National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes the brief information provided in the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention. It would be grateful if the Government would supplement this information by providing further particulars and the relevant documents on: (1) the organization of the external services of the central labour administration system (Article 1 of the Convention); (2) the application in practice of Article 4 concerning the coordination of the functions and responsibilities of the labour administration system; (3) the legal basis for tripartism in the various fields of the national labour policy (Article 5) at the central level, as well as at the regional and local levels, where appropriate; (4) the manner in which effect is given to the various provisions of Article 6, paragraph 2; (5) the manner in which effect is given in practice to Article 7, with an indication of the nature of the services provided by the labour administration system to the categories of workers covered by this provision; and (6) the distribution of the various categories of personnel in the central labour administration and its external services (Article 10, paragraph 1) and the material and logical means of the labour administration services (paragraph 2).