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The Committee notes the information supplied in the Government's report, in reply to its previous direct request.
Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee notes that the information obtained in connection with the permits required for the handling of group A and B substances, under the Hygienic Limit Values Ordinance, AFS 1984:5, continues to be recorded manually at the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, but that preparations are in progress for the introduction of a computerised system. The Committee hopes that the operation of the computerised system will enable the Government to assemble, in a comprehensive system of records, the different procedures for recording data concerning exposure to carcinogic substances.
Article 5. The Committee notes that the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, acting in association with the National Board of Health and Welfare, is currently engaged in a voluntary medical examination of persons previously exposed to asbestos. The Committee would once again draw the Government's attention to the need to take measures in conformity with this Article of the Convention to ensure that all workers exposed to all types of carcinogic substances contained in the Hygienic Limit Values Ordinance, AFS 1984:5 undergo medical examinations or biological or other tests or investigations during the period of employment and thereafter in so far as these are necessary to supervise their state of health as concerns occupational hazards. It hopes the Government will make every effort to take the above mentioned measures in the near future and that it will be able to indicate the progress made in this respect in its next report.