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The Committee notes the information in the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention received in August 2004. It further notes the observation made by the Georgian Trade Unions Amalgamation, attached to the Government’s first report. It also notes the updated information provided by the Government in a report received in November 2005 indicating that by Order No. 157 of 23 October 2004 it has established a new authority - the State Social Assistance and Employment Agency - responsible for providing a public and free employment service and implementing the state employment policy. It requests the Government to continue reporting on the measures adopted by the Agency to achieve the best possible organization of the employment market and to discharge all the functions assigned to the employment service by Article 6 of the Convention. In connection with the best possible organization of the employment market (Article 1, paragraph 2, of the Convention), the Committee would appreciate further information on the following matters.
Articles 4 and 5. The Government indicates that, under section 14 of the Employment Law, trade unions and employer federations shall take part in the development and implementation of national employment policy. In addition, article 30 establishes the National Employment Council, a tripartite body, to develop and implement employment policies and programmes. The Georgian Trade Unions Amalgamation expressed in September 2004 its concern over the low level of tripartite cooperation. It states that many provisions of the General Agreement, signed by the Council in July 2001 to further tripartite cooperation for the purpose of employment promotion, have not seen progress or been implemented. The Committee asks the Government to include in its next report further information on the arrangements made by the National Employment Council in relation with the organization and operation of the employment service and in the development of an employment service policy. Please indicate the procedure for the appointment of representatives of the social partners in the National Employment Council (Article 4, paragraph 3).
Article 4, paragraph 2. The Government reports that advisory committees have not been created at the local and regional levels. The Committee would like to be kept informed of any possible changes that would necessitate the establishment of local and regional advisory committees.
Article 8. The Government indicates that the Agency has not developed special arrangements for young persons, but that they are able to avail of its services. The Committee understands that Georgia is participating in the Youth Employment Summit (YES) Campaign to promote youth employment and development and has proposed to establish a YES house in Tbilisi. The Committee would appreciate further information on the progress of the YES Campaign and how its proposed activities by the Agency will assist youth to find suitable employment.
Article 9. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on what has been done or envisaged to institute training for the staff of the Agency.
Article 10. The Committee requests the Government to provide in its next report further information on the extent of collaboration with the employers’ and workers’ organizations to encourage the full use of employment service facilities.
Article 11. The Committee notes that under section 31 of the Employment Law, private employment agencies are deemed partner organizations with the public employment service. The Government states that at present, however, the private and public employment service agencies do not engage in active cooperation. It would appreciate information on measures taken or envisaged to promote cooperation with private employment agencies.
Article 12. The Committee notes the Government’s statement indicating that the provision of the Convention shall apply to the whole territory of Georgia, with the exception of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia and the Autonomous Region of the Southern Ossetia, which are not temporarily under the jurisdiction of Georgia.
Part IV of the report form. The Committee would appreciate continuing to receive information concerning the number of applications for employment received, the number of vacancies notified and the number of persons placed by the Agency.