National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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Repetition Article 5 of the Convention. Tripartite consultations required by the Convention. The Government indicates that, further to the agreement reached by the members of the Standing Committee for the Coordination of Social Affairs (CPCS) to devote at least one annual meeting to matters related to international labour standards, the CPCS undertook consultations in November 2011 and in May 2013 on the matters referred to in Article 5(1) of the Convention. The Committee notes that the matters discussed included the reply to the questionnaire for the General Survey concerning social security instruments (2011), the reports submitted in 2011 and 2012 by the Macao Special Administrative Region under article 22 of the ILO Constitution, and on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006). The Government reports that the CPCS has also convened meetings in order to conduct in-depth research and discussions on labour policies and draft legislation. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide up-to-date information on the consultations held on each of the matters concerning international labour standards listed in Article 5(1) of the Convention.
Tripartite consultations required under the Convention. The Committee notes the report for the period ending in May 2009 including replies to its previous direct request. The Government indicates again that the Standing Committee for the Coordination of Social Affairs (SCCSA) did not carry out any discussion or consultation on matters in relation to Article 5(1) of the Convention. It adds that an annual report on its work does not exist. The Committee reiterates that, to comply with the requirements of the Convention, tripartite consultations should be held on the matters listed in Article 5(1). The Committee reiterates its hope that the next report will include specific information on tripartite consultations within the meaning of the Convention, including detailed information on the consultations held on the subjects concerning international labour standards listed in Article 5(1) of the Convention.
The Committee notes that the SCCSA organized in September 2009 a visiting mission to Ireland to have an in-depth comprehension and understanding of the significance and operation of the system of tripartite consultation. An ILO specialist made a presentation to the members of the visiting mission on the operation of the tripartite system and the meaning of social dialogue. The SCCSA intends to give a fuller play to its tripartite role, thus exerting a positive impact on the effective implementation of a social dialogue mechanism and the promotion of the goal of Convention No. 144 – implementation of the international labour standards. The Committee hopes that the next report will also include further information on the efforts made as a follow-up to the assistance received from the ILO to implement tripartite consultations within the meaning of the Convention.
Articles 5, paragraph 1, and 6 of the Convention. Effective tripartite consultation required by the Convention. The Committee notes Government’s reply to its 2005 direct request received in August 2007. The Government reports that the Standing Committee for the Coordination of Social Affairs (SCCSA) continued to play its consultative role by examining labour-related problems, proposing policies and measures and commenting and suggesting on labour‑related laws and regulations that are undergoing revisions. The Government nevertheless states that during the period covered by the report, the SCCSA had not carried out any discussion or consultation on Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Convention. Consequently, no annual report was prepared on the consultative procedures. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the consultations held during the period covered by the Government’s next report on international labour standards indicating the nature of any reports or recommendations made as a result of those consultations. The Committee reiterates its interest in information regarding the consultation that may have taken place on Article 6 of the Convention (the working of the procedures provided for in the Convention).
The Committee notes the indications provided by the Government in its latest report in relation to its previous direct request. It would appreciate continuing to receive information on the consultations held in the Standing Committee for Social Conciliation (SCSC) in relation to the matters covered by the Convention (Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Convention). Please also include information on any consultations that may have taken place with the representative organizations on the question of issuing an annual report on the working of the procedures provided for in the Convention (Article 6).
1. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in September 2003. It notes in particular that the revision of labour law was subjected to thorough consultations in the Standing Committee for Social Conciliation (SCSC). Please continue providing information on the activities of the SCSC in relation to the matters covered by the Convention.
2. The Committee requests again the Government to provide information on the arrangements made for the financing of any necessary training of participants in the consultative procedures (Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention), the frequency of consultations on the matters covered by the Convention (Article 5, paragraph 2), and on any consultations that may have taken place with the representative organizations on the question of issuing an annual report on the working of the procedures provided for in the Convention (Article 6).
1. The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention. It notes with interest that the Standing Committee for Social Conciliation (SCSC) promotes the implementation of ILO standards in the Macau Special Administrative Region and carries out consultations in application of the Convention. It would be grateful if the Government would continue to provide information on the activities of the SCSC in relation to all the matters covered by the Convention.
2. Please provide information in particular, on the arrangements made for the financing of any necessary training of participants in the consultative procedures (Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention), the frequency of consultations on the matters covered by the Convention (Article 5, paragraph 2), and on any consultations that may have taken place with the representative organizations on the question of issuing an annual report on the working of the procedures provided for in the Convention (Article 6).