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Part V of the report form. Application in practice. While noting the legislative conformity of the provisions of the Annual Leave Act (SFS 1977:480), as amended, with the requirements of the Convention, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide with its next report all available information on the application of the Convention in practice, including statistics on the number of workers covered by the relevant legislation and the number of labour court proceedings instituted for alleged violation of the annual leave legislation, copies of applicable collective agreements deviating from the provisions of the Leave Act, as well as any other particulars bearing on the implementation of the Convention both in law and practice.
With reference to its previous direct request, the Committee notes with interest the detailed information provided by the Government in its report. The Committee notes in particular, the information provided in the Government's report on the position of the law and practice in respect of "unsupervised" employees excluded from the holidays provisions. It would be grateful if the Government would continue to provide information on any changes, such as amendments to the Annual Leave Act, regarding the extent to which effect has been given to the Convention in respect of this excluded category.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee recalls from the Government's first report that exclusions have been made from the provisions concerning holidays for "unsupervised" employees, i.e. employees normally doing work for their employers in their homes or under such conditions that their work cannot be supervised. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate any changes in this respect.
Article 12. The Committee notes that, under the temporary provisions of Act No. 1990:631, employees may abstain from that part of their annual paid holiday which is in excess of 20 days. This measure is designed to counteract a serious labour shortage. It operates where there is a written agreement, and it gives the right to extra accumulated holiday remuneration. The Committee notes that this measure does not seem to be in conformity with the Convention, which calls for the prohibition of agreements to forgo the right to the minimum annual holiday with pay. The Committee hopes the Government will ensure that the Convention is fully applied.