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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention, 1958 (No. 108) - Portugal (Ratification: 1967)

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Article 5(2) of the Convention. Readmission to the territory during a period of one year after the expiry indicated in the document. The Committee notes the adoption of Law No. 23/2007 of 4 July 2007, which provides in section 9(3)(e) that a foreign national is allowed either to enter or to leave the country provided that he/she holds a seafarers’ identity document for the purpose of the Convention. In this connection, the Committee recalls that, under Article 5(2) of the Convention, any seafarer who holds a valid seafarers’ identity document issued by the competent authority of a territory for which this Convention is in force shall be readmitted to that territory during a period of at least one year after any date of expiry indicated in the said document. The Committee requests the Government to indicate how it gives effect to Article 5(2) of the Convention.
The Committee further recalls that the Convention has been revised by the Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185). It draws the Government’s attention to its general observation addressing the recent amendments to the annexes of Convention No. 185.
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