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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81) - Tajikistan (Ratification: 2009)

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Article 3(2) of the Convention. Additional functions entrusted to labour inspectors. 1. Conciliation. The Committee observes an absence of information on the role played by trade unions when they are involved in individual and collective labour disputes, pursuant to section 21 of the Trade Union Act, and in other circumstances, such as in relation to their participation to commissions on labour disputes. The Committee once again requests the Government to clarify whether trade union inspectors are involved in the abovementioned activities as trade union representative or as inspectors.It also once again requests the Government to clarify the nature of activities undertaken by labour inspectors in their duties under section 2(5) of the SILME Regulations, as concerns the promotion of the effectiveness of collective bargaining, activities of consensus committees, mediation and labour arbitration.
2. Control of immigration law and other duties. Following its previous comments on this matter, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that in 2023, 76 cases of violations detected related to internal and environmental migration. In the absence of additional information in this regard, the Committee requests the Government to clarify whether the labour inspectorate has any functions related to immigration law and to provide further information on the outcome of cases involving migrant workers, including on any cases of reinstatement of statutory rights for migrant workers either by labour inspectors of the SILME or by the trade union inspectorate.
Article 7(3). Training of labour inspectors. Following its previous comments, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government regarding training courses provided to OSH engineers and chairpersons of trade union committees, and the working group established under the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment to develop the 2024–29 National Programme on Eliminating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Tajikistan. The Committee requests the Government to provide further information on the training specifically provided to trade union inspectors, including on the subjects and frequency of such trainings.
Article 13. Preventive measures in the event of a danger to the safety and health of workers. Activities of trade union inspectors. Following its previous comments on this matter, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that the labour inspectors of the SILME conducted investigations into 110 industrial accidents. The Committee also notes the Government’s statement that during the reporting period, following analyses of draft documentation on the construction and reconstruction of manufacturing facilities, machines and other manufacturing equipment, labour inspectors of the SILME issued 255 reports, containing 2,548 demands to take measures to eliminate OSH violations. The Committee requests the Government to provide further information on the outcome of the abovementioned measures taken by the SILME labour inspectors. In addition, the Committee once again requests the Government to provide information on cases of work suspension ordered by trade union inspectors, including whether such orders did in fact eliminate the violations.
Articles 20 and 21. Obligation to publish and communicate an annual report on the work of the labour inspectorate. Following its previous comments on this matter, the Committee notes that the annual report of the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of 2023 contains information on all subjects covered under Article 21 of the Convention, except for the staff of the labour inspection service (Article 21(b)) and statistics of occupational diseases (Article 21(g)). The Committee requests the Government to ensure that future reports of the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment cover all the subjects under Article 21 of the Convention, and that copies of those reports are transmitted to the ILO within a reasonable period after their publication, and in any case within three months, in accordance with Article 20.
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