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Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160) - Eswatini (Ratification: 1992)

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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Article 2 of the Convention. Consideration of the latest standards and guidelines. The Committee notes with interest the detailed report provided by the Government in response to its previous request. In particular, it acknowledges the Government’s indication that the obligations in respect of Articles 7, 8, 10 and 12–15 of the Convention have been accepted and are fully implemented in the course of collecting, compiling and publishing statistics on the economically active population. Nevertheless, the Committee notes that the Government has not submitted its responses to the Annual Questionnaire transmitted by the ILO Department of Statistics (ILOSTAT) for 2021, 2023 and 2024. The Committee therefore invites the Government to provide regular responses to the questionnaire so that the statistics covered under Articles 11, 14 and 15 of the Convention may be updated on the ILOSTAT webpage in a timely manner.
Articles 7 and 8. Statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment. Structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government through its most recent Labour Force Survey (LFS) conducted in 2021. It notes that, while the LFS in Eswatini is carried out every three years, the LFS for 2019 was postponed to 2021. The Government reports that the key findings of the 2021 LFS can be accessed through either the website of the National Employment Statistics Unit or the Central Statistics Office. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government concerning the most recent population census conducted in 2017, noting that the next census is planned for 2027. The Committee further notes the Government’s indication that the collection, compilation and analysis of data on the economically active population uses the same concepts and definitions as those utilized in the LFS. The Government adds that a module of standardized employment questions is included in the population census questionnaire. The Committee invites the Government to provide detailed information in respect of the data collected, as well as the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in carrying out the Labour Force Surveys, including the 2021 Survey. It further requests the Government to provide information in relation to the next Labour Force Survey planned, including in relation to the statistical data collected on the economically active population, employment, unemployment and, if available, underemployment, as well as methodological data. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information with respect to its plans for the population census scheduled to take place in 2027. Lastly, the Committee invites the Government to provide information on any developments in relation to the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (Resolution I), adopted by the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in 2013, as well as in relation to the Resolution concerning statistics on work relationships adopted by the 20th ICLS (2018) and the Resolution concerning statistics on the informal economy (2023).
Article 10. Statistics of wage structure and distribution. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government concerning the 2019 Employment and Wages Survey, including the summary of the key findings provided. It takes particular note of the information provided under section 4 of the Survey on Earnings in relation to median hourly earnings by industry and institutional sector. The Committee also notes the Government’s indication that data processing is still underway and that the full report of the Survey will be provided following its completion. Lastly, the Committee notes the information provided in respect of the 2021 Employer and Wages Survey Quarterly Questionnaire carried out through the Labour Market Information System. The Committee requests the Government to provide more detailed updated information on the application of Article 10, as well as to submit all relevant data together with methodological information, including a detailed description of the sources, concepts and definitions utilized in the collection, compilation and analysis of the statistics.
Article 12. Consumer price indices. The Committee notes the information provided with respect to the collection of data on consumer price indices, particularly the Government’s indication that all relevant stakeholders, including employers and workers, are engaged in the review of concepts, methodology and definitions utilized. The Committee recalls that, since 2015, all national consumer price series indices are updated and disseminated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) through its website, and that the ILO takes consumer prices index data directly from the IMF web page. The Committee notes that the last available data for Eswatini concerns 2020. The Committee therefore encourages the Government to seek to ensure regular reporting of statistics on consumer price indices to the IMF, together with the description of sources, concepts and definitions utilized.
Article 14. Statistics on occupational injuries, accidents and diseases. The Government indicates that no updated statistics have been published on occupational injuries and diseases since it submitted its prior report in 2016. Nevertheless, the Committee notes that the Government report includes certain data on occupational injuries, reflecting that, during the reporting period, there were a total of: 539 work-related accident injury reports submitted; 98 work-related accident injuries were processed; and 30 work-related injuries were compensated. The Government estimates the monetary value of the work-related injuries at 1,986,889.25 Swazi emalangeni. According to the report, information on occupational injury statistics is sourced from the report of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of 2021–22. In addition, the Committee notes that data on non-fatal occupational injuries and illnesses were also submitted to the Office through the 2021 integrated LFS. Recalling the decision of the International Labour Conference at its 110th Session in June 2022 to include a “safe and healthy working environment” as a fundamental principle and right at work under paragraph 2 of the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Committee requests the Government to provide updated statistical data on occupational injuries, accidents and diseases, together with a description of sources, concepts and definitions utilized in the collection, compilation and analysis of such statistics through the Annual Questionnaire of the ILO Department of Statistics.
Article 15. Statistics of industrial disputes. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in respect of the application of Article 15. In particular, it notes the report of the Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Commission (CMAC) for 2020–21, as well as the statistical data submitted on the activities carried out by the CMAC. It notes that the CMAC report provides information on the number of cases resolved through conciliation and arbitration procedures (both resolved and unresolved cases), as well as information regarding types of disputes and the numbers of disputes per category. The Committee recalls that Article 15 calls on Governments to provide statistics of industrial disputes in such a manner as to be representative of the country as a whole, covering all branches of economic activity, where possible. It draws the attention of the Government to the Resolution concerning statistics of strikes, lockouts and other action due to labour disputes, adopted by the 15th ICLS in 1993, which provides that information in this regard and where possible, should be collected with respect to the number of strikes and lockouts; the number of workers involved in strikes or lockouts; the duration of strikes or lockouts; the amount of time not worked by workers involved in strikes or lockouts; and other important characteristics relevant to the labour disputes. The Committee notes that data on strikes and lockouts has been received through the ILOSTAT Annual Questionnaire, with the most recent data referring to 2019. The Committee therefore requests the Government to continue to submit statistical data relevant to the application of Article 15 of the Convention through the ILOSTAT Annual Questionnaire. It notes that technical assistance is available upon request through the ILO Department of Statistics with respect to the compilation, analysis and publication of statistical data relevant to industrial disputes, should the Government so wish.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

Article 2 of the Convention. Consideration of the latest standards and guidelines. In response to the Committee’s comments, the Government indicates in its report that ILO standards and guidelines have been followed and implemented in the course of the collection, compilation and publication of statistics on the economically active population. The Committee requests that the Government indicate, for each Article of the Convention for which obligations were accepted (namely, Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15) the standards and guidelines being followed.
Articles 7 and 8. Economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment statistics. Structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Government indicates that Labour Force Surveys were conducted in 2010 and 2013. At the time of reporting, the Government indicates that the report on the 2013 Labour Force Survey was being finalized and would be provided upon completion. Labour force surveys are conducted every third year, and the corresponding report is published and made available within 12 months from the date of data collection. The Government also indicates that the next population census is planned for 2017. The Committee notes that the ILO Department of Statistics has not received the statistics or methodological information for the 2010 and 2013 Surveys, or for the 2007 population census. The Committee requests the Government to provide all available statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and, if available, underemployment, and to indicate for the labour force survey referenced: (a) the title and reference number of the principal publication in which the statistics appear; and (b) the form and frequency with which statistics are communicated to the ILO. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information regarding the coverage of statistics to be compiled in accordance with Article 8. It also invites the Government to provide information on the next population census. Please also include information on any developments in relation to the implementation of the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (Resolution I), adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (October 2013).
Article 10. Statistics of wage structure and distribution. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the relevant statistics will be collected and provided. The Committee trusts that the Government will take the necessary steps to give effect to this provision.
Article 12. Consumer price indices. The Government indicates that all relevant stakeholders, including the employers’ and workers’ organizations, were engaged in the review of the concepts, methodology and definitions used in the collection, compilation and publication of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The Committee once again asks the Government to supply up-to-date figures of consumer price indices regarding all items and food groups, the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of the new series of CPI (series base April 2007 = 100), and the actual methodological description.
Article 14. Statistics on occupational injuries. The Committee notes the statistics provided by the Government in its report, indicating that 1,369 work-related accidents and 24 diseases were reported in 2013. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on any new developments regarding the production and dissemination of statistics on occupational injuries and diseases, and to communicate relevant statistics to the ILO as well as information regarding the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in their collection and compilation.
Article 15. Statistics of industrial disputes. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government with regard to the 1,455 industrial disputes reported in 2013. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on any new developments regarding the production and dissemination of statistics on industrial disputes.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
The Committee notes the Government’s report received in November 2010, which included statistics compiled from the 2007–08 Labour Force Survey. The Committee notes that the statistics provided by the Government were used to update the ILO statistical database LABORSTA. The Committee invites the Government to further provide in its next report updated information on the following matters.
Article 2 of the Convention. ILO standards and guidance. The Committee invites the Government to indicate whether it has incorporated the latest standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the ILO regarding the collection, compilation and publication of statistics for the implementation of each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15).
Article 7. Labour force participation. The Committee notes the statistics provided by the Government in its report of the economically active population from the 2007–08 Labour Force Survey for all persons aged 15 and over by age groups, and by sex (without age groups). The Committee invites the Government to also provide in its next report any further available current statistics of the economically active population, as well as employment, unemployment and, if available, underemployment. In accordance with Article 5, please also indicate for this labour force survey: (a) the title and reference number of the principal publication in which the statistics appear; (b) the form and frequency in which statistics are communicated to the ILO; and (c) the periodicity of the survey and relevant statistics or the most recent date for which they are available, at the time the report is submitted.
Article 8. Structure and distribution. The Committee while noting the 2007–08 Labour Force Survey statistics on the economically active population provided by the Government, invites the Government to indicate the date of the next planned population census, and to provide information regarding its coverage of statistics to be compiled on the structure and distribution of the economically active population and its components.
Article 10. Earnings and hours of work. The Government reiterates in its report that statistics with respect to wages and hours of work by main components and the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work have not yet been compiled. Keeping in mind that this Article was accepted, the Committee invites the Government to include in its next report information on progress made towards its application.
Article 12. Consumer price indices (CPI). The Government indicates that the inflation report for October 2010 containing a detailed methodological description of the national and main group of CPI and the inflation rate for October 2010, as well as inflation rates for 2009 and 2010, was attached to its report. The Committee notes that these data were not found with the report. The Committee therefore invites the Government to include in its next report the relevant consumer price indices computed in conformity with Article 12. It also invites the Government to include information on the manner in which the representative organizations of employers and workers were consulted (Article 3) and on the other relevant data in accordance with Articles 5 and 6. In addition, the Committee wishes to remind the Government of its obligation to reply to the ILO Yearbook questionnaire and to supply regularly all items and food group indices to the ILO. Alternatively, the Government is requested to indicate, if available, the website where CPI data is available.
Article 13. Household expenditures. The Committee notes the tables submitted by the Government in its report, which were extracted from the 2007–08 Labour Force Survey. It once again invites the Government to provide statistics of household expenditure or, where appropriate, family expenditure and other data according to this provision of the Convention.
Article 14. Occupational injuries. The Government states that the information on occupational injuries is not yet available and will be forwarded once compiled. The Committee once again invites the Government to: (a) compile and publish statistics on occupational injuries and, as far as possible, on cases of occupational diseases; and (b) communicate the published statistics to the ILO as well as detailed descriptions of the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in their collection and compilation.
Article 15. Industrial disputes. The Committee notes with interest that the statistics on industrial disputes concerning all branches of economic activity for 2007–08 were provided by the Government in its report. The Committee would welcome continuing to receiving statistics on industrial disputes. It also invites the Government to include information on the manner in which the representative organizations of employers and workers were consulted (Article 3) and the other relevant statistics in accordance with Articles 5 and 6.
Article 16(4). Position of the national law and practice on the matters not accepted. ILO technical assistance. The Government indicates in its report that the only statistics which were forwarded are those shown in the report. Other statistics will be forwarded once available. The Committee would welcome any information relating to future developments with regard to Articles 9(2) and 11. With regard to Article 9(1), it encourages the Government to communicate any information available on average monthly wages by economic activity, as soon as practicable. In this regard, the Government might wish to request technical assistance from the relevant units of the ILO to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2012, published 102nd ILC session (2013)

The Committee notes the Government’s report received in November 2010, which included statistics compiled from the 2007–08 Labour Force Survey. The Committee notes that the statistics provided by the Government were used to update the ILO statistical database LABORSTA. The Committee invites the Government to further provide in its next report updated information on the following matters.
Article 2 of the Convention. ILO standards and guidance. The Committee invites the Government to indicate whether it has incorporated the latest standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the ILO regarding the collection, compilation and publication of statistics for the implementation of each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15).
Article 7. Labour force participation. The Committee notes the statistics provided by the Government in its report of the economically active population from the 2007–08 Labour Force Survey for all persons aged 15 and over by age groups, and by sex (without age groups). The Committee invites the Government to also provide in its next report any further available current statistics of the economically active population, as well as employment, unemployment and, if available, underemployment. In accordance with Article 5, please also indicate for this labour force survey: (a) the title and reference number of the principal publication in which the statistics appear; (b) the form and frequency in which statistics are communicated to the ILO; and (c) the periodicity of the survey and relevant statistics or the most recent date for which they are available, at the time the report is submitted.
Article 8. Structure and distribution. The Committee while noting the 2007–08 Labour Force Survey statistics on the economically active population provided by the Government, invites the Government to indicate the date of the next planned population census, and to provide information regarding its coverage of statistics to be compiled on the structure and distribution of the economically active population and its components.
Article 10. Earnings and hours of work. The Government reiterates in its report that statistics with respect to wages and hours of work by main components and the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work have not yet been compiled. Keeping in mind that this Article was accepted, the Committee invites the Government to include in its next report information on progress made towards its application.
Article 12. Consumer price indices (CPI). The Government indicates that the inflation report for October 2010 containing a detailed methodological description of the national and main group of CPI and the inflation rate for October 2010, as well as inflation rates for 2009 and 2010, was attached to its report. The Committee notes that these data were not found with the report. The Committee therefore invites the Government to include in its next report the relevant consumer price indices computed in conformity with Article 12. It also invites the Government to include information on the manner in which the representative organizations of employers and workers were consulted (Article 3) and on the other relevant data in accordance with Articles 5 and 6. In addition, the Committee wishes to remind the Government of its obligation to reply to the ILO Yearbook questionnaire and to supply regularly all items and food group indices to the ILO. Alternatively, the Government is requested to indicate, if available, the website where CPI data is available.
Article 13. Household expenditures. The Committee notes the tables submitted by the Government in its report, which were extracted from the 2007–08 Labour Force Survey. It once again invites the Government to provide statistics of household expenditure or, where appropriate, family expenditure and other data according to this provision of the Convention.
Article 14. Occupational injuries. The Government states that the information on occupational injuries is not yet available and will be forwarded once compiled. The Committee once again invites the Government to: (a) compile and publish statistics on occupational injuries and, as far as possible, on cases of occupational diseases; and (b) communicate the published statistics to the ILO as well as detailed descriptions of the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in their collection and compilation.
Article 15. Industrial disputes. The Committee notes with interest that the statistics on industrial disputes concerning all branches of economic activity for 2007–08 were provided by the Government in its report. The Committee would welcome continuing to receiving statistics on industrial disputes. It also invites the Government to include information on the manner in which the representative organizations of employers and workers were consulted (Article 3) and the other relevant statistics in accordance with Articles 5 and 6.
Article 16(4). Position of the national law and practice on the matters not accepted. ILO technical assistance. The Government indicates in its report that the only statistics which were forwarded are those shown in the report. Other statistics will be forwarded once available. The Committee would welcome any information relating to future developments with regard to Articles 9(2) and 11. With regard to Article 9(1), it encourages the Government to communicate any information available on average monthly wages by economic activity, as soon as practicable. In this regard, the Government might wish to request technical assistance from the relevant units of the ILO to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention.
[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2014.]

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

Noting the partial information received in reply to its previous direct request, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide the ILO with further information concerning the following points.

Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to send information on the application of the latest international standards and specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7. According to the Government’s report, the Statistical Unit established under the Department of Labour was preparing the update of relevant statistical series, which should be submitted to the ILO. The Committee notes, however, that the ILO has not received any new series up to now. The only limited data available are those on employment collected from the population census 1997; establishment survey 1996 and on unemployment derived from the household income and expenditure survey 1995. The Committee is accordingly bound to ask, again, the Government to communicate data regularly to the ILO (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 8. While the Government did not provide the requested information, the Committee notes, however, from the information available on the relevant UN web site, that the latest population census was conducted in 2007 and it is expected that the final 2007 census data and methodological information will be supplied to the ILO for publication. The Committee notes that no information has been provided as for the timing of the next population census. The Committee asks the Government to fulfil its obligation to communicate this data (in accordance with Article 5), as well as detailed descriptions of the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in collecting and compiling statistics in pursuance of the Convention (Article 6) regularly to the ILO.

Article 10. The report indicates that statistics of wage and hours of work structure by main components and the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work have not been compiled yet. It adds that future developments will be communicated. Keeping in mind that this Article is accepted, the Committee takes notes of the above and would appreciate that information on future developments be provided to the ILO with regard to its application.

Article 12.The Committee requests the Government to provide information regarding which international standards were taken into account for the construction of Consumer Price Indices (CPI) (Article 3).

The Committee notes that a new series had been compiled (series base April 2007=100) for which regular data and complete information concerning the coverage and weighting pattern should be communicated to the ILO in pursuance of the Convention (Article 6). The Committee asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up to date figures of consumer price indices regarding all items and food groups (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of the new abovementioned series of CPI, and also this methodological description itself (according to Article 6). Finally, the Committee may wish to remind the Government of its obligation to reply to the ILO Yearbook questionnaire and supply regularly all items and food group indices to the ILO. Alternatively, the Government should indicate, if available, the web site where the CPI data are disseminated.

Article 13. The ILO has received no information about any new survey conducted since 1995 as no response has been received to: (i) the ILO questionnaire on household income and expenditure statistics 2005; and (ii) the ILO methodological questionnaire on HIES, and that the web site of the Central Statistical Office of Swaziland is not accessible. The Committee asks the Government to inform the ILO of any survey conducted since 1995 and, where appropriate, to communicate its data and metadata to the ILO.

Article 14. According to the Government, some statistics on occupational injuries are published in an annual report of the Department of Labour, and measures are being taken to start compiling the data in compliance with the requirements of the Convention. However, the Committee notes that such report has not been made available to the ILO. The most recent data received refer to 1996 and were published in the ILO Yearbook of Labour Statistics 1998. The Committee hopes that the Government will not fail to fulfil its obligation, in accordance with Articles 1, 5, 6 and 14, to:

(i)    compile and publish statistics on occupational injuries and, as far as possible, or cases of occupational diseases; and

(ii)   communicate the published statistics to the ILO as well as detailed descriptions of the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in their collection and compilation.

Article 15. Noting that no information relating to the application of this provision was provided, the Committee hopes that the Government will communicate the relevant data to the ILO (in accordance with Article 5) and the detailed description of the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in collecting and compiling statistics in pursuance of the Convention (Article 6).

Article 16. The Committee would welcome any information relating to future developments with regard to Articles 9.2 and 11. With regard to Article 9.1, it encourages the Government to communicate any information available on average monthly wages by economic activity, as soon as practicable (Articles 9 and 11).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

Article 2. The Committee notes that, although the Government repeats that the latest international standards are followed, it does not indicate which ones. The Committee again asks the Government to be more explicit and specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7. The Committee notes that finally a household income and expenditure survey was conducted in 1995 and that a report on the survey is included in the Government’s report as an annex. It notes, however, that other series published in the ILO Yearbook of Labour Statistics have not been updated from 1996 onwards. The Committee asks the Government to communicate data regularly to the ILO (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 10. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that statistics of wage structure are compiled and published in the annual Employment and Wages Survey Report. It notes, however, that the latest Employment and Wages Survey Report issued in 1995 contained no statistics of that type, and that, from information available in the ILO, there is no evidence that statistics are compiled on the structure of earnings and hours of work by main components, and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee draws the Government’s attention to the obligation under this Article to compile such statistics, according to the guidelines contained under Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, and asks the Government to provide the relevant information with regard to the application of this Article.

Article 12. The Committee notes that, although the Government states in its report that the latest CPI figures (details included) are attached to the report, this does not appear to be the case. It also notes that there is no other information concerning this Article in the report. The Committee again asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up to date figures of consumer price indices regarding all items and food groups (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of this new series of CPI (if any), and also this methodological description itself (according to Article 6).

Article 14. The Committee notes that there is still some confusion regarding the statistics that are produced by the Department of Labour and those supplied to the ILO. It again asks the Government to provide the published statistics of occupational injuries, as well as the reference information concerning its publication to the ILO, as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5. The Committee also notes that little methodological information is published. It asks the Government to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO detailed information, including coverage, concepts and definitions, methods of reporting and methods of estimation, in accordance with Article 6.

Article 15. The Committee notes that transmission of data on strikes and lockouts to the ILO is irregular. It asks the Government to communicate the statistics as soon as practicable to the ILO, in accordance with Article 5.

Article 16. The Committee notes that, although obligations under Article 9 have not been accepted, the Central Statistical Office apparently collects and compiles statistics of average earnings which fulfil the basic requirements of Article 9, paragraph 1. However, no statistics of hours of work (actually worked or paid for) seem to have been compiled up to now. The Committee further notes that the requirements of Article 9, paragraph 2, are no longer fulfilled, since no statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work seem to have been compiled since 1993. The Committee again requests the Government to continue to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) (in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4) and to indicate what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics according to the guidelines contained in Paragraph 3(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

As regards Article 11, under which obligations have not been accepted either, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of the level and composition of labour cost (in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4) and what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2006, published 96th ILC session (2007)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

Article 2. The Committee notes that, although the Government repeats that the latest international standards are followed, it does not indicate which ones. The Committee again asks the Government to be more explicit and specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7. The Committee notes that finally a household income and expenditure survey was conducted in 1995 and that a report on the survey is included in the Government’s report as an annex. It notes, however, that other series published in the ILO Yearbook of Labour Statistics have not been updated from 1996 onwards. The Committee asks the Government to communicate data regularly to the ILO (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 10. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that statistics of wage structure are compiled and published in the annual Employment and Wages Survey Report. It notes, however, that the latest Employment and Wages Survey Report issued in 1995 contained no statistics of that type, and that, from information available in the ILO, there is no evidence that statistics are compiled on the structure of earnings and hours of work by main components, and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee draws the Government’s attention to the obligation under this Article to compile such statistics, according to the guidelines contained under Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, and asks the Government to provide the relevant information with regard to the application of this Article.

Article 12. The Committee notes that, although the Government states in its report that the latest CPI figures (details included) are attached to the report, this does not appear to be the case. It also notes that there is no other information concerning this Article in the report. The Committee again asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up to date figures of consumer price indices regarding all items and food groups (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of this new series of CPI (if any), and also this methodological description itself (according to Article 6).

Article 14. The Committee notes that there is still some confusion regarding the statistics that are produced by the Department of Labour and those supplied to the ILO. It again asks the Government to provide the published statistics of occupational injuries, as well as the reference information concerning its publication to the ILO, as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5. The Committee also notes that little methodological information is published. It asks the Government to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO detailed information, including coverage, concepts and definitions, methods of reporting and methods of estimation, in accordance with Article 6.

Article 15. The Committee notes that transmission of data on strikes and lockouts to the ILO is irregular. It asks the Government to communicate the statistics as soon as practicable to the ILO, in accordance with Article 5.

Article 16. The Committee notes that, although obligations under Article 9 have not been accepted, the Central Statistical Office apparently collects and compiles statistics of average earnings which fulfil the basic requirements of Article 9, paragraph 1. However, no statistics of hours of work (actually worked or paid for) seem to have been compiled up to now. The Committee further notes that the requirements of Article 9, paragraph 2, are no longer fulfilled, since no statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work seem to have been compiled since 1993. The Committee again requests the Government to continue to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) (in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4) and to indicate what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics according to the guidelines contained in Paragraph 3(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

As regards Article 11, under which obligations have not been accepted either, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of the level and composition of labour cost (in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4) and what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2005, published 95th ILC session (2006)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee asks the Government to provide further information on the following points.

Article 2. The Committee notes that, although the Government repeats that the latest international standards are followed, it does not indicate which ones. The Committee again asks the Government to be more explicit and specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7. The Committee notes that finally a household income and expenditure survey was conducted in 1995 and that a report on the survey is included in the Government’s report as an annex. It notes, however, that other series published in the ILO Yearbook of Labour Statistics have not been updated from 1996 onwards. The Committee asks the Government to communicate data regularly to the ILO (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 10. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that statistics of wage structure are compiled and published in the annual Employment and Wages Survey Report. It notes, however, that the latest Employment and Wages Survey Report issued in 1995 contained no statistics of that type, and that, from information available in the ILO, there is no evidence that statistics are compiled on the structure of earnings and hours of work by main components, and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee draws the Government’s attention to the obligation under this Article to compile such statistics, according to the guidelines contained under Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, and asks the Government to provide the relevant information with regard to the application of this Article.

Article 12. The Committee notes that, although the Government states in its report that the latest CPI figures (details included) are attached to the report, this does not appear to be the case. It also notes that there is no other information concerning this Article in the report. The Committee again asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up to date figures of consumer price indices regarding all items and food groups (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of this new series of CPI (if any), and also this methodological description itself (according to Article 6).

Article 14. The Committee notes that there is still some confusion regarding the statistics that are produced by the Department of Labour and those supplied to the ILO. It again asks the Government to provide the published statistics of occupational injuries, as well as the reference information concerning its publication to the ILO, as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5. The Committee also notes that little methodological information is published. It asks the Government to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO detailed information, including coverage, concepts and definitions, methods of reporting and methods of estimation, in accordance with Article 6.

Article 15. The Committee notes that transmission of data on strikes and lockouts to the ILO is irregular. It asks the Government to communicate the statistics as soon as practicable to the ILO, in accordance with Article 5.

Article 16. The Committee notes that, although obligations under Article 9 have not been accepted, the Central Statistical Office apparently collects and compiles statistics of average earnings which fulfil the basic requirements of Article 9, paragraph 1. However, no statistics of hours of work (actually worked or paid for) seem to have been compiled up to now. The Committee further notes that the requirements of Article 9, paragraph 2, are no longer fulfilled, since no statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work seem to have been compiled since 1993. The Committee again requests the Government to continue to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) (in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4) and to indicate what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics according to the guidelines contained in Paragraph 3(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

As regards Article 11, under which obligations have not been accepted either, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of the level and composition of labour cost (in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4) and what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2000, published 89th ILC session (2001)

The Committee notes the Government’s report, and in particular, the information concerning the application of Articles 8 and 13 of the Convention. It asks the Government to provide further information on the following points.

Article 2.  The Committee notes that, although the Government repeats that the latest international standards are followed, it does not indicate which ones. The Committee again asks the Government to be more explicit and specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7.  The Committee notes that finally a household income and expenditure survey was conducted in 1995 and that a report on the survey is included in the Government’s report as an annex. It notes, however, that other series published in the ILO Yearbook of Labour Statistics have not been updated from 1996 onwards. The Committee asks the Government to communicate data regularly to the ILO (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 10.  The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that statistics of wage structure are compiled and published in the annual Employment and Wages Survey Report. It notes, however, that the latest Employment and Wages Survey Report issued in 1995 contained no statistics of that type, and that, from information available in the ILO, there is no evidence that statistics are compiled on the structure of earnings and hours of work by main components, and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee draws the Government’s attention to the obligation under this Article to compile such statistics, according to the guidelines contained under Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, and asks the Government to provide the relevant information with regard to the application of this Article.

Article 12.  The Committee notes that, although the Government states in its report that the latest CPI figures (details included) are attached to the report, this does not appear to be the case. It also notes that there is no other information concerning this Article in the report. The Committee again asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up to date figures of consumer price indices regarding all items and food groups (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of this new series of CPI (if any), and also this methodological description itself (according to Article 6).

Article 14.  The Committee notes that there is still some confusion regarding the statistics that are produced by the Department of Labour and those supplied to the ILO. It again asks the Government to provide the published statistics of occupational injuries, as well as the reference information concerning its publication to the ILO, as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5. The Committee also notes that little methodological information is published. It asks the Government to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO detailed information, including coverage, concepts and definitions, methods of reporting and methods of estimation, in accordance with Article 6.

Article 15.  The Committee notes that transmission of data on strikes and lockouts to the ILO is irregular. It asks the Government to communicate the statistics as soon as practicable to the ILO, in accordance with Article 5.

Article 16.  The Committee notes that, although obligations under Article 9 have not been accepted, the Central Statistical Office apparently collects and compiles statistics of average earnings which fulfil the basic requirements of Article 9, paragraph 1. However, no statistics of hours of work (actually worked or paid for) seem to have been compiled up to now. The Committee further notes that the requirements of Article 9, paragraph 2, are no longer fulfilled, since no statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work seem to have been compiled since 1993. The Committee again requests the Government to continue to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) (in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4) and to indicate what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics according to the guidelines contained in Paragraph 3(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170. As regards Article 11, under which obligations have not been accepted either, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of the level and composition of labour cost (in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4) and what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1999, published 88th ILC session (2000)

The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the following points raised in its previous direct request:

Article 2. The Committee notes the Government's repeated indication that Swaziland follows the latest standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the ILO. It again asks the Government to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15) which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7. The Committee notes that, in the Government's report, there is no new information on the conducting of the household survey, which was planned to start in December 1994 according to the Government's first report. It again requests the Government: (i) to indicate whether the latest international standards are followed when conducting this household survey (in accordance with Article 2) such as resolutions on the "Economically active population", "International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO 88" and on "International Classification by Status in Employment, ICSE 93" respectively adopted by the 13th, 14th and 15th International Conferences of Labour Statisticians; (ii) to communicate the compiled statistics and methodology to the ILO as soon as practicable (in accordance with Articles 5 and 6).

Article 8. The Committee recalls that the last population census was conducted in 1986 and that, according to Paragraph 2(1) of ILO Recommendation No. 170, structure and distribution of economically active population should be compiled at least every ten years. It asks the Government to indicate when a new census is expected. With regard to the 1986 census, the Committee draws the attention of the Government to the respective obligations under Articles 5 and 6, to provide the published statistics and methodological information, as well as the reference information concerning their publication to the ILO as soon as practicable, for instance on the economically active population classified by industry, occupations and status in employment.

Article 10. The Committee recalls that from available information there is no evidence that statistics are compiled on the composition of earnings and hours of work by main components and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work. It draws the Government's attention to the obligation under this Article to compile such statistics, according to the guidelines such as those contained under Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, and requests the Government to provide the relevant information with regard to the application of this Article.

Article 12. The Committee recalls that no information about the former base (September 1988=100) has been received in the ILO and notes that, in the meantime, a new series is compiled (base January 1996=100). It requests the Government to supply information concerning the coverage and weighting pattern for this new series. The Committee again asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up-to-date figures of consumer price indices regarding all items and food groups (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of this new series of CPI (if any), and also this methodological description itself (according to Article 6).

Article 13. The Committee earlier noted that a new survey of household income and expenditure was conducted, beginning in December 1994, and again requests the Government to provide information about this survey, including the methods used, as well as the results, as soon as these become available (in accordance with Articles 5 and 6).

Article 14. The Committee notes that information on the number of persons injured, fatally or with lost work-time in 1992-96, reported to the Occupational Health and Safety Unit of the Department of Labour, is published in "Annual Report 1996" attached to the Government's report. It notes, however, that these data do not correspond to the figures supplied to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook. The Committee requests the Government to provide the published statistics of occupational injuries as well as the reference information concerning its publication to the ILO as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5.

Article 15. The Committee requests the Government to submit data on strikes and lockouts to the ILO as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5.

Article 16. The Committee recalls that the Central Statistical Office apparently collects and compiles statistics of average earnings which fulfil the basic requirements of Article 9(1). However, no statistics of hours of work (actually worked or paid for) seem to have been compiled up to now. The Committee further notes that the requirements of Article 9(2) are no longer fulfilled, since no statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work seem to have been compiled since 1993. The Committee requests the Government to continue to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) (in accordance with Article 16(4)) and what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics according to the guidelines contained in Paragraph 3(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

As regards Article 11, of which obligations have not been accepted either, the Committee asks the Government to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of the level and composition of labour cost (in accordance with Article 16(4)) and which steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1998, published 87th ILC session (1999)

The Committee notes the Government's report as well as the attached statistical data, and in particular, the information regarding the representative organizations of employers and workers consulted in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention. It requests the Government to supply further information on the following points.

Article 2. The Committee notes the Government's repeated indication that Swaziland follows the latest standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the ILO. It again asks the Government to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15) which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7. The Committee notes that, in the Government's report, there is no new information on the conducting of the household survey, which was planned to start in December 1994 according to the Government's first report. It again requests the Government: (i) to indicate whether the latest international standards are followed when conducting this household survey (in accordance with Article 2) such as resolutions on the "Economically active population", "International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO 88" and on "International Classification by Status in Employment, ICSE 93" respectively adopted by the 13th, 14th and 15th International Conferences of Labour Statisticians; (ii) to communicate the compiled statistics and methodology to the ILO as soon as practicable (in accordance with Articles 5 and 6).

Article 8. The Committee recalls that the last population census was conducted in 1986 and that, according to Paragraph 2(1) of ILO Recommendation No. 170, structure and distribution of economically active population should be compiled at least every ten years. It asks the Government to indicate when a new census is expected. With regard to the 1986 census, the Committee draws the attention of the Government to the respective obligations under Articles 5 and 6, to provide the published statistics and methodological information, as well as the reference information concerning their publication to the ILO as soon as practicable, for instance on the economically active population classified by industry, occupations and status in employment.

Article 10. The Committee recalls that from available information there is no evidence that statistics are compiled on the composition of earnings and hours of work by main components and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work. It draws the Government's attention to the obligation under this Article to compile such statistics, according to the guidelines such as those contained under Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, and requests the Government to provide the relevant information with regard to the application of this Article.

Article 12. The Committee recalls that no information about the former base (September 1988=100) has been received in the ILO and notes that, in the meantime, a new series is compiled (base January 1996=100). It requests the Government to supply information concerning the coverage and weighting pattern for this new series. The Committee again asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up-to-date figures of consumer price indices regarding all items and food groups (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of this new series of CPI (if any), and also this methodological description itself (according to Article 6).

Article 13. The Committee earlier noted that a new survey of household income and expenditure was conducted, beginning in December 1994, and again requests the Government to provide information about this survey, including the methods used, as well as the results, as soon as these become available (in accordance with Articles 5 and 6).

Article 14. The Committee notes that information on the number of persons injured, fatally or with lost work-time in 1992-96, reported to the Occupational Health and Safety Unit of the Department of Labour, is published in "Annual Report 1996" attached to the Government's report. It notes, however, that these data do not correspond to the figures supplied to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook. The Committee requests the Government to provide the published statistics of occupational injuries as well as the reference information concerning its publication to the ILO as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5.

Article 15. The Committee requests the Government to submit data on strikes and lockouts to the ILO as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5.

Article 16. The Committee recalls that the Central Statistical Office apparently collects and compiles statistics of average earnings which fulfil the basic requirements of Article 9(1). However, no statistics of hours of work (actually worked or paid for) seem to have been compiled up to now. The Committee further notes that the requirements of Article 9(2) are no longer fulfilled, since no statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work seem to have been compiled since 1993. The Committee requests the Government to continue to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) (in accordance with Article 16(4)) and what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics according to the guidelines contained in Paragraph 3(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

As regards Article 11, of which obligations have not been accepted either, the Committee asks the Government to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of the level and composition of labour cost (in accordance with Article 16(4)) and which steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1997, published 86th ILC session (1998)

The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the following matters raised in its previous direct request:

Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee noted the Government's previous indication that Swaziland follows the latest standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the ILO, and asks the Government to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15) which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 3. The Committee noted the Government's previous indication that the representative organizations of employers and workers are consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used are designed or revised. It asks the Government to indicate more precisely, for each of Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15, the manner in which such consultations are made.

Article 7. The Committee notes that current employment statistics are regularly compiled and published, giving partial effect to this Article. Concerning the annual establishment survey of employment and wages, it asks the Government to send to the ILO the relative statistical publications as soon as practicable (in accordance with Article 5), and also to forward methodological information on this establishment survey (in accordance with Article 6).

With regard to the household survey conducted in December 1994, the Committee requests the Government: (i) to indicate whether the latest international standards are followed when conducting this household survey (in accordance with Article 2) such as resolutions on the "Economically active population", "International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO-88" and on "International Classification by Status in Employment, ICSE-93" respectively adopted by the 13th, 14th and 15th International Conferences of Labour Statisticians; (ii) to communicate the compiled statistics and methodology to the ILO as soon as practicable (in accordance with Articles 5 and 6).

Article 8. The Committee draws the attention of the Government to the respective obligations under Articles 5 and 6, to provide data and methodological information to the ILO as soon as practicable, for instance on the economically active population classified by industry, occupations and status in employment.

Article 10. The Committee notes that from available information there is no evidence that statistics are compiled on the composition of earnings and hours of work by main components and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work. It draws the Government's attention to the obligation under this Article to compile such statistics, according to the guidelines such as those contained under Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, and requests the Government to provide the relevant information with regard to the application of this Article.

Article 12. The Committee notes that a new series of consumer price indices is compiled (base September 1988=100), and asks the Government to provide information concerning their coverage and weighting pattern. The Committee asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up-to-date figures (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of this new series of CPI (if any), and also this methodological description (according to Article 6).

Article 13. The Committee notes that a new survey of household income and expenditure was conducted, beginning in December 1994, and requests the Government to provide information about the survey, including the methods used, as well as the results, as soon as these become available (in accordance with Articles 5 and 6).

Article 14. The Committee notes that the quality of the information compiled and published is satisfactory as regards statistics of occupational injuries and occupational diseases. It asks the Government to state if there are plans to collect information relating to work time lost as a result of occupational injuries.

Article 15. The Committee requests the Government to submit data on strikes and lockouts to the ILO as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5.

Article 16. The Committee notes that the Government supplied information on statistics covered by Articles 9 and 11 which were excluded from the acceptance of obligation at the time of ratification. It notes in particular that the Central Statistical Office apparently collects and compiles statistics of average earnings which fulfil the basic requirements of Article 9(1). However, no statistics of hours of work (actually worked or paid for) seem to have been compiled up to now. Similarly, statistics of average monthly wage rates and weekly normal hours of work seem to be compiled from the same source as average earnings, which fulfils the basic requirements of Article 9(2), although no methodological information is available to assess the reliability of such statistics. The Committee therefore draws the attention of the Government to the possibility of accepting obligations of Article 9 (in accordance with Article 16(3)), since they appear to be at least partially met by the compilation and publication of statistics of average monthly earnings, average monthly wage rates and normal weekly hours of work, in spite of their limitation to the formal sector of the economy. The Committee requests the Government to continue to indicate in any case the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) (in accordance with Article 16(4)) and what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics according to the guidelines contained in paragraphs 3(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

As regards Article 11, of which obligations have not been accepted either, the Committee asks the Government to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of the level and composition of labour cost (in accordance with Article 16(4)) and which steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1996, published 85th ILC session (1997)

The Committee notes the Government's first report, and requests the Government to supply further information on the following points.

Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes the Government's indication that Swaziland follows the latest standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the ILO, and asks the Government to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15) which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 3. The Committee notes the Government's indication that the representative organizations of employers and workers are consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used are designed or revised. It asks the Government to indicate more precisely, for each of Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15, the manner in which such consultations are made.

Article 7. The Committee notes that current employment statistics are regularly compiled and published, giving partial effect to this Article. Concerning the annual establishment survey of employment and wages, it asks the Government to send to the ILO the relative statistical publications as soon as practicable (in accordance with Article 5), and also to forward methodological information on this establishment survey (in accordance with Article 6).

With regard to the household survey conducted in December 1994, the Committee requests the Government: (i) to indicate whether the latest international standards are followed when conducting this household survey (in accordance with Article 2) such as resolutions on the "Economically active population", "International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO-88" and on "International Classification by Status in Employment, ICSE-93" respectively adopted by the 13th, 14th and 15th International Conferences of Labour Statisticians; (ii) to communicate the compiled statistics and methodology to the ILO as soon as practicable (in accordance with Articles 5 and 6).

Article 8. The Committee draws the attention of the Government to the respective obligations under Articles 5 and 6, to provide data and methodological information to the ILO as soon as practicable, for instance on the economically active population classified by industry, occupations and status in employment .

Article 10. The Committee notes that from available information there is no evidence that statistics are compiled on the composition of earnings and hours of work by main components and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work. It draws the Government's attention to the obligation under this Article to compile such statistics, according to the guidelines such as those contained under Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, and requests the Government to provide the relevant information with regard to the application of this Article.

Article 12. The Committee notes that a new series of consumer price indices is compiled (base September 1988=100), and asks the Government to provide information concerning their coverage and weighting pattern. The Committee asks the Government to communicate to the ILO up-to-date figures (according to Article 5) as well as the title and reference of the publication which contains the detailed methodological description of this new series of CPI (if any), and also this methodological description (according to Article 6).

Article 13. The Committee notes that a new survey of household income and expenditure was conducted, beginning in December 1994, and requests the Government to provide information about the survey, including the methods used, as well as the results, as soon as these become available (in accordance with Articles 5 and 6).

Article 14. The Committee notes with interest that the quality of the information compiled and published is satisfactory as regards statistics of occupational injuries and occupational diseases. It asks the Government to state if there are plans to collect information relating to work time lost as a result of occupational injuries.

Article 15. The Committee requests the Government to submit data on strikes and lockouts to the ILO as soon as practicable in accordance with Article 5.

Article 16. The Committee notes with interest that the Government has supplied information on statistics covered by Articles 9 and 11 which were excluded from the acceptance of obligation at the time of ratification. It notes in particular that the Central Statistical Office apparently collects and compiles statistics of average earnings which fulfil the basic requirements of Article 9(1). However, no statistics of hours of work (actually worked or paid for) seem to have been compiled up to now. Similarly, statistics of average monthly wage rates and weekly normal hours of work seem to be compiled from the same source as average earnings, which fulfils the basic requirements of Article 9(2), although no methodological information is available to assess the reliability of such statistics. The Committee therefore draws the attention of the Government to the possibility of accepting obligations of Article 9 (in accordance with Article 16(3)), since they appear to be at least partially met by the compilation and publication of statistics of average monthly earnings, average monthly wage rates and normal weekly hours of work, in spite of their limitation to the formal sector of the economy. The Committee requests the Government to continue to indicate in any case the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) (in accordance with Article 16(4)) and what steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics according to the guidelines contained in paragraphs 3(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

As regards Article 11, of which obligations have not been accepted either, the Committee asks the Government to indicate the position of its law and practice concerning statistics of the level and composition of labour cost (in accordance with Article 16(4)) and which steps, if any, are envisaged in order to compile such statistics.

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