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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Parts III and IV of the Convention. Improvement of standards of living and other objectives of social policy. The Committee notes the detailed information contained in the Government’s report and its Annexes. It notes in particular the legislative amendments adopted to align the level of earnings with the constantly rising inflation rate. With reference to the updating of the 2021 Immigration Regulations, the Committee notes that they introduce a new Registered Employer Scheme, based on joint working between sponsoring employers and the customs and immigration authorities for those who apply for work permits. The scheme allows the workforce to develop more easily and to target skills gaps and vacancies. The Committee notes from the information provided that workers are encouraged to settle in the long term thereby facilitating better social integration and enabling them to be part of the workforce in future, by reducing churn, vacancies and loss of skills. The Government indicates that the Workforce Development Strategy is being assessed with a view to making changes and streamlining procedures. The Committee notes that the budget for 2023-24 envisages the improvement of living standards through the enhanced delivery of effective and efficient public services, including transport, health and social protection services, assistance for childcare, education, housing, energy and environmental protection, and support for local enterprises. Finally, the Committee notes the statistical data and information indicating that the unemployment rate has remained at 1.1 per cent of the working age population despite the increase in the population. The Committee requests the Government to continue providing updated information on the policies implemented with a view to ensuring that the improvement of standards of living is central to the planning of economic development, with an indication of the progress achieved taking into account, among others, the essential family needs of workers, including food and its nutritional value, housing, clothing, medical care and education (Article 2 and Part III of the Convention). The Government is also requested to indicate the manner in which the measures adopted in 2021 to update the Immigration Regulations are in conformity with the provisions of Part IV of the Convention, specifying where appropriate the agreements concluded to enable the workers concerned to transfer part of their wages and savings to their homes.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2022, published 111st ILC session (2023)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
Part III of the Convention. Improvement of standards of living and other objectives of the social policy. The Committee notes with interest the information provided by the Government concerning measures taken to improve standards of living for the population of the Falkland Islands. It notes the Government’s indication in relation to progress made, including almost full employment, with an unemployment rate of one per cent, and increases in the average income for both working and non-working persons. The Committee further notes the positive impact of the Government’s social policies and its Economic Development Strategy (2010–25) on sustainable and stable economic growth. The Government reports that, under its 2018–19 budget, it approved an ambitious investment program for the development of critical transportation, energy and social infrastructure to support the Falklands Islands’ economic growth objectives. It adds that streamlined and updated immigration regulations are being implemented to support labour force development. The Committee notes that, since the introduction of the minimum wage on December 2013, the minimum wage rate has been regularly reviewed (at least every 12 months) and adjusted to the rate of inflation. In addition, the Government has established a living wage rate, which estimates the income an individual requires to maintain a minimum socially acceptable standard of living and has undertaken to ensure that all Government employees are paid at least the living wage.The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the updated immigration regulations on labour force development and to provide information illustrating that the improvement of standards of living has been regarded as the principal objective in the planning of economic development (Article 2 of the Convention). The Committee further requests the Government to continue to provide information, including statistical data disaggregated by age and sex, on the practical application of the Convention (Part V of the report form).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2018, published 108th ILC session (2019)

Part III of the Convention. Improvement of standards of living and other objectives of the social policy. The Committee notes with interest the information provided by the Government concerning measures taken to improve standards of living for the population of the Falkland Islands. It notes the Government’s indication in relation to progress made, including almost full employment, with an unemployment rate of one per cent, and increases in the average income for both working and non-working persons. The Committee further notes the positive impact of the Government’s social policies and its Economic Development Strategy (2010–25) on sustainable and stable economic growth. The Government reports that, under its 2018–19 budget, it approved an ambitious investment program for the development of critical transportation, energy and social infrastructure to support the Falklands Islands’ economic growth objectives. It adds that streamlined and updated immigration regulations are being implemented to support labour force development. The Committee notes that, since the introduction of the minimum wage on December 2013, the minimum wage rate has been regularly reviewed (at least every 12 months) and adjusted to the rate of inflation. In addition, the Government has established a living wage rate, which estimates the income an individual requires to maintain a minimum socially acceptable standard of living and has undertaken to ensure that all Government employees are paid at least the living wage. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the updated immigration regulations on labour force development and to provide information illustrating that the improvement of standards of living has been regarded as the principal objective in the planning of economic development (Article 2 of the Convention). The Committee further requests the Government to continue to provide information, including statistical data disaggregated by age and sex, on the practical application of the Convention (Part V of the report form).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

Part III of the Convention. Improvement of standards of living and other objectives of the social policy. The Committee notes the information received in October 2013, including minimum wage legislation (Minimum Wage Ordinance 2013). In reply to the 2011 direct request, the Government indicates that it will provide information on the impact of the measures adopted under the Economic Development Strategy when available. The Committee would welcome receiving information on the impact of the measures adopted under the Economic Development Strategy illustrating that the improvement of standards of living has been regarded as the principal objective in the planning of economic development (Article 2 of the Convention). Please also continue to provide information on the measures relating to minimum wages (Article 14(2)–(4)), protection of wages (Article 15(1)–(6) and Article 16), and education and training (Article 19(2)–(3)).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

The Committee notes the detailed information provided in the report received in September 2011. It notes the Economic Development Strategy published in November 2010 and the figures provided on educational attainments of the population. The Committee would welcome continuing to receive information on the impact of the measures adopted under the Economic Development Strategy illustrating that the improvement of standards of living has been regarded as the principal objective in the planning of economic development (Article 2 of the Convention). Please also provide information on the measures relating to minimum wages (Article 14(2)–(4)), protection of wages (Article 15(1)–(6) and Article 16), and education and training (Article 19(2)–(3)).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2010, published 100th ILC session (2011)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its 2005 direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes the information contained on the Falkland Islands in the March 1999 White Paper on Partnership for progress and prosperity: Britain and the overseas territories made available by the Government of the United Kingdom. It hopes that the next report on the application of the Convention will contain further practical and detailed information dealing with the economic and social development of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), including updated data illustrating that the improvement of standards of living has been regarded as the principal objective in the planning of economic development. Please also provide information on the measures relating to minimum wages (Article 14(2)–(4) of the Convention), protection of wages (Article 15(1)–(6) and Article 16) and education and training (Article 19(2)–(3)).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes the information contained on the Falkland Islands in the March 1999 White Paper on Partnership for progress and prosperity: Britain and the overseas territories made available by the Government of the United Kingdom. It hopes that the next report on the application of the Convention will contain further practical and detailed information dealing with the economic and social development of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), including updated data illustrating that the improvement of standards of living has been regarded as the principal objective in the planning of economic development. Please also provide information on the measures relating to minimum wages (Article 14(2–4) of the Convention), protection of wages (Article 15(1–6) and Article 16) and education and training (Article 19(2) and(3)).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2008, published 98th ILC session (2009)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes the information contained on the Falkland Islands in the March 1999 White Paper on Partnership for progress and prosperity: Britain and the overseas territories made available by the Government of the United Kingdom. It hopes that the next report on the application of the Convention will contain further practical and detailed information dealing with the economic and social development of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), including updated data illustrating that the improvement of standards of living has been regarded as the principal objective in the planning of economic development. Please also provide information on the measures relating to minimum wages (Article 14, paragraphs 2–4, of the Convention), protection of wages (Article 15, paragraphs 1–6, and Article 16) and education and training (Article 19, paragraphs 2 and 3).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2005, published 95th ILC session (2006)

The Committee notes the information contained on the Falkland Islands in the March 1999 White Paper on Partnership for progress and prosperity: Britain and the overseas territories made available by the Government of the United Kingdom. It hopes that the next report on the application of the Convention will contain further practical and detailed information dealing with the economic and social development of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), including updated data illustrating that the improvement of standards of living has been regarded as the principal objective in the planning of economic development. Please also provide information on the measures relating to minimum wages (Article 14, paragraphs 2-4, of the Convention), protection of wages (Article 15, paragraphs 1-6, and Article 16) and education and training (Article 19, paragraphs 2 and 3).

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