National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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Article 7 of the Convention. Special weekly rest schemes. The Committee notes that sections 57 and 59 of the Labour Law seem to provide for the possibility of setting up special weekly rest schemes, due to the nature of activity, the organization of the work or from the point of view of making better use of means of production or better management of working time, provided that the workers who are covered by these special schemes are granted the weekly rest to which they are entitled within a period which may not exceed 30 days. In this regard, it recalls that Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Convention, authorizes the introduction of special schemes only in well-defined circumstances for specified categories of persons or specified types of establishments. It requests the Government to indicate the measures taken or envisaged in order to determine the categories of persons or enterprises which may be subject to a special weekly rest scheme, while ensuring that the cases justifying recourse to special schemes are limited to the cases provided for by Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Convention.
Article 8. Temporary exemptions. In reply to its previous comment on this point, the Government indicates that, in accordance with section 53 of the Labour Law, read in conjunction with section 67(4), weekly rest may only be suspended in the event of force majeure, sudden pressure of work or urgent unplanned work which has to be carried out within a certain period and which requires overtime work. It also indicates that the amendment of section 67(4), which establishes the conditions of weekly rest, is envisaged in order to reduce the risk of interpretation. The Committee recalls that Article 8, paragraph 1, of the Convention, only authorizes temporary exemptions to weekly rest in a limited number of cases which do not include “urgent unplanned work which has to be carried out within a certain period”. This Article requires that it be a case of urgent work to premises and equipment in so far as necessary to avoid serious interference with the ordinary working of the establishment. The Committee hopes that the Government will take these observations into account when revising section 67(4) of the Labour Law so as to ensure that temporary exemptions to weekly rest are only authorized under the well-defined conditions referred to in Article 8, paragraph 1, of the Convention. It requests the Government to provide a copy of the revised text once it has been adopted.
Article 9. Protection of wages. Further to its previous comment, the Committee once again requests the Government to indicate how this Article of the Convention is given effect in both law and practice.
Furthermore, the Committee notes the comments made by the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, according to which the rules on weekly rest and the legislative provisions concerning the employer’s duty to inform its workers of the reallocation of hours of work are infringed, particularly in supermarkets and hypermarkets where a system of “voluntary work” on Saturdays and Sundays has been introduced, depriving workers of any weekly rest. It also notes that, according to the allegations made by the Confederation, the labour inspection services prove to be ineffective in enforcing the provisions on weekly rest. The Committee requests the Government to submit any comments that it would like to make concerning these allegations.
Part V of the report form. Practical application. The Committee notes the statistics provided by the Government concerning violations relating to weekly rest reported by the inspection services in the commercial sector. It requests the Government to continue providing general information on the application of the Convention in practice, particularly statistical data concerning the number of workers covered by the legislation giving effect to the Convention, extracts from reports of the inspection services indicating the number of violations of the rules relating to weekly rest which have been reported and the sanctions imposed in this regard, etc.
The Committee notes the Government’s report concerning the application of the Convention in the Republic of Serbia, in particular, the adoption of the new Labour Law of the Republic of Serbia of 15 March 2005. It notes that the report does not contain information on the application of the Convention in the Republic of Montenegro. It therefore requests the Government to also provide full information on the application of the Convention in the Republic of Montenegro for examination by the Committee at its next session.
Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Convention. Further to its previous comment, the Committee asks the Government to specify how it is ensured that the traditions and customs of religious minorities are, as far as possible, respected.
Article 7, paragraph 3. While noting the Government’s indication that the postponement of the day of weekly rest as a result of the redistribution of working hours mainly occurs in sectors of economic activity such as civil engineering, industry and transport services, the Committee asks the Government to provide more detailed information on the manner in which section 57 of the Labour Law is applied in practice.
Article 8, paragraphs 1 and 2. The Committee notes that section 67, paragraph 4, of the Labour Law, permits temporary exemptions from the general weekly rest standard, if necessary. The Committee considers that this provision is broader in scope than the Convention which lays down specific conditions under which temporary exemptions may be granted, namely, accident, force majeure, urgent work to premises and equipment, abnormal pressure of work, and prevention of the loss of perishable goods. It therefore asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or envisaged to ensure that temporary exceptions are only authorized in the cases provided for in this Article of the Convention, and only after consulting the representative employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned.
Article 9. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide explanations as to how this Article of the Convention is given effect in both law and practice.
Part V of the report form. The Committee notes the statistical information provided by the Government regarding labour inspection results for 2004 as well as the total number of persons employed in commerce. The Committee would appreciate if the Government would continue supplying general information on the practical application of the Convention.
The Committee notes that the first report on the application of the Convention only provides information on the Republic of Serbia and does not contain information on the application of the Convention in the Republic of Montenegro. It therefore requests the Government to provide full information also on the application of the Convention in the Republic of Montenegro.
The Committee also notes the observations made by the World Confederation of Labour (WCL). The Government has not, as yet, commented on these observations.
The Committee requests the Government to provide additional information on the application of the Convention in Serbia on the following points.
Article 6, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of the Convention. Provision of weekly rest. Section 51 of the Labour Code states that workers are entitled to a weekly rest of at least 24 consecutive hours. The WCL observes that the Labour Code does not stipulate the weekly rest days or the normal weekly rest scheme. The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether the weekly rest is, wherever possible, granted simultaneously to all the persons concerned in each establishment (Article 6, paragraph 2); whether the weekly rest period coincides, wherever possible, with the weekly rest established as a day of rest by its traditions and customs (Article 6, paragraph 3); and how the traditions and customs of religious minorities are, as far as possible, respected (Article 6, paragraph 4).
Article 7, paragraph 1. Special weekly rest schemes. Section 44 of the Labour Code allows averaging of working time as long as the employee is provided with their daily and weekly rest set by law, within a period not longer than 30 consecutive days. The Committee recalls that special weekly rest schemes can be applied where the nature of the work, service performed by the establishment, the size of the population to be served, or the number of persons employed is such that the weekly rest cannot be applied. In such cases, measures can be taken by the competent authority to specified categories of persons or specified types of establishments covered by the Convention to apply the special weekly rest scheme. Regard must be paid to all proper social and economic consideration when approving such measures.
The Committee also brings to the Government’s attention the Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Recommendation, 1957 (No. 103), in particular, Paragraph 3(a) which states that special weekly rest schemes provided for by Article 7 of the Convention should ensure that persons to whom such special schemes apply do not work for more than three weeks without receiving the rest periods to which they are entitled. The provision of weekly rest should be considered as an elementary guarantee to safeguard the health and welfare of workers and protect them against the risk of abuse. Therefore, exceptions must be limited to what is strictly necessary. The Committee therefore requests the Government to indicate how it ensures that the special weekly rest scheme can only be applied in those cases enumerated in Article 7(1), paragraph 1.
Article 7, paragraph 4. The Committee also requests the Government to indicate whether all special weekly rest schemes have been approved by the competent authority, and only after consultations with the representative employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned.
Article 8. Temporary exemptions. Section 51 of the Labour Code states that if it is indispensable that the employee works on the day of the weekly rest, she/he shall be provided with a one-day recess in the course of the following week. The WCL observes that the general language used to permit the temporary exemption appears to be contrary to Article 8. The Committee recalls that Article 8, paragraph 1, lists the circumstances in which temporary exemptions can be approved by the competent authority. As the wording in section 51 allows exceptions to be granted without authorization by the competent authority and for all circumstances, it requests the Government to make the necessary changes to bring the provision in line with the Convention. It reminds the Government of the importance of the weekly rest in order to safeguard the workers’ health the safety. The Committee also recalls that temporary exemptions should be adopted after consultations with the employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned.
Article 8, paragraph 3. Compensatory rest. The WCL observes that section 51 of the Labour Code appears to provide only for a one-day recess in the course of the following week for work carried out on the day of the weekly rest. The Committee recalls that the Convention requires the worker to be granted compensatory rest of a total duration of not less than 24 consecutive hours.
[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2005.]