National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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Previous comment: observation
direct request
Articles 7, 8 and 10 of the Convention. Composition of the inspection staff and recruitment of inspectors. The Committee notes with interest in response to its previous comments that in July and August 2008, nine trainee labour and industrial relations officers were enlisted and that they will benefit from on the job training and, in December 2009, a certificate course in industrial relations. It also notes the information that although funds were available for seven OSH posts in 2007–08, due to the lack of suitable candidates, only one assumed duty in July 2008. Noting the recommended readvertisement by the Public Service Commission of the OSH posts which could not be filled, the Committee asks the Government to indicate the developments occurred as regards recruitment to fill the posts budgeted in 2007–08 and to report any obstacles encountered in the recruitment and training process. Also noting that out of the ten new inspectors eight are men, the Committee encourages the Government to pay more attention to gender balance among labour inspectors by attracting more women and to keep the ILO informed about any development in this regard.
Article 14. Reporting of occupational accidents and cases of occupational disease. The Committee notes that under sections 85 and 86 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005, employers and medical practitioners are required to notify the Director of Occupational Safety and Health of occupational accidents and cases of occupational disease. It notes a considerable decrease in reported industrial injuries between 2007 (2,659 cases) and 2008 (1,694 cases) and the discrepancy with the information as regards industrial accidents (163 between 2008 and 2009) contained in the Government’s website ( The Committee would be grateful if the Government would explain these figures and also provide the ILO with the reasons of the considerable decrease in reported occupational diseases (1,019 cases in 2004 and 544 cases in 2008) published in the abovementioned web site, and with further details on the procedure followed to put into practice the abovementioned law (regulations, instructions, etc.).
Articles 20 and 21. Publication of an annual report. The Committee notes that the Ministry has already set up, with the assistance of the Central Statistics Office (CSO), a Statistical Unit which will allow the compilation of all data necessary for the publication of an annual report by the Ministry. It notes that most of this information is now available on the web site of the Ministry and that the statistics requested under Article 21(b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) of the Convention were also attached to the Government’s report. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would soon be able to ensure that such a report is published, and that it would also contain statistics on cases of occupational disease (point (g)).
Articles 5(a) and 21(e) of the Convention. Effective cooperation between the labour inspection services and the justice system. The Committee notes with interest, with reference to its 2007 general observation, that under section 26 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2005, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, or any officer of the Ministry, may conduct a prosecution under the OSH Act before any court other than the Supreme Court. They are also empowered, by the Industrial Court Act, in respect of legal provisions relating to conditions of work, to institute both legal and criminal proceedings in the Industrial Court for, and in the name of a worker, through its prosecution unit. The Committee notes in particular with interest that the principal occupational safety and health officers are provided with prosecution courses by officers of the State Law Office and act as prosecutors for the Occupational Safety and Health Inspectorate. The Committee also notes with interest that the powers entrusted to labour inspectors to conduct prosecutions before the Industrial Court, as well as before other courts, give them the opportunity to facilitate the proceedings, particularly by suggesting the postponement of a decision on the case until the defect is remedied. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate any further measures taken to encourage cooperation between the labour inspectorate and the justice system, such as the organization of meetings, seminars or training sessions aimed at mutual awareness raising for common objectives, the exchange of information, the execution of decisions, etc., and on the impact of such cooperation on observance of the legal provisions pertaining to conditions of work and the protection of workers while engaged in their work.
1. Article 6 of the Convention. Status and conditions of service of occupational safety and health inspectors. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the manner in which occupational safety and health (OSH) inspectors under contract were ensured stability of employment and were independent of changes of government and of improper external influences. The Government states that recourse was made of such inspectors until the prescription of the Scheme of Service for OSH inspectors. The Committee notes with interest that such a Scheme of Service has been adopted and that there are no more OSH inspectors under contract.
2. Articles 7, 8 and 10. Composition of the inspection staff and recruitment of inspectors. As regards the appointment of inspectors, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that, due to budgetary constraints, a proposition to fill only four vacancies of OSH inspector posts was submitted to the Public Service Commission. In response to the previous comments of the Committee regarding the filling of vacancies in the grade of labour and industrial relations officers (labour inspectors), the Government states that, since no qualified candidates were available on the labour market, the Public Service Commission has been requested to recruit trainee labour and industrial relations officers and that funds for seven such trainee posts will be provided in the 2007–08 budget. It notes in particular that trainees will undergo and complete a period of training of at least two years, which includes both on-the-job training and a course, to be eligible for appointment as labour and industrial relations officers as and when vacancies occur. The Committee notes with interest the measures taken to facilitate the recruitment and upgrade the skills of future inspectors. It requests the Government to indicate if all the posts of OSH and labour inspectors that have been budgeted for 2006–07 and 2007–08 have been or are in the process of being filled, taking into account the need of a gender balance in the inspection staff. The Government is also requested to report any obstacles encountered in the recruitment and training process.
3. Articles 20 and 21. Publication of an annual report. Referring to its previous comments, the Committee notes the detailed statistics attached to the report and the Government’s statement that steps are being taken for the posting of an annual report on the Ministry’s web site. It further notes that statistics on the work of the OSH inspectorate for 2004–06, as well as other data on labour inspections, are already available on this web site. Recalling that one of the purposes of the annual report on the work of the inspectorate is to help determine the resources needed, the Committee trusts that the publication of such a report can be achieved in the very near future, since most of the information to be compiled is already available.
The Committee has noted the Government’s report for the period ending 31 May 2005, the information it contains in response to its previous comments and the documents attached. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide in its next report additional information concerning the following points.
1. Number of inspectors and their status and conditions of service. Referring to its previous comments relating to the level of the salaries of inspectors, the Committee notes the Government’s explanations concerning the role of the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) in the re-examination of pay, grade structure and the conditions of service of public officials. It notes in this regard the conclusions of the PRB concerning differences in wages affecting Occupational Health and Safety Inspectors. The Committee invites the Government to ensure that, within the framework of the procedures it describes, it takes into account the need to guarantee public officials responsible for labour inspection a level of pay and career prospects which will attract and retain quality staff and to ensure that they are independent of any improper influence, in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, when determining their conditions of service. The Committee also notes the information relating to the conditions of service of inspectors under contract. It requests the Government to indicate the manner in which these officials are ensured stability of employment and are independent of changes of government and of improper external influences, as required by the same Article of the Convention. The Committee hopes moreover that the Government will soon be in a position to indicate that the vacant posts, both in the Occupational Safety and Health Inspectorate and the Labour Inspectorate, have been filled.
2. Publication of an annual report. The Committee, which notes the tables of statistics attached to the report, hopes that the Government will soon be in a position to transmit the annual reports which, since 2001, it has repeatedly indicated are being compiled. It recalls the importance that it attaches, for the proper functioning of the labour inspectorate, to the publication and transmission to the ILO by the central inspection authority of an annual inspection report containing all the information required under Article 21 of the Convention within the deadlines prescribed by Article 20. The Committee hopes that the Government’s next report will indicate real progress in this regard.
With reference also to its observation, the Committee draws the Government’s attention to the following points.
1. Number of inspectors and their status and conditions of service. The Committee notes that, according to the table on the number of inspectors, of the 60 posts of inspector envisaged for the inspection and enforcement division, only 53 are actually filled, and of the 37 posts of inspector envisaged for the health and safety division, only 21 are filled. Noting also the annotation "under contract" for seven of these 21 inspectors, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the measures adopted or envisaged to increase the staff of the inspection services, in particular by filling the vacant posts that have been budgeted for. The Government is also asked to specify the status and conditions of service of inspectors under contract.
2. Publication and communication of an annual inspection report. The Committee notes the various statistical tables on the items specified under points (b), (c), (d) and (e) of Article 21 of the Convention for the period June 2001 to May 2003. It trusts that the activity reports for the previous years, the formulation of which was announced by the Government, will be available to employers and workers and their organizations, and that the Government will ensure that in future an annual inspection report will be regularly published and sent to the ILO, as required by Article 20, and that it will contain the information requested under Article 21, including statistics of industrial accidents and occupational diseases ((f) and (g).
The Committee notes the Government’s report, the partial replies to its previous comments and the attached documents. In particular, it notes with interest the information on the results of inspection activities for the period June 2001 to May 2003 in export processing zones, in which many workers are employed, and in enterprises employing child workers.
Working conditions of labour inspectors. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes with interest the documents provided demonstrating the acquisition in recent years of various types of personal protective equipment for health and safety inspectors.
Conditions of service. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes that the table comparing the wages of the categories of accredited inspectors with various institutions shows that an important difference to the detriment of health and safety inspectors. The Government is asked to indicate whether measures have been taken to compensate for this difference, such as special allowances or bonuses, in view of the complexity of their duties from both a material and human point of view.
The Committee is addressing a request directly to the Government on other points.
With reference also to its observation on the application of the Convention, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the following points.
Labour inspection and child labour. The Committee notes the data provided on the supervisory activities relating to child labour for the period from July 1999 to May 2001. It notes with interest that every two weeks labour inspectors carry out a round of inspections specifically targeted at child labour and that jointly with the competent body of the Ministry responsible for training they carry out awareness-raising and educational activities for employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as the public in general. Also noting the collaboration between the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations and other ministries in the field of the protection of children, the Committee requests the Government to continue providing information on the activities of labour inspectors with regard to child labour, and their results, and to ensure that such information is regularly provided in the annual report on the activities of the inspection services.
Articles 20 and 21. The Committee notes the report on the activities of the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations for the period from July 1987 to June 1995, and the statistics on the staffing of the inspection services, workplaces liable to inspection and the workers employed therein, the number of inspections and employment accidents for the period 1999-2001. It reminds the Government that an annual inspection report covering the matters set out in points (a) to (g) of Article 21 should be published and communicated to the ILO within the time limits set out in Article 20. The Committee trusts that the Government will rapidly take the necessary measures to ensure that in future such a report is published regularly and communicated to the ILO.
The Committee notes the Government’s report, the replies to its previous comments and the documents attached. The Committee also notes the information provided by the Government concerning the matters raised in the observation made by the Federation of Progressive Unions. It requests the Government to provide additional information on the following points.
1. Material conditions of work of inspectors. The Committee notes that, in reply to the statements by the Federation of Progressive Unions that safety and hygiene inspectors are not provided with protective equipment against the risks inherent in certain hazardous substances at the workplace which are liable to their supervision, the Government enumerates the equipment which is normally provided to them. The Committee would be grateful if it would provide a copy of any text setting out the obligation to provide such equipment, any document demonstrating the purchase by the inspection services of such equipment and any instructions for their utilization.
With regard to the inadequacy, from the point of view of the Federation of Progressive Unions, of the remuneration of labour inspectors, the Committee considers that its comparison with the remuneration received by newly recruited persons leaving secondary education without qualifications is not pertinent. It would be grateful if the Government would provide documents enabling it to make a comparison between the remuneration of labour inspectors and that received by other state employees possessing comparable skills and with comparable levels of responsibility.
2. Occupational safety and health. With regard to the allegations made by the Federation of Progressive Unions concerning the deterioration in occupational safety and health conditions due to the lack of commitment by the public authorities to the supervision of the relevant legislation, particularly on asbestos, benzene and other hazardous substances, the Committee notes with interest that the numbers of labour inspectors have been increased by the recruitment of 11 new inspectors and that an Act on the protection of consumers, adopted in 1999, prohibits the use of blue asbestos. The Committee also notes that the Government has requested the technical assistance of the ILO for the development of regulations with a view to the implementation of a programme to control and eliminate the use of asbestos. The Government is requested to continue providing information on any progress achieved by the labour inspection system with a view to improving the protection in law and practice of workers exposed to occupational hazards related to hazardous substances.
Finally, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in the process of revising the 1998 Act respecting occupational safety, health and welfare, as well as the draft regulations respecting electricity, safety warnings and occupational noise.
Referring also to its observation under the Convention, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the following points.
1. Labour inspection in export processing zones. The Committee notes that under section 20 of the Industrial Expansion Act of 1993 a number of exceptions in the application of labour standards, mainly as concerns hours of work, are allowed in workplaces or businesses covered by this Act. It also takes note of available information that a great proportion of workers in manufacturing industries are employed in workplaces or businesses in export processing zones (according to data released by the Central Statistical Office, the number of employees in manufacturing industries in Mauritius was 136,700 in 1997, of which 81,300, or 59.5 per cent, worked in EPZs). The Committee hopes that the Government will provide detailed information on the work of the labour inspection in workplaces in EPZs and on the results achieved through inspection.
2. Annual inspection report (Articles 20 and 21). The Committee notes that a consolidated report of the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations for the period July 1987 to June 1995 has been compiled and will be sent to the ILO as soon as it is tabled in the National Assembly, and that the reports for subsequent years are being compiled and will be sent to the ILO as soon as they are published. The Committee hopes that these reports will soon be communicated to the ILO and that they will contain the information on the work of the labour inspection system including all the subjects listed in Article 21 of the Convention.
3. Number of workplaces (Article 10). The Committee requests the Government to provide statistics on the number of workplaces liable to inspection.
The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its report. It also notes the observations by the Federation of Progressive Unions of 28 October 1999 concerning the application of the Convention.
In its observations the Federation of Progressive Unions cites health hazards faced by workers from exposure to toxic substances such as benzene and asbestos as well as from dust, noise and environmental pollution. It refers to the virtual absence of medical examinations, the poor enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the lack of a competent central authority, and the dispersion of responsibilities among different ministries with the resulting problems of monitoring. In addition, the Federation alleges that 12 factory inspectors for a workforce of 500,000 is inadequate, inspectors carrying out visits on dangerous sites lack sufficient protective equipment, and the wages for inspectors are not commensurate with their qualifications.
According to the Government's report, there were 55 labour inspector positions as of 31 May 1999, of which only 39 (including seven trainee inspectors) were filled. Likewise, there were 25 factory inspector positions monitoring occupational safety and health legislation, but only 13 positions were filled.
Taking note of the Government's intention to nominate additional inspection staff in the field of safety and health, the Committee hopes that the Government will provide information in its next report on any measures taken in this regard as well as its comments on the issues raised by the Federation of Progressive Unions.
Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes from the Government's most recent report that annual reports of the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations have already been compiled for the period July 1987 to June 1994, but that at the end of the financial year 1994-95 it has been decided that the annual reports should also include the period July 1994-95. The Government states further that as soon as the data is compiled the annual reports will be published. The Committee wishes to reiterate its previous comments that the compilation and publication, with a reasonable time after the end of the year to which they relate and in any case within 12 months, of annual inspection reports under Article 20 of the Convention, and containing all the information listed in Article 21, are an essential means of ascertaining whether workplaces are inspected as often and thoroughly as necessary, in accordance with Article 16. It hopes the Government will not fail to send the required reports soon and regularly thereafter.
Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes that annual reports of the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations are to be published and transmitted in the near future for the years 1987-92. While the Committee appreciates the information the Government continues to provide as to numbers and training of inspectors, it would again observe that the compilation and publication within the prescribed time-limits of annual inspection reports under Article 20 of the Convention containing all the information listed in Article 21 are an essential means of ascertaining whether workplaces are inspected as often and thoroughly as necessary in accordance with Article 16. It looks forward to the Government sending the required reports.
Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes that no annual report on inspection activities has been transmitted since that for 1987. While the Committee appreciates the information provided as to numbers and training of inspectors, it would observe that the compilation and publication of annual inspection reports under Article 20 of the Convention containing all the information listed in Article 21 are an essential means of ascertaining whether workplaces are inspected as often and thoroughly as necessary in accordance with Article 16. It hopes the Government's report will include full details.
Article 12, paragraph 1(c)(iv), of the Convention. With reference to its previous comments concerning the powers of inspectors to take or remove for the purpose of analysis, samples of materials and substances used or handled at the workplace, the Committee notes with satisfaction that section 14(1)(j) of the Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Act of 1988 gives effect to this provision of the Convention.
Articles 20 and 21. The Committee notes with interest the information contained in the report of the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations, Women's Rights, and Family Welfare for the period 1981-87 and the statistics of the present number of filled and vacant posts in the factory inspectorate and labour inspectorate. It hopes that, in future, the reports concerning the activities of the labour inspection services will be published annually.