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Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No. 181) - Georgia (Ratification: 2002)

Other comments on C181

  1. 2024
  2. 2016

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Legislative developments. The Committee previously noted the observations of the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC) indicating that there were no licensing requirements for private employment agencies. The GTUC also indicated that it was common practice for agencies to charge fees to jobseekers amounting to one or two monthly wages. The Committee requested the Government to provide information on the measures taken to ensure that all private employment agencies operate within the conditions set out in Article 3 of the Convention and to indicate how their activities are supervised. It also requested information on the measures taken to monitor and sanction unauthorized fee-charging by private employment agencies. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government indicating that, in order to improve mechanisms established by labour migration legislation, amendments were made to the Law on Labour Migration. The Committee notes with interest that the legislative amendments, effective from September 2023, provide for, inter alia, the mandatory certification of labour intermediary companies, the improvement of data collection and reporting on labour migration, and the establishment of a state monitoring system over the activities of labour intermediaries. Additionally, section 11(2) of the Law on Labour Migration expressly prohibits the charging of fees.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.
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