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Articles 1 and 3 of the Convention. Contribution of the public employment service to employment promotion. The Committee notes that, according to the report received in September 2009, the number of employment agencies is 217 and, up until August 2009, a total of 342,000 jobseekers were registered with the employment services, 236,200 were placed in employment and 98,900 were registered as jobseekers. The number of vacant posts indicated by employers was 27,102. The Committee refers to its comments on the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), and requests the Government to provide information on the manner in which the public employment service fulfils its essential duty, namely to ensure the best possible organization of the employment market for the achievement and maintenance of full employment and the development and use of productive resources (Articles 1, 3 and 6 of Convention No. 88). The Committee requests the Government to supply up‑to‑date statistical information on the number of public employment offices established, the number of applications for employment received, the number of vacancies notified and the number of persons placed in employment by such offices (Part IV of the report form). In order to be able to supply an exhaustive report, the Government might wish to examine Chapter III of the General Survey of 2010 on employment instruments, which contains useful information on the improvement and modernization of employment services.
Articles 4 and 5. Cooperation with the social partners. The Government reiterates in its latest report that employment matters come within the competence of tripartite committees on social partnership and are covered by the regulations on social relations and labour. Under the terms of the Public Employment Act of 2001, local authorities with the participation of workers’, employers’ and voluntary organizations draw up and approve employment programmes in the context of medium-term socio-economic development plans. The Committee hopes that the Government will supply more detailed information on the arrangements made for the appointment of employers’ and workers’ representatives to advisory committees, with a view to ensuring the full cooperation of the social partners in the organization and operation of the employment service.
Article 7 and 8. Measures for particular categories of applicants for employment. The Government again describes the obligations of the competent authorities responsible for the employment service to keep jobseekers and employers informed of vacancies, to provide advice on available training, to establish a database on the labour market and to establish regional programmes targeting vulnerable groups of the population. The Committee requests the Government to supply further information on special measures taken to adequately meet the needs of particular categories of applicants for employment, such as women, young persons, workers with disabilities and older workers.
Article 11. Cooperation with private employment agencies. The Government previously indicated that the Ministry of Labour takes the necessary steps to ensure effective cooperation between the public employment service and private employment agencies. Under the terms of the Public Employment Act, these agencies collaborate with the public employment service and contribute to the placement of jobseekers. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report the specific steps taken to ensure effective cooperation between the public employment service and private employment agencies.
1. Contribution of the public employment service to employment promotion. The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s report received in February 2006 in reply to its 2004 direct request. It notes that the Ministry of Labour is in charge, amongst other functions, of creating a single data base for the labour market, of monitoring the supply and demand of labour on the basis of this database; of informing the public on the situation of the labour market; of determining, together with the institutions concerned, the needs in vocational training in accordance with the demands of the labour market; and of distributing foreign labour between the regions of Astan and Almaty. The Committee refers to its comments on the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), and requests the Government to continue to report on the manner in which the public employment service carries out its essential tasks, ensuring the best possible organization of the employment market for the achievement and maintenance of full employment and for the development and use of productive resources (Articles 1, 3 and 6 of Convention No. 88). Please also provide statistical information on the number of existing public employment offices, job applications received, job offers notified and persons placed in employment by these offices (Part IV of the report form). It also invites the Government to provide further information in its next report on Convention No. 88 on the following points.
2. Cooperation with the social partners. The Government indicates that, together with the local bodies of the executive branch, and with the participation of the social partners, it adopts public employment programmes on the basis of medium-term plans for the country’s social development. The Committee hopes that in its next report the Government will provide the indications requested by the report form on the arrangements made to appoint the employer and worker representatives in the advisory committees in order to secure the full cooperation of the social partners in the organization and operation of the employment service (Articles 4 and 5).
3. Measures for particular categories of applicants for employment. The Committee notes that the public employment service is responsible for implementing special measures to provide assistance to target groups. In particular, it notes that the local bodies of the executive branch are in charge of establishing quotas for the placement of workers with disabilities amounting to 3 per cent of the overall number of posts, as well as establishing special positions for the placement of persons with disabilities. The Committee would appreciate continuing to receive data on the impact of the activities carried by the public employment service for particular categories of applicants such as women, young workers, workers with disabilities, and older workers (Articles 7 and 8).
4. Cooperation with private employment agencies. The Committee takes note of the role of private employment agencies, as well as the existing measures that ensure cooperation between the public employment service and private employment agencies. It asks the Government to keep providing information on the measures taken in order to secure effective cooperation between these two entities (Article 11).
The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its 2004 direct request, which read as follows:
The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention. In particular it notes with interest the provisions of Act No. 149 of 23 January 2001 concerning employment of the population, which assign to the public employment service a key role in the preparation and implementation of national employment policy. It refers to its comments on the application of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), and requests the Government to indicate the manner in which the public employment service participates in the implementation of the national programme for combating poverty and unemployment (Article 1, paragraph 2, of the Convention). The Committee would be grateful if the Government would also send a copy of the text of any regulation or circular adopted to give effect to the provisions of the Employment Act. It also invites the Government to provide further information in its next report on the following points.
1. Organization of the employment offices network (Article 3 of the Convention and Part IV of the report form). Please indicate the volume of activity of local employment offices operating in towns and rural areas. Please describe the measures adopted or envisaged to ensure that the network of employment offices is sufficient to serve the employers and the workers throughout the country.
2. Cooperation of employer and worker representatives (Articles 4 and 5). The Committee recalls that the Convention requires the setting up in the employment service of one or more advisory committees, which should include employers’ and workers’ representatives in equal numbers, in order to ensure their cooperation in the organization and operation of the employment service, and in the development of its general policy. It requests the Government to describe the arrangements made or envisaged to give effect to these important provisions of the Convention.
3. Activities of the employment service (Article 6). Please describe the measures taken to promote the communication of job vacancies and applications from one employment office to another where necessary. Please indicate all measures taken by the employment service to favour the professional or geographical mobility of workers. Please describe the manner in which the employment service collaborates in the administration of unemployment insurance and in the application of other social protection measures for the unemployed.
4. Specialization within employment offices (Article 7(a)). Please indicate whether measures have been adopted or are being contemplated to enable employment offices to offer specialized services according to profession or branch of activity.
5. Measures for particular categories of applicants for employment (Article 7(b)). The Committee notes that the Employment Act provides for special measures to be taken for particular categories of applicants for employment, such as disabled persons. It requests the Government to describe the measures taken by the employment service to apply this provision.
6. Special arrangements for young people (Article 8). The Committee notes that the Employment Act provides for special measures to be taken for young people. It requests the Government to describe the measures adopted by the employment service to apply this provision.
7. Staff of the employment service (Article 9). Please describe recruitment methods and conditions of service of the employment service staff. Please describe the measures taken to provide their initial and ongoing training.
8. Encouraging the use of the employment service (Article 10). Please indicate the measures adopted, in collaboration with employers’ and workers’ organizations, to encourage full use of the employment service by employers and workers.
9. Cooperation with private employment agencies (Article 11). The Committee notes the provisions of the Employment Act concerning the role of private employment agencies. It invites the Government to describe the measures taken or contemplated in order to secure effective cooperation between the public employment service and private employment agencies.