National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its recent report regarding the numerous ordinances and general recommendations issued by the Swedish Work Environment Authority during the reporting period giving further effect to the Convention.
Part V of the report form. Application in practice. The Committee welcomes the statistical information, disaggregated by gender, provided by the Government. The Committee notes the continued trend of a high number of work accidents among women within the food and drinks and tobacco goods industry, paper, pulp mill and wood working industry, and among men in mineral products, steel and metal and wood working industry. The Committee notes with interest that the number of reported accidents between 2005 and 2008 has been reduced by 10 per cent for both women and men, and by 40 per cent or more for publishing firms and the printing, forestry and chemical industries. The Committee requests the Government to provide further information on the application of this Convention in practice including detailed information on measures taken or envisaged to address these trends.
1. The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s report and the attached legislation.
2. Article 6. National legislation. The Committee notes with interest the Government’s continued legislative improvements and notes the amendments to the provisions on use of work equipment (AFS 1998:4), the adoption of provisions on rock work (AFS 2003:2), amendments to provisions on systematic work environment management (AFS 2001:1) and the adoption of provisions on inspection of lifting gear and certain other technical devices (AFS 2003:6). The Committee asks the Government to continue to provide information on legislative measures taken to ensure the application of the Convention.
3. Article 15, paragraph 2, and Part IV of the report form. Labour inspection and general appreciation of the application of the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to provide extracts from labour inspection services reports, statistics on the number of workers covered by the legislation disaggregated by gender, if available, the number and nature of contraventions reported, as well as any other information allowing the Committee to assess more accurately how the Convention is applied in practice in the country.