National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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1. The Committee notes the Government’s detailed and comprehensive report on the application of the Convention for the period ending May 2007, which includes comments submitted by the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC–RENGO). The Committee once again welcomes the detailed summary of the tripartite meetings held on 12 September 2006 and 10 April 2007 on all the matters covered by the Convention. It further notes with interest that specific tripartite consultations have been held on the Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185), and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.
2. Article 5, paragraph 1(b) and (c), of the Convention. Submission to the Diet. Prospects for ratification. The Committee notes with interest that the ratification of Convention No. 187 was approved by the Diet on 15 June 2007 and its ratification was registered by the Office on 24 July 2007. It further notes the discussion that took place at the tripartite meeting held on 10 April 2007 with regard to the prospects for the ratification of Conventions Nos 105, 111 and 175. The Committee welcomes those developments and hopes that the Government and the social partners will continue their consultations in relation to the examination of unratified Conventions.
3. Article 5, paragraph 1(d). Reports on ratified Conventions. The JTUC–RENGO states that the Government’s report was presented to workers’ and employers’ organizations only on the afternoon of 31 August 2007. Tripartite consultations were conducted on 12 September 2007. The JTUC–RENGO again calls on the Government to consult workers’ and employers’ organizations on the reports far earlier so that there is sufficient time for their consideration. The Committee invites the Government and the social partners to hold more in‑depth tripartite consultations on questions arising out of the reports to be made on the application of ratified Conventions with a view to ensuring that copies of all the reports provided to the Office in pursuance of article 22 of the ILO Constitution are communicated to the representative organizations sufficiently in advance for their due consideration.
1. The Committee notes the Government’s detailed report on the application of the Convention for the period ending in May 2005. It welcomes the comprehensive information forwarded by the Government contained in the detailed summary of the tripartite meetings held on 1 September 2004 and 18 April 2005 on all the matters covered by the Convention. It further notes with interest that specific tripartite consultations are held under an outline for ILO maritime meetings established under a tripartite agreement between the Government, the employers and the workers. It would appreciate continuing to receive in future reports information on the activities of the ILO consultation meetings in relation to the matters covered by the Convention.
2. Consultations on perspectives of ratification. The Committee notes the comments of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC-RENGO) included in the Government’s report, in which the trade union organization states that the Government has not provided adequate information regarding its position on various Conventions. JTUC-RENGO calls for improvement in identifying the domestic laws that might constitute obstacles with regard to the ratification of Conventions. The Committee notes that the Asbestos Convention, 1986 (No. 162), was ratified on 11 August 2005. It further notes the exchange of information and views that took place at the ILO consultation meetings held in 2004 and 2005 with regard to the ratification of two fundamental Conventions (the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105), and the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111)), as well as in relation to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155). The Committee refers to Article 5, paragraph 1(c), of the Convention, and invites the Government and the social partners to deepen tripartite consultations still further in relation with the examination of unratified Conventions. Please include in the Government’s next report further information on the measures envisaged to promote the implementation and ratification, as appropriate, of the abovementioned Conventions.
The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention. It notes with interest the tripartite consultation meetings, which are held as agreed by the Government and the social partners, in accordance with the outline of the ILO consultation meeting and the agreement on the manner of tripartite consultation concerning ILO Convention No. 144. It also notes with interest the detailed summary of the meetings held on 27 August 2003 and 9 April 2004 on the matters covered by the Convention. It would be grateful if the Government would continue to provide information in its future reports on the activities of the ILO consultation meetings in relation to the matters covered by the Convention.