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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Lithuania (Ratification: 2004)

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Formulation and implementation of an active employment policy. Labour market trends. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in November 2013, which includes information pertaining to its 2011 observation. The Committee notes that the unemployment rate was measured at 11.4 per cent in January 2013, a 0.6 percentage point decrease compared to the previous year. It also notes that 40.6 per cent out of the total number of registered unemployed in January 2013 did not have any professional qualification. The Government indicates that 5,600 dismissed employees and unemployed people participated in vocational training programmes in 2012. It also reports on the implementation of the “Subsidies for Entrepreneurship Promotion” in 2013, which are measures aimed at providing further financial support to new entrepreneurs, who benefited in the past from the Entrepreneurship Promotion Fund. According to the Government’s report, in 2012, 75 per cent of the loans issued from the Entrepreneurship Promotion Fund were granted to persons under 29 years of age or companies established by them and 13 per cent were allocated to persons above the age of 50. Public work programmes have continued being implemented to support the long-term unemployed and older unemployed people. In 2012, the number of long-term unemployed persons who participated in public work schemes was 16,244, whereas the number of persons over 50 years of age involved in such schemes was 10,319. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on the implementation of the active labour market measures adopted within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy. Please also include information on the measures adopted to support the labour market integration of low-skilled persons, older workers and the long-term unemployed.
Regional development. The Committee notes that in 2013 higher unemployment rates were registered in the districts of Ignalina (20.2 per cent), Altyus (19.1 per cent) and Zarasai (18.4 per cent). In this regard, the Government reports on the implementation of the 2011–13 Programme for the Reduction of Social Exclusion and Economic Differences in Regions. Measures undertaken within this framework comprised local employment initiative projects, subsidies designed to boost job creation in problematic areas and support for self employment of the unemployed. The Committee requests the Government to provide further information on the results of the measures implemented to increase employment rates in economically depressed areas.
Youth employment. The Committee notes that, according to Eurostat, the unemployment rate among young people under 25 years was situated at 22.9 per cent in November 2013. It also notes the adoption of a National Programme for the Development of the Youth Policy which started in 2011 and will conclude in 2019. This programme aims to improve the services offered by youth employment centres and develop non-formal education programmes for early school leavers, among others. Additionally, the Plan of Action of the State Labour Inspectorate Aimed at Reducing Youth Unemployment in 2012–13 was launched. The Committee notes that, in connection to this project, the Government held consultations with students of vocational and high schools and provided information on labour rights and job opportunities. The Committee invites the Government to provide information on the outcomes of the measures adopted to enhance job opportunities for young people.
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