National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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Further to its 1998 direct request, the Committee notes with interest the detailed information contained in the Government’s report received in November 2000. It would appreciate receiving further information on measures taken to refer applicants and vacancies from one office to another and on facilitating various forms of mobility, particularly in the light of the regional discrepancies in available employment, as required under Article 6(a) and (b) of the Convention.
The Committee notes with interest the Government's first report on the application of the Convention. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide in its next report the text of Ordinance No. 9/1996 of the Ministry of Labour in respect of the employment service. The Committee also requests the Government to furnish additional information on the following points, to enable greater appreciation of the practical application of the Convention.
Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee, having regard for the major regional disparities in unemployment rates which it noted in its comments in respect of the application of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), would be grateful if the Government would describe the measures taken or envisaged to ensure that there are a sufficient number of employment service offices in the different regions of the country. Please indicate whether, in this respect, a general review of the organization of the network of employment service offices has been undertaken or is envisaged.
Articles 4 and 5. The Committee notes that the Interest Reconciliation Council has established a permanent Labour Market Committee. The Committee also notes the establishment of a Tripartite Labour Council at country level. Please also specify the manner in which these bodies shall ensure the cooperation of employers' and workers' organizations in the organization and the operation of the employment service, as well as the development of employment service policy.
Article 6(a) and (b). Please indicate the measures taken to refer applicants and vacancies from one employment office to another. Please indicate the measures taken by the employment service to facilitate occupational and geographical mobility of jobseekers.
Article 6(e). Please indicate the manner in which the employment service will assist in the drawing-up of an employment policy.
Article 7. Please indicate the measures which have been taken or envisaged to ensure, within employment offices, a specialization by occupation or branch of activity or, where necessary, to specify the reasons why such specialization would not appear to be useful. Please indicate the measures taken by the employment service to meet adequately the needs of particular categories of applicants for employment, such as disabled persons.
Article 8. Please describe the special arrangements taken by employment services for juveniles.
Article 9. Please describe the status, recruitment methods, initial and subsequent training of the staff of the employment service.
Article 10. Please indicate the measures taken to encourage full use of employment service facilities by employers and workers.
Article 11. Please indicate the measures which have been envisaged or taken to secure effective cooperation between the public employment service and private employment agencies.
Parts IV and VI of the report form. Please provide any available statistical data concerning the nature and volume of activities of the employment service and a general assessment of its effectiveness.
[The Government is asked to report in detail in 2000.]