policy Review Group (Culliton report).

3. With reference to its previous observation, the Committee notes the reforms which have been undertaken to reinforce the training system, particularly by placing emphasis on the development of further training activities for workers in employment. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would also supply information in its next report on the training measures and the other active labour market policy measures implemented by the Government with a view to promoting the reintegration of unemployed persons. It also requests the Government to continue supplying information on any new measure that is taken or envisaged with a view to improving the coordination of education and training polices with employment prospects. In this respect, it draws attention to the complementarity of the provisions of Convention No. 122 with the Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 (No. 142).

4. In conclusion, it would appear that, despite the performance of the economy and the social consensus on the strategies and policies to be adopted for growth and on incomes and employment, it is nevertheless the case that the level of unemployment, and particularly of long-term unemployment, remains exceptionally high in comparison with other European countries. The Committee notes the affirmed will to increase the intensity of employment growth, and notes that the Economic and Social Research Institute has recently re-examined the question of "jobless growth", which it noted in its previous observation. The Committee invites the Government to pursue its efforts to analyse and overcome the difficulties encountered in achieving the objectives of full, productive and freely chosen employment, as set out in the Convention. The Committee hopes that future reports will contain information demonstrating the effectiveness of the policies and programmes pursued in this respect and will confirm the tendency which has been noted for an improvement in the employment situation.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1994, published 81st ILC session (1994)

1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending June 1992 and the useful documents attached to the report. It also refers to OECD studies and notes that total employment stopped increasing during the above period. The growth in the active population and the reversal of migratory flows have resulted in a substantial increase in the unemployment rate since 1990. The OECD's standardized unemployment rate, which is determined on the basis of a survey of the active population, was 13.7 per cent in 1990 and rose to 15.6 per cent in 1991 and nearly 17 per cent in 1992. Registered unemployment, determined on the basis of the statistics of the employment services, transmitted by the Government, rose from 16.5 per cent in 1990 to more than 21 per cent at the end of the period. Furthermore, there is a high rate of long-term unemployment (60.7 per cent of total unemployment in 1990), which particularly affects young persons. Both on the grounds of the level of unemployment and its structural characteristics, the employment situation remains a matter of great concern. It is also striking to note that this situation has developed in a context of relatively high economic growth (around double the average for OECD countries). The Committee would be grateful if the Government would make an analysis of this phenemonon of growth without employment and would describe the relationship between employment objectives and other economic and social objectives (Article 1 of the Convention). See point 4 below.

2. The Government states in its report that its employment policy is intended to ensure the economic stability which is needed for the growth of production and employment, particularly by seeking a consensus on income developments and undertaking structural reform with a view to improving competitiveness. It considers that the success of this approach has been seen in the slow but sustained growth in industry and services and the favourable export performance, even during a period of world recession. The Government states in this respect that the objective of creating 20,000 additional jobs per year set out in the Programme for National Recovery, 1987-90, was fully attained and was included once again in the new Programme for Economic and Social Progress (PESP), for the period 1991-93. The Committee notes with interest that this Programme, which was agreed upon by the Government and the social partners in January 1991, sets as its major objectives economic growth and raising the standard of living, a substantial growth of employment and combating long-term unemployment. It notes that unemployment is identified as the principal problem in the country by all of those responsible for economic policy and that a tripartite committee has been set up to monitor the implementation of the Programme for Economic and Social Progress. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would continue to supply information on the achievement of the employment objectives of the above Programme, with an indication of the particular difficulties which have been encountered in attaining them and the extent to which they have been overcome.

3. The Government emphasizes that vocational training is an integral component of its employment policy and supplies information on the implementation and results of special employment and training programmes, particularly in favour of young persons, women and the long-term unemployed. The Committee notes in this respect that the Report of the Industrial Policy Review Group (the Culliton Report) concluded that the system of training for work and at work is inadequate for the needs of the economy and made recommendations relating in particular to the organization of the Training and Employment Authority (FAS) and the allocation of its resources. The Committee requests the Government to state in its next report the measures which have been taken or are envisaged following these recommendations with a view to ensuring greater coordination of education and training policies with prospective employment opportunities.

4. Finally, the Committee notes that a Joint Parliamentary Committee on Employment was recently established to examine all aspects of economic and social policy which have a bearing on employment creation and the alleviation of unemployment, including the effects on employment of the tax system, industrial incentives and the social protection system. It would be grateful if the Government would supply information on the recommendations made by this Committee and the effect given to them.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1992, published 79th ILC session (1992)

1. The Committee notes the Government's two successive reports for the periods 1 July 1988 to 30 June 1989 and 1 July 1989 to 30 June 1990. According to the information supplied by the Government and contained in OECD reports and surveys, the dynamic economic activity during the period under consideration (GDP growth rates of 5 and 6.6 per cent respectively for 1989 and 1990) has been accompanied by rapid employment growth (3.3 per cent in 1990), and a substantial decrease in the unemployment rate, which fell from 16.7 per cent in 1988 to 15.6 per cent in 1989 and 13.7 per cent in 1990, according to the OECD standardised rates. The young persons share of unemployment has decreased slightly, although the proportion of the long-term unemployed among total unemployed persons remains stable at around 45 per cent. However, the deterioration of the employment situation since the end of the period covered by the report has threatened the achievements of two years of sustained growth: the unemployment rate in 1991 rose steeply to a level of 15.8 per cent, which was slightly higher than the rate in 1989. With reference to its earlier comments, the Committee notes that the employment situation, which is characterised by one of the highest unemployment rates in Europe, remains a matter of great concern.

2. The Government states that the improvement in the employment situation during the period covered by the report is a result of the measures that it has taken to create an environment which is favourable to the development of the economy, particularly by controlling public finances. It emphasises that the implementation of its policy has been strengthened by the support of the social partners, with whom it concluded in October 1987 a general agreement establishing a three-year Programme for National Recovery. The climate of confidence and stability to which this gave rise permitted an increase in investment, greater competitiveness by enterprises, an improvement in living standards and the creation of more jobs. The Committee notes that the tripartite Central Review Committee set up to review and monitor progress in implementing the Programme for National Recovery indicated in its report of February 1990 that the objective of creating 20,000 jobs per year had been achieved in 1988 and 1989. The Government also describes the industrial policy measures intended to promote the development of a competitive industrial and service sector and thereby contribute to employment growth. It states that this policy is now tending to encourage the research and marketing activities of enterprises.

3. The Committee notes the information concerning labour market policy measures, which refer in particular to the promotion of self-employment and training. It also notes the information supplied by the Government in its reports on the application of Conventions Nos. 88 (employment service), 1948 and 142 (human resources development), 1975, which mention in particular the introduction of programmes to promote the vocational integration of unskilled young workers and the long-term unemployed.

4. The Committee notes the publication in March 1989 of the National Development Plan 1989-93, which provides for a series of structural measures which the Government proposes to implement in conjunction with the European Community Structural Funds, and which sets the objective of creating 100,000 jobs over the period in question. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply a copy of this Plan and if it would indicate in its next report the results achieved in attaining the employment objectives set out in the Plan. The Committee also requests the Government to continue supplying detailed information on the measures taken by the Training and Employment Authority (FAS), and in particular on the scope of the various programmes and their results in terms of the integration of the persons concerned in employment. In view of the persistence of the worrying employment situation, the Committee hopes that the Government will pursue, as a major goal, an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1990, published 77th ILC session (1990)

1. The Committee takes note of the Government's report for the period ending June 1988 and the appended documents.

2. The Committee notes that the primary element in the Government's strategy for job creation is to create an environment conducive to investment and economic growth, generated by fiscal and monetary policies. The Government takes the view that the several key features in the performance of the economy (real GNP rose by 5 per cent in 1987) will aid employment creation and thus lessen the high level of unemployment. The cornerstone of Government employment policy is the Programme for National Recovery, a plan for achieving growth along with the maintenance of social equity, agreed upon, in October 1987, by the Government, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, the Federated Union of Employers, the Confederation of Irish Industry, the Construction Industry Federation, the Irish Farmers Association, the Young Farmers Association and the Irish Co-operative Society. One of the major strategies of the Programme, which is to extend to the end of 1990, is to create viable jobs in the legitimate economy and not in the "black economy" according to the report. In the creation of new employment, it divides the economy into sectors and contains a series of specific measures and job targets, in particular the creation of 20,000 manufacturing jobs per year over the next ten years.

3. The Government report also supplies information on developments concerning its labour market policies. The Committee notes that under the Labour Services Act, 1987, the Training and Employment Authority (FAS) was established in January 1988, and that it now deals with the roles previously performed by the National Training Authority (AnCO), the National Manpower Service and the Youth Employment Agency. The major concerns of the FAS are to provide or encourage training and retraining for employment, to provide assistance in obtaining work experience and to contribute to the process of job creation through employment schemes, public employment, self-employment and to provide job placement and guidance services for the unemployed.

4. The Committee notes, from the Government's report and more recent data (Quarterly Economic Commentary of the Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, August 1984; 1989 OECD Economic Survey) that, after a slight fall in employment in 1987, the current employment picture appears to be a little more favourable. At the end of June 1988, the unemployment rate was 18.1 per cent, compared with a rate of 18.7 per cent in June 1987. Registered youth unemployment fell at a faster rate, but the number of unemployed aged 45 years or over increased, and about 45 per cent of the registered unemployed had been out of work for over one year. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes that the employment situation remains a matter of great concern. The level of unemployment is one of the highest of the European countries (well above the average estimated rate for the region at 10.2 per cent in 1988), despite high and rising net emigration rates and a decline in the labour force participants.

5. In view of the above, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would, in its future reports, provide information on progress made in attaining the employment objectives of the Programme, stating whether special difficulties have been encountered in this connection and indicating how far they have been overcome. Furthermore, it trusts that the Government will also forward copies of the discussion document announced in the Programme, which was to review legislative issues related to employment policies (unfair dismissal, employment equality, payment of wages); and the impact on employment creation of the measures taken by the Training and Employment Authority (FAS). The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to pursue, as a major goal, an active employment policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment in conformity with Article 1 of the Convention. It hopes that the Government will keep the measures taken for obtaining these objectives under close review, as required by Article 2 and that it will ensure, as required by Article 3, the necessary consultations with employers' and workers' organisations concerning the measures taken to implement the Convention.

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