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Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Comoros (Ratification: 1978)

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Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

The Committee notes with deep concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments. The Committee informs the Government that, if it has not supplied replies to the points raised by 1 September 2025, then it may proceed with the examination of the application of the Convention on the basis of the information at its disposal at its next session.
The Committee notes the observations made by the Workers Confederation of Comoros (CTC), received on 1 August 2017. It requests the Government to provide its comments on the matter.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy had been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties had been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP). The Committee notes with interest that the national employment policy act (PNE) was adopted through the promulgation on 3 July 2014 of Decree No. 14-11/PR enacting Framework Act No. 14-020/AU of 21 May 2014 issuing the national employment policy. The Government indicates that this Act aims to provide a common and coherent vision of the strategic approaches for taking national action on employment, by increasing opportunities for low-income population groups to access decent work and a stable and sustainable income. The Government adds that in November 2014, with ILO support, it developed and adopted the Emergency Plan for Youth Employment (PUREJ), which is part of the process to implement the PNE. The PUREJ involves the adoption of programmes to promote youth employment which result from priority measures identified in the strategic framework of the PNE and integrated in the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D). The Government adds that the overall objective of the PUREJ is to ensure strong employment growth in the short and medium term. In this context, the PUREJ focuses mainly on the promotion of youth employment in job-creating sectors for a period of two years, in order to contribute to the diversification of the economy, the production of goods and services and the building of social peace. The Government points out that the objective was to create 5,000 new decent and productive jobs for young persons and women by the end of 2016, through the development of skills in line with the needs of priority sectors of the Comorian economy and support for the promotion of employment and vocational integration. The Committee notes that in May 2015 the Government signed, together with the constituents and the ILO, the second generation Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), of which the main priority is to ensure the promotion and governance of employment. The Committee notes the observations of the CTC which indicate that the implementation of the PNE is not effective. It points out that the vocational training component, which is being conducted through a project with the European Union, is the only one being applied. In this regard, the provisions and mechanisms of the PNE have not been implemented and the text has not been disseminated to the public. The CTC also reports the dismissal of over 5,000 young persons without compensation. The Committee once again requests the Government to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It requests the Government to provide more detailed information on the measures taken with a view to achieving the employment priorities established in the framework of the DWCP 2015–19, and on the impact of measures and programmes such as the PUREJ, which are aimed at increasing access to decent work for young persons. In this regard, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the number of young persons who have benefited from these programmes.
Article 2. Collection and use of employment data. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide detailed information on the progress made with the collection of data on the labour market, and on the manner in which this data is taken into consideration during the formulation and implementation of the employment policy. It reminds the Government that it may avail itself of ILO technical assistance if it so wishes.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee once again requests the Government to include full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies. The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary measures without delay.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2023, published 112nd ILC session (2024)

The Committee notes with deep concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments. The Committee informs the Government that, if it has not supplied replies to the points raised by 1 September 2024, then it may proceed with the examination of the application of the Convention on the basis of the information at its disposal at its next session.
The Committee notes the observations made by the Workers Confederation of Comoros (CTC), received on 1 August 2017. It requests the Government to provide its comments on the matter.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy had been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties had been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP). The Committee notes with interest that the national employment policy act (PNE) was adopted through the promulgation on 3 July 2014 of Decree No. 14-11/PR enacting Framework Act No. 14-020/AU of 21 May 2014 issuing the national employment policy. The Government indicates that this Act aims to provide a common and coherent vision of the strategic approaches for taking national action on employment, by increasing opportunities for low-income population groups to access decent work and a stable and sustainable income. The Government adds that in November 2014, with ILO support, it developed and adopted the Emergency Plan for Youth Employment (PUREJ), which is part of the process to implement the PNE. The PUREJ involves the adoption of programmes to promote youth employment which result from priority measures identified in the strategic framework of the PNE and integrated in the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D). The Government adds that the overall objective of the PUREJ is to ensure strong employment growth in the short and medium term. In this context, the PUREJ focuses mainly on the promotion of youth employment in job-creating sectors for a period of two years, in order to contribute to the diversification of the economy, the production of goods and services and the building of social peace. The Government points out that the objective was to create 5,000 new decent and productive jobs for young persons and women by the end of 2016, through the development of skills in line with the needs of priority sectors of the Comorian economy and support for the promotion of employment and vocational integration. The Committee notes that in May 2015 the Government signed, together with the constituents and the ILO, the second generation Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), of which the main priority is to ensure the promotion and governance of employment. The Committee notes the observations of the CTC which indicate that the implementation of the PNE is not effective. It points out that the vocational training component, which is being conducted through a project with the European Union, is the only one being applied. In this regard, the provisions and mechanisms of the PNE have not been implemented and the text has not been disseminated to the public. The CTC also reports the dismissal of over 5,000 young persons without compensation. The Committee once again requests the Government to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It requests the Government to provide more detailed information on the measures taken with a view to achieving the employment priorities established in the framework of the DWCP 2015–19, and on the impact of measures and programmes such as the PUREJ, which are aimed at increasing access to decent work for young persons. In this regard, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the number of young persons who have benefited from these programmes.
Article 2. Collection and use of employment data. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide detailed information on the progress made with the collection of data on the labour market, and on the manner in which this data is taken into consideration during the formulation and implementation of the employment policy. It reminds the Government that it may avail itself of ILO technical assistance if it so wishes.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee once again requests the Government to include full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies. The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary measures without delay.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2022, published 111st ILC session (2023)

The Committee notes with concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
The Committee notes the observations made by the Workers Confederation of Comoros (CTC), received on 1 August 2017.It requests the Government to provide its comments on the matter.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy had been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties had been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP). The Committee notes with interest that the national employment policy act (PNE) was adopted through the promulgation on 3 July 2014 of Decree No. 14-11/PR enacting Framework Act No. 14-020/AU of 21 May 2014 issuing the national employment policy. The Government indicates that this Act aims to provide a common and coherent vision of the strategic approaches for taking national action on employment, by increasing opportunities for low-income population groups to access decent work and a stable and sustainable income. The Government adds that in November 2014, with ILO support, it developed and adopted the Emergency Plan for Youth Employment (PUREJ), which is part of the process to implement the PNE. The PUREJ involves the adoption of programmes to promote youth employment which result from priority measures identified in the strategic framework of the PNE and integrated in the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D). The Government adds that the overall objective of the PUREJ is to ensure strong employment growth in the short and medium term. In this context, the PUREJ focuses mainly on the promotion of youth employment in job-creating sectors for a period of two years, in order to contribute to the diversification of the economy, the production of goods and services and the building of social peace. The Government points out that the objective was to create 5,000 new decent and productive jobs for young persons and women by the end of 2016, through the development of skills in line with the needs of priority sectors of the Comorian economy and support for the promotion of employment and vocational integration. The Committee notes that in May 2015 the Government signed, together with the constituents and the ILO, the second generation Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), of which the main priority is to ensure the promotion and governance of employment. The Committee notes the observations of the CTC which indicate that the implementation of the PNE is not effective. It points out that the vocational training component, which is being conducted through a project with the European Union, is the only one being applied. In this regard, the provisions and mechanisms of the PNE have not been implemented and the text has not been disseminated to the public. The CTC also reports the dismissal of over 5,000 young persons without compensation.The Committee once again requests the Government to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It requests the Government to provide more detailed information on the measures taken with a view to achieving the employment priorities established in the framework of the DWCP 2015–19, and on the impact of measures and programmes such as the PUREJ, which are aimed at increasing access to decent work for young persons. In this regard, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the number of young persons who have benefited from these programmes.
Article 2. Collection and use of employment data.The Committee once again requests the Government to provide detailed information on the progress made with the collection of data on the labour market, and on the manner in which this data is taken into consideration during the formulation and implementation of the employment policy. It reminds the Government that it may avail itself of ILO technical assistance if it so wishes.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee once again requests the Government to include full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies. The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary measures without delay.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2021, published 110th ILC session (2022)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
The Committee notes the observations made by the Workers Confederation of Comoros (CTC), received on 1 August 2017. It requests the Government to provide its comments on the matter.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy had been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties had been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP). The Committee notes with interest that the national employment policy act (PNE) was adopted through the promulgation on 3 July 2014 of Decree No. 14-11/PR enacting Framework Act No. 14-020/AU of 21 May 2014 issuing the national employment policy. The Government indicates that this Act aims to provide a common and coherent vision of the strategic approaches for taking national action on employment, by increasing opportunities for low-income population groups to access decent work and a stable and sustainable income. The Government adds that in November 2014, with ILO support, it developed and adopted the Emergency Plan for Youth Employment (PUREJ), which is part of the process to implement the PNE. The PUREJ involves the adoption of programmes to promote youth employment which result from priority measures identified in the strategic framework of the PNE and integrated in the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D). The Government adds that the overall objective of the PUREJ is to ensure strong employment growth in the short and medium term. In this context, the PUREJ focuses mainly on the promotion of youth employment in job-creating sectors for a period of two years, in order to contribute to the diversification of the economy, the production of goods and services and the building of social peace. The Government points out that the objective was to create 5,000 new decent and productive jobs for young persons and women by the end of 2016, through the development of skills in line with the needs of priority sectors of the Comorian economy and support for the promotion of employment and vocational integration. The Committee notes that in May 2015 the Government signed, together with the constituents and the ILO, the second generation Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), of which the main priority is to ensure the promotion and governance of employment. The Committee notes the observations of the CTC which indicate that the implementation of the PNE is not effective. It points out that the vocational training component, which is being conducted through a project with the European Union, is the only one being applied. In this regard, the provisions and mechanisms of the PNE have not been implemented and the text has not been disseminated to the public. The CTC also reports the dismissal of over 5,000 young persons without compensation. The Committee once again requests the Government to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It requests the Government to provide more detailed information on the measures taken with a view to achieving the employment priorities established in the framework of the DWCP 2015–19, and on the impact of measures and programmes such as the PUREJ, which are aimed at increasing access to decent work for young persons. In this regard, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the number of young persons who have benefited from these programmes.
Article 2. Collection and use of employment data. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide detailed information on the progress made with the collection of data on the labour market, and on the manner in which this data is taken into consideration during the formulation and implementation of the employment policy. It reminds the Government that it may avail itself of ILO technical assistance if it so wishes.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee once again requests the Government to include full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies. The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary measures without delay.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2017, published 107th ILC session (2018)

The Committee notes the observations made by the Workers Confederation of Comoros (CTC), received on 1 August 2017. It requests the Government to provide its comments on the matter.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy had been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties had been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP). The Committee notes with interest that the national employment policy act (PNE) was adopted through the promulgation on 3 July 2014 of Decree No. 14-11/PR enacting Framework Act No. 14-020/AU of 21 May 2014 issuing the national employment policy. The Government indicates that this Act aims to provide a common and coherent vision of the strategic approaches for taking national action on employment, by increasing opportunities for low-income population groups to access decent work and a stable and sustainable income. The Government adds that in November 2014, with ILO support, it developed and adopted the Emergency Plan for Youth Employment (PUREJ), which is part of the process to implement the PNE. The PUREJ involves the adoption of programmes to promote youth employment which result from priority measures identified in the strategic framework of the PNE and integrated in the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D). The Government adds that the overall objective of the PUREJ is to ensure strong employment growth in the short and medium term. In this context, the PUREJ focuses mainly on the promotion of youth employment in job-creating sectors for a period of two years, in order to contribute to the diversification of the economy, the production of goods and services and the building of social peace. The Government points out that the objective was to create 5,000 new decent and productive jobs for young persons and women by the end of 2016, through the development of skills in line with the needs of priority sectors of the Comorian economy and support for the promotion of employment and vocational integration. The Committee notes that in May 2015 the Government signed, together with the constituents and the ILO, the second generation Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), of which the main priority is to ensure the promotion and governance of employment. The Committee notes the observations of the CTC which indicate that the implementation of the PNE is not effective. It points out that the vocational training component, which is being conducted through a project with the European Union, is the only one being applied. In this regard, the provisions and mechanisms of the PNE have not been implemented and the text has not been disseminated to the public. The CTC also reports the dismissal of over 5,000 young persons without compensation. The Committee once again requests the Government to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It requests the Government to provide more detailed information on the measures taken with a view to achieving the employment priorities established in the framework of the DWCP 2015–19, and on the impact of measures and programmes such as the PUREJ, which are aimed at increasing access to decent work for young persons. In this regard, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the number of young persons who have benefited from these programmes.
Article 2. Collection and use of employment data. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide detailed information on the progress made with the collection of data on the labour market, and on the manner in which this data is taken into consideration during the formulation and implementation of the employment policy. It reminds the Government that it may avail itself of ILO technical assistance if it so wishes.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee once again requests the Government to include full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies. The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary measures without delay.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

The Committee notes the observations from the Workers’ Confederation of Comoros (CTC), received on 16 August 2016. The Committee requests the Government to provide its comments in this respect.
The Committee notes with concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. In reply to the Committee’s 2009 observation, the Government indicates that the framework document on the national employment policy was approved by the Council of Ministers and that a Bill issuing the national employment policy has been prepared and submitted to the National Assembly. The Committee also notes the comments made by the Workers’ Confederation of Comoros (CTC) in September 2011. The CTC confirms that, despite the approval of the framework document on the national employment policy, no legislation has yet been approved by the National Assembly on this subject. The CTC acknowledges that it was consulted on the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP) and the ILO Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP). The Government indicates that the support project for peace-building in Comoros through employment promotion for youth and women (APROJEC) has launched several activities to promote youth employment in the islands. The CTC calls for a mid-term re-evaluation of the results of the APROJEC project. The Government also refers to the lack of the necessary financial resources to continue surveys of young unemployed graduates and requests financial support from the ILO with a view to the general application of these surveys in other islands. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy has been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It also invites the Government to provide information on the resources used to achieve the employment priorities established in the context of the DWCP, 2009–12, and on the impact of measures and programmes, such as the APROJEC project, which are designed to facilitate the access of youth to decent work.
Collection and use of employment data. The Committee invites the Government to supplement its next report with detailed information on the progress achieved in the collection of labour market data and on the manner in which such data are taken into account in the formulation and implementation of the employment policy (Article 2).
Participation of the social partners. The Committee invites the Government to provide full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2015, published 105th ILC session (2016)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. The Committee notes the Government’s brief report received in October 2011. In reply to its 2009 observation, the Government indicates that the framework document on the national employment policy was approved by the Council of Ministers and that a Bill issuing the national employment policy has been prepared and submitted to the National Assembly. The Committee also notes the comments made by the Workers’ Confederation of Comoros (CTC) in September 2011. The CTC confirms that, despite the approval of the framework document on the national employment policy, no legislation has yet been approved by the National Assembly on this subject. The CTC acknowledges that it was consulted on the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP) and the ILO Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP). The Government indicates that the support project for peace-building in Comoros through employment promotion for youth and women (APROJEC) has launched several activities to promote youth employment in the islands. The CTC calls for a mid-term re-evaluation of the results of the APROJEC project. The Government also refers to the lack of the necessary financial resources to continue surveys of young unemployed graduates and requests financial support from the ILO with a view to the general application of these surveys in other islands. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy has been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It also invites the Government to provide information on the resources used to achieve the employment priorities established in the context of the DWCP, 2009–12, and on the impact of measures and programmes, such as the APROJEC project, which are designed to facilitate the access of youth to decent work.
Collection and use of employment data. The Committee invites the Government to supplement its next report with detailed information on the progress achieved in the collection of labour market data and on the manner in which such data are taken into account in the formulation and implementation of the employment policy (Article 2).
Participation of the social partners. The Committee invites the Government to provide full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous comments.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. The Committee notes the Government’s brief report received in October 2011. In reply to its 2009 observation, the Government indicates that the framework document on the national employment policy was approved by the Council of Ministers and that a Bill issuing the national employment policy has been prepared and submitted to the National Assembly. The Committee also notes the comments made by the Workers’ Confederation of Comoros (CTC) in September 2011. The CTC confirms that, despite the approval of the framework document on the national employment policy, no legislation has yet been approved by the National Assembly on this subject. The CTC acknowledges that it was consulted on the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP) and the ILO Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP). The Government indicates that the support project for peace-building in Comoros through employment promotion for youth and women (APROJEC) has launched several activities to promote youth employment in the islands. The CTC calls for a mid-term re-evaluation of the results of the APROJEC project. The Government also refers to the lack of the necessary financial resources to continue surveys of young unemployed graduates and requests financial support from the ILO with a view to the general application of these surveys in other islands. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy has been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It also invites the Government to provide information on the resources used to achieve the employment priorities established in the context of the DWCP, 2009–12, and on the impact of measures and programmes, such as the APROJEC project, which are designed to facilitate the access of youth to decent work.
Collection and use of employment data. The Committee invites the Government to supplement its next report with detailed information on the progress achieved in the collection of labour market data and on the manner in which such data are taken into account in the formulation and implementation of the employment policy (Article 2).
Participation of the social partners. The Committee invites the Government to provide full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. Article 1 of the Convention. The Committee notes the Government’s brief report received in October 2011. In reply to its 2009 observation, the Government indicates that the framework document on the national employment policy was approved by the Council of Ministers and that a Bill issuing the national employment policy has been prepared and submitted to the National Assembly. The Committee also notes the comments made by the Workers’ Confederation of Comoros (CTC) in September 2011. The CTC confirms that, despite the approval of the framework document on the national employment policy, no legislation has yet been approved by the National Assembly on this subject. The CTC acknowledges that it was consulted on the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP) and the ILO Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP). The Government indicates that the support project for peace-building in Comoros through employment promotion for youth and women (APROJEC) has launched several activities to promote youth employment in the islands. The CTC calls for a mid-term re-evaluation of the results of the APROJEC project. The Government also refers to the lack of the necessary financial resources to continue surveys of young unemployed graduates and requests financial support from the ILO with a view to the general application of these surveys in other islands. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy has been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It also invites the Government to provide information on the resources used to achieve the employment priorities established in the context of the DWCP, 2009–12, and on the impact of measures and programmes, such as the APROJEC project, which are designed to facilitate the access of youth to decent work.
Collection and use of employment data. The Committee invites the Government to supplement its next report with detailed information on the progress achieved in the collection of labour market data and on the manner in which such data are taken into account in the formulation and implementation of the employment policy (Article 2).
Participation of the social partners. The Committee invites the Government to provide full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies.
The Committee hopes that the preparation of a detailed report, containing all of the indications requested in the present observation, will provide the Government and the social partners with the possibility to evaluate the achievement of the objectives of full and productive employment, in accordance with the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. The Committee notes the report received in September 2008, in which the Government indicates that no significant developments have been observed since the previous report and that it hopes to provide all the information requested in its next report. The Committee recalls that in its 2008 observation it noted that a framework document on the national employment policy had been adopted following a national workshop organized in November 2007. The Government also indicated that a survey of young graduate jobseekers, undertaken in the island of Grande Comore by the General Directorate of Employment, would be extended to the islands of Mohéli and Anjouan so as to obtain full data on the employment market. The Committee notes that the central objective of the ILO Decent Work Country Programme in the Comoros 2009–12 (PPTD) is employment promotion and that the expected outcomes include, in particular, the formulation of an employment promotion strategy and the adoption of laws and regulations with a view to: implementing the strategy; developing the Act on cooperatives; formulating a strategy for women’s entrepreneurship and youth employment; introducing transparent and confidence-building procedures to spur investment and job creation; and, finally, implementing an information and monitoring system on labour market trends. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives established by the framework document on national employment policy and the PPTD and to indicate the extent to which these difficulties have been overcome. The Government is also requested to provide information on the progress made in gathering labour market data and on the manner in which such data are taken into consideration when formulating and implementing employment policy.

Article 3. Participation of the social partners in the formulation and application of policy. The Government referred in its previous report to the importance of the involvement of the social partners, in both the formulation and implementation of employment policies and in the preparation of the PPTD. In this regard, the Committee requests the Government to provide information in its next report on the steps taken to achieve the priorities of the PPTD, indicating the mechanisms and regularity of the consultations held with the representatives of the persons concerned, in particular with the representatives of employers and workers, on the subjects covered by the Convention. Please also indicate the initiatives that have received ILO support for the promotion of the objectives of the creation of productive employment, as set out in the Convention (Part V of the report form).

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2008, published 98th ILC session (2009)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its brief report of September 2008. The Government indicates that a framework document on the national employment policy has been adopted following a national workshop organized in November 2007 and that a Bill formulated on this basis has been submitted to the Assembly of the Union for examination and adoption. The Government adds that a survey of young graduate jobseekers, undertaken in the island of Grande Comore by the General Directorate of Employment, will be extended to the islands of Mohéli and Anjouan so as to obtain full data on the employment market. The Committee notes that the central objective of the ILO Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) in the Comoros is employment promotion and that the expected outcomes include the formulation of an employment promotion strategy and the adoption of laws and regulations with a view to: the implementation of the strategy; the development of the Act respecting cooperatives; the formulation of a strategy for women’s entrepreneurship and youth employment; the introduction of transparent and confidence-building procedures to spur investment and job creation; and, finally, the implementation of an information and monitoring system on labour market trends. The Committee hopes that the Government will be in a position to indicate in its next report whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives established by the framework paper on national employment policy and the extent to which these difficulties have been overcome. The Government is also invited to provide indications on the progress achieved in the collection of labour market data and on the manner in which such data are taken into consideration in the formulation and implementation of the employment policy.

Article 3. Participation of the social partners in the formulation and application of policies. The Government refers to the importance of the involvement of the social partners both in the formulation and implementation of employment policies and in the preparation of the DWCP, which is due to be launched in the Comoros. In this respect, the Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on the measures adopted with a view to achieving the priorities of the DWCP, with an indication of the mechanisms and regularity of the consultations held with the representatives of the persons concerned, in particular the representatives of employers and workers, on the subjects covered by the Convention. Please also indicate the initiatives that have received ILO support for the promotion of the objectives of the creation of productive employment, as set out in the Convention (Part V of the report form).

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Coordination of employment policy with poverty reduction. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in October 2007 indicating that a framework document on employment policy is currently being formulated under the supervision of the ILO. A committee composed of the representatives of the various social services and organizations concerned has also been established with a view to facilitating the collection of data that can provide the basis for a true employment policy coordinated with training, social security and retirement policy. The Committee notes the poverty reduction and growth strategy paper (October 2005) which indicates, among other matters, that the registered unemployment rate is 14.3 per cent. It notes that this rate fluctuates in an irregular manner between and even within islands, and that it is high in urban areas. Almost two-fifths of the economically active population and the majority of the rural population work in the primary sector. The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the measures adopted to ensure that employment, as a key element of poverty reduction, is placed at the heart of macroeconomic and social policies. It hopes that the Government will be in a position to indicate the concrete measures adopted and implemented in consultation with the social partners with a view to promoting full, productive and freely chosen employment.

2. The Committee once again emphasizes the importance of establishing a system for the compilation of labour market data so that policies can be based on an accurate appraisal of labour market conditions. The Committee once again requests the Government to keep it informed of any progress achieved in this field and to provide information on the employment policy measures adopted as a result of the establishment of new labour market information systems.

3. Article 3. Participation of the social partners in the formulation and application of policies. In the absence of any new information from the Government on this subject, the Committee recalls that it is the joint responsibility of the Government and the representative organizations of employers and workers to ensure that representatives of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of the active population are associated as closely as possible with the formulation and implementation of measures of which they should be the prime beneficiaries (see paragraph 493 of the General Survey of 2004 on promoting employment). The Committee once again requests the Government to provide detailed information on the consultations envisaged by Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the consultation of all the persons affected, and in particular representatives of employers and workers, when formulating and pursuing employment policies.

4. Part V of the report form. ILO technical assistance.Finally, the Committee once again requests the Government to indicate the action taken for the implementation of an active employment policy within the meaning of the Convention, following the technical assistance received from the ILO .

[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2008.]

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2006, published 96th ILC session (2007)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its 2004 observation, which read as follows:

1. Coordination of employment policy with poverty reduction. The Committee noted previously the missions of the Technical and Vocational Training Office and the employment promotion activities carried out under the AMIE project. The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the measures adopted to ensure that employment, as a key element of poverty reduction, is placed at the heart of macroeconomic and social policy. It would also be important to be able to examine information on the results achieved by the measures adopted to improve the supply of technical and vocational training and the promotion of an enterprise culture (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention and the Job Creation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Recommendation, 1998 (No. 189)).

2. The Committee once again emphasizes the importance of establishing a system for the compilation of labour market data so that policies can be based on an accurate appraisal of labour market conditions. It requests the Government to provide information on any progress achieved in this field and also, in its next report, to provide information on the employment policy measures adopted as a result of the establishment of new labour market information systems.

3. Participation of the social partners in the formulation and application of policies. The Committee recalls that it is the joint responsibility of the Government and the representative organizations of employers and workers to ensure that representatives of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of the active population are associated as closely as possible with the formulation and implementation of measures of which they should be the prime beneficiaries (see paragraph 493 of the General Survey of 2004 on promoting employment). The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the consultations envisaged by Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the consultation of all the persons affected, and in particular representatives of employers and workers, when declaring and pursuing employment policies.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2005, published 95th ILC session (2006)

1. The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to reiterate the principal points raised in its observation of 2004.

2. Coordination of employment policy with poverty reduction. The Committee noted previously the missions of the Technical and Vocational Training Office and the employment promotion activities carried out under the AMIE project. The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the measures adopted to ensure that employment, as a key element of poverty reduction, is placed at the heart of macroeconomic and social policy. It would also be important to be able to examine information on the results achieved by the measures adopted to improve the supply of technical and vocational training and the promotion of an enterprise culture (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention and the Job Creation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Recommendation, 1998 (No. 189)).

3. The Committee once again emphasizes the importance of establishing a system for the compilation of labour market data so that policies can be based on an accurate appraisal of labour market conditions. It requests the Government to provide information on any progress achieved in this field and also, in its next report, to provide information on the employment policy measures adopted as a result of the establishment of new labour market information systems.

4. Participation of the social partners in the formulation and application of policies. The Committee recalls that it is the joint responsibility of the Government and the representative organizations of employers and workers to ensure that representatives of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of the active population are associated as closely as possible with the formulation and implementation of measures of which they should be the prime beneficiaries (see paragraph 493 of the General Survey of 2004 on promoting employment). The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the consultations envisaged by Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the consultation of all the persons affected, and in particular representatives of employers and workers, when declaring and pursuing employment policies.

[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2006.]

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2004, published 93rd ILC session (2005)

1. Coordination of employment policy with poverty reduction. The Committee notes that, according to the brief information received in March 2004, the Technical and Vocational Training Office is responsible for providing short training courses in all branches of activity. The AMIE project and its partners have also contributed to the promotion of employment: local partners participate in the AMIE project, including the Mohéli Traders’ Solidarity Fund, the Business Development Centre, the Community Development Assistance Fund and the network of mutual savings and credit funds. The project is reported to have led to the creation of 2,800 jobs since 2001. The Government also indicates that the tax exemptions for investors made available by the Inter-ministerial Investment Commission have led to the creation of 2,083 jobs since 2000. The Committee hopes that the Government will be in a position to provide detailed information in its next report on the measures taken to ensure that employment, as a key element of poverty reduction, is at the heart of macroeconomic and social policies. It would also be important to be able to examine information on the results achieved by the measures taken to improve the supply of technical and vocational training and the promotion of an enterprise culture (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention and the Job Creation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Recommendation, 1998 (No. 189)).

2. The Committee emphasizes once again the importance of establishing a system for the compilation of labour market data so that policies can be based on an accurate appraisal of labour market conditions. It requests the Government to provide information on any progress achieved in this field, and also in its next report to provide information on the employment policy measures adopted as a result of the establishment of new labour market information systems.

3. Participation of the social partners in the formulation and application of policies. The Committee recalls that Article 3 of the Convention requires consultations with the representatives of all persons affected, and particularly representatives of employers and workers, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies. It is the joint responsibility of the government and the representative organizations of employers and workers to ensure that representatives of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of the active population are associated as closely as possible with the formulation and implementation of the measures of which they should be the prime beneficiaries (see paragraph 493 of the General Survey of 2004 on promoting employment). The Committee trusts that the Government will provide detailed information on this subject in its next report.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2002, published 91st ILC session (2003)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its 2001 direct request which read as follows:

The Committee notes the information provided in the Government’s brief report.

Article 1 of the Convention. The Government states that a report prepared in April 2000 provides a basis for a national employment policy. The Government’s strategy is to develop small and medium enterprises and micro-enterprises in the informal sector. It aims to do this primarily through vocational training and by making financing available. The Government also states that it has undertaken Project "AMIE" to combat poverty, with technical assistance from the ILO and UNDP. The project, which focuses on the creation of micro-enterprises, so far has made loans to 70 enterprises and enabled the creation of 277 jobs. The Federation of Autonomous Unions of Workers of Comoros (USATC) states that Project AMIE should be extended to more people to create more jobs. The Committee notes this information and would appreciate receiving further details on progress made in extending Project AMIE, and the impact on employment promotion.

Article 2. Please supply information on measures taken or envisaged to develop a system for collecting disaggregated data on the labour market. Please also provide further information on how employment policies and programmes are kept under review within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy.

Article 3. The Committee notes with interest that social dialogue is one of the key strategies identified by the Government for employment promotion. It would appreciate receiving further information on the manner in which consultations are held with representatives of employers, workers and other groups, such as rural and informal sector workers, and on the outcome of these consultations.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2001, published 90th ILC session (2002)

The Committee notes the information provided in the Government’s brief report.

Article 1 of the Convention. The Government states that a report prepared in April 2000 provides a basis for a national employment policy. The Government’s strategy is to develop small and medium enterprises and micro-enterprises in the informal sector. It aims to do this primarily through vocational training and by making financing available. The Government also states that it has undertaken Project "AMIE" to combat poverty, with technical assistance from the ILO and UNDP. The project, which focuses on the creation of micro-enterprises, so far has made loans to 70 enterprises and enabled the creation of 277 jobs. The Federation of Autonomous Unions of Workers of Comoros (USATC) states that Project AMIE should be extended to more people to create more jobs. The Committee notes this information and would appreciate receiving further details on progress made in extending Project AMIE, and the impact on employment promotion.

Article 2. Please supply information on measures taken or envisaged to develop a system for collecting disaggregated data on the labour market. Please also provide further information on how employment policies and programmes are kept under review within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy.

Article 3. The Committee notes with interest that social dialogue is one of the key strategies identified by the Government for employment promotion. It would appreciate receiving further information on the manner in which consultations are held with representatives of employers, workers and other groups, such as rural and informal sector workers, and on the outcome of these consultations.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1999, published 88th ILC session (2000)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes with regret that the brief information provided by the Government in reply to its previous request shows that no active policy for the promotion of employment is being implemented. While it is aware of the difficulties raised by the application of the structural adjustment programme, the Committee observes that the situation described by the Government requires the formulation of an employment policy designed to alleviate the negative impact of the adjustment measures on employment and standard of living. It hopes that the Government will be able to supply in its next report indications on the steps taken to this effect and that it will contact the competent multidisciplinary ILO team in order to obtain the necessary advice with a view to designing and implementing the policies and measures required by the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1998, published 87th ILC session (1999)

The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the mattters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes with regret that the brief information provided by the Government in reply to its previous request shows that no active policy for the promotion of employment is being implemented. While it is aware of the difficulties raised by the application of the structural adjustment programme, the Committee observes that the situation described by the Government requires the formulation of an employment policy designed to alleviate the negative impact of the adjustment measures on employment and standard of living. It hopes that the Government will be able to supply in its next report indications on the steps taken to this effect and that it will contact the competent multidisciplinary ILO team in order to obtain the necessary advice with a view to designing and implementing the policies and measures required by the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1997, published 86th ILC session (1998)

The Committee notes with regret that the brief information provided by the Government in reply to its previous request shows that no active policy for the promotion of employment is being implemented. While it is aware of the difficulties raised by the application of the structural adjustment programme, the Committee observes that the situation described by the Government requires the formulation of an employment policy designed to alleviate the negative impact of the adjustment measures on employment and standard of living. It hopes that the Government will be able to supply in its next report indications on the steps taken to this effect and that it will contact the competent multidisciplinary ILO team in order to obtain the necessary advice with a view to designing and implementing the policies and measures required by the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1996, published 85th ILC session (1997)

The Committee notes with regret that for the third year in succession the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

1. The Committee notes the brief indications provided by the Government in answer to its previous direct request. It notes that the structural adjustment programme which was being negotiated when the report was prepared was to further the objective of promoting employment, in particular by creating small and medium sized enterprises. The Government acknowledges, however, that there has been delay in implementing measures for the retraining and occupational reintegration of workers made redundant and the long term unemployed. The Committee hopes that in its next report the Government will provide fresh information on measures taken to mitigate the social costs of adjustment, particularly in terms of employment. The Government is asked in particular to indicate the action taken as a result of the ILO technical cooperation project on support for the private sector.

2. The Committee notes the Government's assurances that it will take the necessary steps to ensure that representatives of all those affected, including in the rural and informal sectors, are consulted concerning employment policies, in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention. It trusts that in its next report the Government will indicate how effect is given to this provision of the Convention, which is of particular importance in the context of structural adjustment.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 83rd ILC session (1996)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

1. The Committee notes the brief indications provided by the Government in answer to its previous direct request. It notes that the structural adjustment programme which was being negotiated when the report was prepared was to further the objective of promoting employment, in particular by creating small and medium sized enterprises. The Government acknowledges, however, that there has been delay in implementing measures for the retraining and occupational reintegration of workers made redundant and the long term unemployed. The Committee hopes that in its next report the Government will provide fresh information on measures taken to mitigate the social costs of adjustment, particularly in terms of employment. The Government is asked in particular to indicate the action taken as a result of the ILO technical cooperation project on support for the private sector.

2. The Committee notes the Government's assurances that it will take the necessary steps to ensure that representatives of all those affected, including in the rural and informal sectors, are consulted concerning employment policies, in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention. It trusts that in its next report the Government will indicate how effect is given to this provision of the Convention, which is of particular importance in the context of structural adjustment.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 82nd ILC session (1995)

The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

1. The Committee notes the brief indications provided by the Government in answer to its previous direct request. It notes that the structual adjustment programme which was being negotiated when the report was prepared was to further the objective of promoting employment, in particular by creating small and medium sized enterprises. The Government acknowledges, however, that there has been delay in implementing measures for the retraining and occupational reintegration of workers made redundant and the long term unemployed. The Committee hopes that in its next report the Government will provide fresh information on measures taken to mitigate the social costs of adjustment, particularly in terms of employment. The Government is asked in particular to indicate the action taken as a result of the ILO technical cooperation project on support for the private sector.

2. The Committee notes the Government's assurances that it will take thenecessary steps to ensure that representatives of all those affected, including in the rural and informal sectors, are consulted concerning employment policies, in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention. It trusts that in its next report the Government will indicate how effect is given to this provision of the Convention, which is of particular importance in the context of structural adjustment.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1994, published 81st ILC session (1994)

1. The Committee notes the brief indications provided by the Government in answer to its previous direct request. It notes that the structual adjustment programme which was being negotiated when the report was prepared was to further the objective of promoting employment, in particular by creating small and medium sized enterprises. The Government acknowledges, however, that there has been delay in implementing measures for the retraining and occupational reintegration of workers made redundant and the long term unemployed. The Committee hopes that in its next report the Government will provide fresh information on measures taken to mitigate the social costs of adjustment, particularly in terms of employment. The Government is asked in particular to indicate the action taken as a result of the ILO technical cooperation project on support for the private sector.

2. The Committee notes the Government's assurances that it will take the necessary steps to ensure that representatives of all those affected, including in the rural and informal sectors, are consulted concerning employment policies, in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention. It trusts that in its next report the Government will indicate how effect is given to this provision of the Convention, which is of particular importance in the context of structural adjustment.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1992, published 79th ILC session (1992)

The Committee takes note of the information provided by the Government in reply to its previous direct request. It would be grateful if the Government would provide additional information in its next report on the following points:

1. The Committee has been informed that a five-year development plan is being prepared and will come into force in 1993. Please provide information on the objectives and the measures to promote employment envisaged in the context of the planning process. The Committee notes that the Government is particularly concerned about the employment of young people who have no qualifications and who are particularly affected by unemployment. Please provide information on the training for employment project for young school drop-outs, referred to in the report.

2. The Government indicates that it is pursuing its activities to develop rural employment. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide particulars of the nature and results of the activities undertaken to promote rural employment by the Centre for Support to Rural Development (CADER) and the Comoros Federal Development Support Centre (CEFADER).

3. The Committee notes that, according to the Government, the absence of employers' and workers' organisations has been an obstacle to the full application of the Convention in the past, but that this difficulty should be overcome now that workers' organisations are emerging. With reference to its previous direct requests, the Committee recalls that the "representatives of the persons affected" referred to in Article 3 of the Convention may be not only representatives of employers' and workers' organisations but also representatives of other sectors of the economically active population such as those working in the rural sector and the informal sector. The Committee trusts that the Government will take appropriate measures to give full effect to this important provision of the Convention and will indicate in its next report the manner in which representatives of the persons affected are consulted concerning employment policies.

4. The Committee has been informed that, in the context of a mission to assist economic planning and management carried out in April 1991 by the ILO, it was suggested that the Government should organise a programme to attenuate the social costs of adjustment, in particular by creating productive and gainful employment, with a labour-intensive activity component and by developing micro-activities in the context of the occupational retraining and reintegration of workers made redundant and the long-term unemployed. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate the action that has been taken or is envisaged as a result of the assistance and advice provided by the ILO departments dealing with employment policy and, if applicable, the factors which may have hindered or delayed such action (Part V of the report form).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1990, published 77th ILC session (1990)

1. The Committee takes note of the Government's report for the period ending June 1988 and of the information supplied in answer to its previous direct request. According to the information, the Government's efforts to establish the necessary economic infrastructures and implement the rural development policy, within the framework of the 1983-1986 Interim Plan, have had an indirect impact on employment and have helped to contain the rural exodus. The Government indicates that, at the same time, it is strengthening its efforts with regard to employment, particularly the employment of young people. According to the information transmitted with the Government's report, the problems of employment, unemployment and underemployment, particularly among young people of aged 15 to 24 (who account for 60 per cent of the active population of the Comoros) remain, and constitute one of the Government's main concerns. The Committee notes that the Government states that it has accordingly resolved to make the promotion of employment a national priority in the planning process. The Committee trusts that the Government will provide all available information on the measures taken to promote an active employment policy in the meaning of the Convention (Article 1), referring to the relevant questions under this Article in the report form. It also hopes that the Government's next report will describe the procedures adopted to ensure that the effects on employment of measures taken to promote economic development or other economic and social objective receive due consideration (Article 2). Please also provide information on the following points:

(a)the effects on the labour market of the national programme to generate employment and self-employment in the small enterprise and craft sectors;

(b)the action undertaken to promote employment in the rural sector by the Centre for Support to Rural Development (CADER) and the Comoros Federal Development Support Centre (CEFADER);

(c)measures to co-ordinate education and training policies with employment prospects.

2. Article 3. The Government indicates that in the absence of employers' and workers' organisations, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture is consulted concerning employment policies. The Committee recalls that this provision of the Convention provides specifically that "representatives of the persons affected by the measures to be taken, and in particular representatives of employers and workers, shall be consulted concerning employment policies ...". The Committee hopes that the Government will take appropriate measures to give full effect to this important provision of the Convention. It therefore asks the Government to indicate the manner in which the "representatives of the persons affected" who may be not only representatives of employers' and workers' organisations, but also representatives of other sectors of the economically active population (such as those working in the rural sector and the informal sector), are consulted on employment policies.

3. Part V of the report form. The Government indicates in its report that it requested the assistance of the PECTA in 1987 and 1988 to set up a guarantee fund for small craft enterprises, to organise an employment cell and to register enterprises and compile statistical information on their activities, but that so far there has been no response to this request. The Committee hopes that it will be possible for these projects to be implemented rapidly and that, in its future reports, the Government will be able to provide information on the action undertaken as a result of the assistance or advice provided by the ILO departments dealing with employment policy. Please indicate also any factors which may have hindered or delayed such action.

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