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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

The Committee notes with concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It expects that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
The Committee notes the Government’s first report and the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018.
Article 1 of the Convention. Legal framework. The Government indicates in its report that it has drafted a new Labour Code in 2019, to replace the existing Labour Code of 1972. Section 127 of the draft Labour Code prohibits the worst forms of child labour, which are defined in section 2 of the Code, using the same definition as in the Convention, with the exception of forced or compulsory labour, which is expressly prohibited under section 7 of the Code. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any progress made regarding the adoption of the draft Labour Code of 2019, and to provide a copy of thereof once adopted.
Article 2. Definition of the term “child”. The Government indicates that Article 29 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides that the word “child” means a person under 18 years of age (paragraph 8). The Government further states that Sharia law does not indicate any specific age at which one is considered an adult. There is a measure of maturity. If the young person is sexually mature, he or she is no longer considered a child. He is then responsible for his own actions and can get married and work. That applies to both sexes and is the general rule in traditional Somali Sharia law, as practised in Somalia.
According to the Report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict in Somalia of March 2020, the Committee notes that the regional Constitutions of Puntland and the South-West State set the age of majority at 15 years (S/2020/174, paragraph 64). There is no information regarding the provisions of the other Federal member States in this regard. The Committee requests the Government to ensure that all persons under the age of 18 are considered children, including in the legislations of the Federal member States. It requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard, as well as information on the definition of the term “child” contained in the other regional Constitutions of the Federal member States. The Committee also requests the Government to clarify the status of the Federal Provisional Constitution within the national legal order, in particular whether its provisions prevail over the legislations of the Federal member States and over the customary legal system and Sharia law.
Articles 3 and 7(1). Worst forms of child labour and penalties. Clause (a). All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery. 1. Sale and trafficking of children. The Government indicates that article 14 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides that a person may not be subjected to trafficking. It also indicates that, in November 2017, Puntland State passed new Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes, criminalizing trafficking in persons.
According to the Government, trafficking of children to Europe and other western countries from Somalia exists and may result in forced labour and other types of slavery. It further states that cases of trafficking of children have been identified in the South-West State and that the perpetrators have been arrested. Since 2015, the Federal Government has regularly carried out awareness-raising activities to reduce trafficking of children.
In its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government stated that the Sexual Offences Bill, which is awaiting parliamentary approval, addressed trafficking in persons (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraphs 161 and 165). Furthermore, the Committee notes that section 127 of the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides that a person who uses a child in any activity constituting one of the worst forms of child labour (including the sale and trafficking of children according to section 2) commits an offence and is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both, unless severe penalties are provided for the relevant offence (subsection 11). Given the seriousness of the offence and the dissuasive effect that the penalties should have (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 637), legislation providing for the possibility of a fine alone cannot be considered effective. Therefore, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that the sale and trafficking of persons, including children, for the purposes of both labour and sexual exploitation, is punishable by sufficiently effective and dissuasive sanctions of imprisonment and not just fines. It also requests the Government to provide information on the number of cases of trafficking of children investigated, prosecuted, convicted, and the penalties imposed, and to indicate under which provisions of its national legislation the perpetrators were punished. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to supply information on the laws of the Federal member States relating to trafficking of children, as well as information on the adoption of the Sexual Offences Bill, and a copy of the text, once adopted.
2. Slavery, debt bondage, serfdom, forced or compulsory labour. In its report, the Government refers to a study of 2019 conducted by UNICEF entitled “No Mother Wants Her Child to Migrate, Vulnerability of children on the move in the Horn of Africa”, according to which, during the journey, young people may be subjected to forced labour and slavery (page 54 of the report).
The Committee notes that, in its section 455, the Penal Code of 1962 provides that whoever reduces a person to slavery or to similar condition shall be punished with imprisonment from five to 20 years. Section 456 provides for the same penalty for whoever deals or in any manner trades in slaves or persons in a condition similar to slavery. In addition, section 464 provides for a penalty of imprisonment from six months to five years and a fine for whoever forces another to compulsory labour or avails himself of the services of persons forced to compulsory labour, where the act does not constitute a more serious offence.
The Committee also notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 7 entitled “Slavery and forced labour and recruitment of children into the armed forces”, that forced or compulsory labour is forbidden in any form (subsection 1), and that no person is permitted to assist any other person to recruit, traffic or use forced or compulsory labour (subsection 2). A person convicted under this section is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not exceeding ten years or to both (subsection 4). The Committee observes that, according to this provision, a person committing the offence of forced labour and slavery may be sentenced to a fine only, which does not constitute a sufficiently dissuasive penalty. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of sections 455, 456 and 464 of the Penal Code regarding slavery and forced or compulsory labour of children under 18 years of age, including the number of investigations, prosecutions and penalties imposed. It also requests the Government to ensure that the draft Labour Code, once adopted contains sufficiently dissuasive penalties of imprisonment for the offence of forced labour and slavery.
Clause (b). Use, procuring or offering of a child for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances. The Government indicates that laws related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children are not sufficient, as the use, procuring and offering of a child for prostitution, pornography, and pornographic performances are not effectively prohibited. However, it underlines that Islamic Sharia and the customary law of the Somali people strongly oppose these practices. In Somalia, child prostitution and the use of children in pornographic performances are practically non-existent.
The Committee notes that section 407 of the Penal Code of 1962 provides for the prohibition of the instigation, aiding and exploitation of prostitution and imprisonment from two months to two years as well as a fine for the perpetrators of such offences. It provides for increased penalties when the act is committed against a person incapable of giving consent (according to section 59, read in conjunction with section 47, a child under the age of 14 is considered as a person incapable of giving consent) or against a person entrusted to the offender for care, education, instruction, supervision, or custody. Section 408 of the Penal Code stipulates that whoever, by violence or threats, compels another to commit prostitution shall be punished with imprisonment from two to six years and with fine; the punishment shall be increased under the same conditions of section 407.
The Committee further notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that the Sexual Offences Bill, which is awaiting parliamentary approval, defines sexual exploitation, addresses sexual grooming and sex tourism, and provides for penalties for offenders and assistance to victims and witnesses (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraphs 161 and 165). The Committee trusts that the Sexual Offences Bill will contain provisions prohibiting the use, procuring or offering of a child under 18 years of age for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances, with effective and sufficiently dissuasive penalties, and that it will be adopted in the near future. It requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of sections 407 and 408 of the Penal Code regarding the use, procuring or offering of a child under 18 years of age for prostitution, including the number of investigations, prosecutions and penalties imposed.
Clause (c). Use, procuring or offering a child for illicit activities, in particular for the production and trafficking of drugs. The Government indicates that children are used for illicit activities, including the selling of drugs. Since 2015, it has conducted awareness-raising activities to protect children from their use in illicit activities.
The Committee notes that there is no provision explicitly prohibiting the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities. However, the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 127 on the employment of children, that a person who uses a child in any activity constituting one of the worst forms of child labour (including use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, including the production and trafficking of drugs as defined in the relevant international conventions or treaties, according to section 2) commits an offence and is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both, unless severe penalties are provided for the relevant offence (subsection 11). Given the seriousness of the offence and the dissuasive effect that the penalties should have (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 637), legislation providing for the possibility of a fine alone cannot be considered effective. Therefore, the Committee requests the Government to include in its legislation provisions which would provide for sufficiently effective and dissuasive sanctions of imprisonment and not just fines for the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, including the production and trafficking of drugs. The Committee also requests the Government to indicate under which provisions of its national legislation the perpetrators of this offence may be punished, as well as the number of violations reported, of prosecutions conducted and the nature and number of penalties applied.
Clause (d) and Article 4. Hazardous work and determination of hazardous work. The Government indicates that article 29 of the Provisional Constitution states that no child may perform work or provide services that are not suitable for the child’s age or create a risk to the child’s health or development in any way. The Government further indicates that the list of hazardous work determined under Article 4(1) of the Convention has been periodically examined and monitored. It states that in some instances, child perform hazardous work while working on the street. Since 2015, the Government has conducted regular awareness-raising activities to reduce the exposure of children to hazardous work.
The Committee notes that the existing Labour Code of 1972 states, in its section 90, that the Secretary may, by decree, prescribe the types of work prohibited for children and young persons (subsection 1). Section 110 provides that the labour inspectors shall have powers to give due warning to employers, and to fix a time limit within which the irregularities shall be rectified (subsection 11). Section 144 provides that any person who contravenes the provisions of this Code or regulations made hereunder for which no penalty is specifically provided in this Part, shall be guilty of an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or with a fine or with both such imprisonment and fine.
The Committee also notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 127, that the employment of a child under 18 years of age must be consistent with the fullest physical and mental development of the child (subsection 2). The minimum age for admission to any type of employment or work which by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out is likely to jeopardize the health, safety or moral of children is 18 years (subsection 3). The Minister may authorize employment covered by subsection 3 from the age of 16 years on condition that the health, safety and morals of children concerned are fully protected and that they have received relevant and adequate instructions or training in that type of work (section 128). Section 128 requires the Minister to make regulations declaring any work, activity or contract of employment harmful to the health, safety or morals of a child.
According to section 127 of the draft Labour Code, a person who uses a child in any activity constituting the worst forms of child labour commits an offence, and, if convicted, is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both (subsection 11). If a child is killed, becomes disabled, dies or suffers any bodily injury in consequence of his or her employer having contravened any provision of this Chapter, the employer is, in addition to any other penalty, liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both (subsection 13). The Committee requests the Government to communicate the list of hazardous types of work determined pursuant to Article 4(1) of the Convention. It trusts that the draft Labour Code of 2019 will be adopted in the near future and requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the number of violations reported, prosecutions conducted and the nature and number of penalties applied, with regard to hazardous types of work performed by children under the age of 18.
Article 5. Monitoring mechanisms. 1. Somali National Tripartite Consultative Committee (SNTCC). The Government indicates that the Somali National Tripartite Consultative Committee (SNTCC), comprising the Federal Government, Federal member States representatives of labour ministries, and trade unions and employer’s representatives, has been established in order to deal with all labour issues. The Government stresses that the SNTCC has improved social protection and encouraged social dialogue, including for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the activities of the SNTCC and on their impact in eliminating the worst forms of child labour.
2. Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children. The Committee notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that it has set up the Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children at the federal level. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the activities of the Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children and of the impact of these activities in reducing trafficking of children.
3. Coordination mechanism comprising the Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint steering Committee. The Government indicates that a Panel Ministerial Committee, consisting of the line ministers, including the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Security, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, meets monthly to discuss and develop policies and directions concerning the protection of children’s rights and the eradication of the worst forms of child labour in Somalia. It also indicates that a Joint steering Committee has been established in 2014 by the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development, which comprises representatives of the Federal Government, representatives of Federal member States, civil society organizations, national non-governmental organizations as well as United Nations and International Organizations working in the child protection sector.
The Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint Steering Committee have been structured in a coordination mechanism and programmes have been implemented in this framework for the protection of children. The major activities of this coordination mechanism include reforming the existing policies and laws, monitoring the military bases for the recruitment of children in armed forces, awareness raising to eliminate child labour and providing human rights training to the national Somali army. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the activities of the coordination mechanism, comprising the Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint steering Committee, and to provide information on the impact of these activities on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour.
4. Labour inspectorate. According to the Government’s report, the labour inspectorate is weak, resulting in a lack of routine workplace labour inspections. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the structure and organization of the labour inspection in Somalia, including the number of labour inspectors as well as the training they undertake, if any. Please also provide information on the potential role of the Federal member States regarding labour inspection. The Committee also requests the Government to supply copies or extracts of inspection reports regarding the monitoring of the worst forms of child labour.
Article 7(2). Effective and time-bound measures. Clause (b). Direct assistance for the removal of children from the worst forms of child labour and for their rehabilitation and social integration. Child victims of trafficking. The Committee notes the absence of information in the Government report on this point. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any measures taken to identify child victims of trafficking and to ensure their rehabilitation and social integration.
Clause (d). Identifying and reaching out to children at special risk. 1. Street children. The Government indicates that children work in the street (including shining shoes, washing cars, conducting minibuses, vending and/or assisting khat – a plant containing an amphetamine-like stimulant – traders). It further states that it has facilitated the establishment of care centres for street children, in order to minimize their number in the country.
The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy of the Government of 2019 underlines that orphans and street children are amongst the poorest and most vulnerable children, and that it is important that all social protection schemes be child-sensitive, which would mitigate the effects of poverty on families (page 8). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to protect street children from the worst forms of child labour and to ensure the rehabilitation and social integration of children actually removed from the streets. It also requests the Government to provide information on the number of children living and working on the street identified and provided with direct assistance for their rehabilitation and social integration, including through care centres and social protection measures.
2. Refugees and internally displaced children. The Government indicates that there is a high number of internally displaced persons (IDPs), living in and around the major cities, and estimates that more than 60 per cent of them are children. In Mogadishu and surroundings, it is estimated that there are more than 369,000 IDPs. It also indicates that some parents, particularly in poor and internally displaced families, make their children work to generate income and survive. The Government has initiated several projects to assist and improve the lives of IDPs.
The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy stresses that IDPs face greater risk of trafficking in persons, and that the social protection system will pay special attention to their needs (pages 9 and 26). The Committee also notes that the Government has developed a National Policy on Refugee-Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons , with a view to protect refugee-returnees, IDPs and host communities, including children. The guiding principles of the policy include protecting displaced persons during displacement, including against sexual exploitation, forced labour, and recruitment and use of children by parties in conflicts (pages 16–17). The policy acknowledges the responsibility of the Federal Government of Somalia and of the Federal member States in creating durable solutions for IDPs and returning refugees, including access to education.
The Committee further notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that it established the Somalia National Commission for Refugees and IDPs to address the needs of refugees and IDPs (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 296). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the adoption and implementation of the National Policy on Refugee-Returnees and IDPs, including the activities conducted in this framework to protect displaced children from the worst forms of child labour, and the results achieved in this regard. It further requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to ensure access to education for internally displaced children. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on any other mechanism, including the National Commission for Refugees and IDPs and any mechanism at the Federal member State-level, that has been put in place to protect refugees and internally displaced children from the worst forms of child labour, including in IDPs settlements.
Clause (e). Special situation of girls. The Government indicates that children, mainly girls, are involved in domestic work. Furthermore, the National Employment Policy of 2019 states that young girls are exploited for domestic chores or face sexual and gender-based violence. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken or envisaged to take account of the special situation of girls working in domestic service so as to protect them against the worst forms of child labour.
Article 8. Poverty reduction. The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy aims to build a comprehensive and coherent social protection system (developed for the period 2019 to 2040) that combats poverty and vulnerability in Somalia. It will prevent people from falling into poverty and provide essential support to people who live in poverty.
The Committee also notes that the Federal Government has developed its ninth National Development Plan (NDP-9), for the period 2020–24, which aims at reducing poverty and inequality through inclusive economic growth and employment, improved security and rule of law, and strengthened political stability (page 20). Considering that poverty reduction programmes contribute towards breaking the cycle of poverty, which is essential for eliminating the worst forms of child labour, the Committee requests the Government to supply information on the impact of the Social Protection Policy and the NDP-9 in eliminating the worst forms of child labour.
Application of the Convention in practice. The Government indicates that efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour in Somalia have been increasing year after year. Government institutions and social partners work together for the protection of children. The practical difficulties encountered in the application of the Convention include security problems, high levels of poverty, negative public attitudes, drug selling, the economic situation of the country, a lack of political will, and weak law enforcement. The Government further indicates that there is no available information concerning investigations made in the area of the worst forms of child labour in Somalia. It states that law enforcement is the greatest challenge for the implementation of the Convention, as no labour inspector is specifically responsible for it.
The observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), received on 1 September 2018, stated that the Government has not taken any meaningful measures to implement the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to provide any information, including copies of studies and reports, on the worst forms of child labour, to enable the Committee to assess developments in relation to the nature, extent and trends of the worst forms of child labour and the number of children protected by the measures giving effect to the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

The Committee notes with concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
The Committee notes the Government’s first report and the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018.
Articles 3 and 7(1) of the Convention. Worst forms of child labour and penalties. Clause (a). All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery. Forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. The Government indicates in its report that article 29 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides for the right of children to be protected from armed conflict and not to be used in armed conflict (paragraph 6). In addition, it indicates that the Somali National Army issued a general staff Order (No. 1), stating that children under 18 years of age may not enlist in the army.
The Committee notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 7 entitled “Slavery and forced labour and recruitment of children into the armed forces”, for the prohibition of forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict, which is considered as a form of forced or compulsory labour. The penalty for offenders under this provision is a fine or imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not exceeding ten years, or to both a fine and imprisonment.
According to the Government, the Somali National Army has benefited from human rights training and continuous sensitization to combat the use of children in armed conflict. However, the Government states that gaps exist in law enforcement areas to adequately protect children from the worst forms of child labour, especially in parts of the country that the Government does not control. It indicates the detection of cases of recruitment of children by non-state armed groups, including for use as spies, when opening and closing checkpoints, and to join their armed groups. In 2017, Al-Shabaab extremists intensified its campaign of forced recruitment of children as young as 8 years old. According to the Social Protection Policy of 2019, the recruitment of children by armed groups has included the threatening of elders, teachers in Islamic religious schools, and communities in rural areas with attacks if they did not provide thousands of children as young as 8 years old for use in armed conflict. The observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018 also stated that children were forcibly recruited and used by militias and Al-Shabaab extremists as soldiers.
The Committee notes that, according to the Report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, the recruitment and use in armed conflict of 1,442 boys and 53 girls were verified in 2019, with some children as young as 8 years old. Al-Shabaab remained the main perpetrator but government security forces, regional forces and clan militias also recruited and used children. A total of 1,158 cases of abduction of children were verified, mainly for the purpose of recruitment and use in armed conflict, as well as 703 cases of children killed or maimed, and more than 200 cases of girls being raped and are victims of sexual violence. The Secretary-General underlined the growing number of violations attributed to government security forces (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraphs 137, 139, 140, 142 and 145). Moreover, the Committee notes that, in her report of 24 December 2019, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict specified that in Somalia, where the highest figures for sexual violence were verified in 2019, girls were sexually abused during their association with armed forces and groups, and forcibly married to combatants. She also stated that abduction was the primary way for Al-Shabaab to forcibly recruit children for use as combatants in Somalia (A/HRC/43/38, paragraphs 27 and 32). The Committee must deplore the continued recruitment and use of children in armed conflict in Somalia, especially as it entails other violations of children’s rights, such as abductions, killings and sexual violence. While recognizing the complexity of the situation prevailing on the ground and the existence of an armed conflict and armed groups in the country, the Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures as a matter of urgency to ensure the full and immediate demobilization of all children and to put a stop, in practice, to the forced recruitment of children under 18 years of age by armed forces and armed groups in Somalia. The Committee also urges the Government to take immediate and effective measures to ensure the thorough investigation and prosecution of all persons found guilty of recruiting children under 18 years of age for use in armed conflict and to ensure that sufficiently effective and dissuasive penalties are imposed in practice. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the number and nature of investigations carried out against the perpetrators of these crimes, as well as on the number of prosecutions conducted, and the number and nature of penalties imposed.
Articles 6 and 7(2)(a) and (b). Programmes of action and effective time-bound measures for prevention, assistance and removal. Children forcibly recruited for use in armed conflict. The Government indicates that it signed a roadmap to end recruitment and use of children in conflict, in 2019.
The Committee notes that, in its report of March 2020 on Children and armed conflict in Somalia, the UN Secretary-General specified that this roadmap, aiming at accelerating the implementation of the action plans of 2012 on preventing and combating the recruitment and use and the killing and maiming of children, includes renewed commitments to strengthening the legislative framework, to capacity-building and awareness-raising for security forces, and to the screening of troops. The roadmap also provides for the creation of regional working groups on children and armed conflict, in order to implement the action plans at the Federal member State-level (S/2020/174, paragraphs 65 and 69). The Committee notes that the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) specified that the roadmap to end recruitment and use of children in conflict details measures to release children associated with armed forces, and reintegrate them into their communities.
The Committee further notes that the UN Secretary-General indicated in its report of March 2020 that the Government was drafting a national strategy aimed at preventing child recruitment and facilitating the release and reintegration of children associated with armed groups, and a national strategy on assistance to victims aiming at supporting survivors of armed conflict, including children affected by conflict (S/2020/174, paragraph 67).
According to the report of the Government to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the National Programme for the Treatment and Handling of Disengaged Fighters focuses on outreach, reception, screening, rehabilitation and reintegration of children previously engaged in conflict (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 362). However, according to the Report of the Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, 236 children were detained in 2019 for alleged association with armed groups by national and regional security forces (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraph 138). The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that children removed from armed forces or groups are treated as victims rather than offenders. It also requests the Government to provide information on the adoption and implementation of the above-mentioned national strategies to prevent child recruitment, facilitate the release and social reintegration of children associated with armed groups, and assist them, including any special attention that has been paid to the removal, rehabilitation and social integration of girls. Furthermore, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the manner in which the National Programme for the Treatment and Handling of Disengaged Fighters has been applied to children recruited in armed groups and the armed forces.
Article 7(2). Clause (a). Prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour. Access to free basic education. The Government indicates that the restoration of free education is one of its priorities. It has provided opportunities for free schooling in some regions, adding that 22 free schools have been established in the country. The Government wishes to implement programmes to enable more children to return to school.
The Committee notes that, according to the Social Protection Policy, there are low school enrolment rates throughout the country, and girls’ enrolment rates are significantly lower. Almost 47 per cent of children from 6 to 17 years of age are not enrolled in school. In 2015, the primary school net attendance rate was estimated at 21 per cent for girls and 30 per cent for boys (page 7). The Federal Government of Somalia, together with the World Food Programme, is implementing a school feeding programme covering more than 20 per cent of primary schools across the country. In the Federal member States, school feeding is carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Education (page 15). It improves children’s school attendance and food security (page 34).
The Committee also notes that the National Employment Policy of 2019 states that the National Education Policy and the National Education Sector Strategy Plan are essential in revising the education system, which was completely destroyed by the conflict (page 7). The National Employment Policy indicates that the private sector is the largest provider for education (page 10).
The Committee further notes that the report of the World Bank Group of August 2019 underlines that Somalia’s allocations to education as share of the national budget are about 1 per cent. The Federal member States also spend little of their own resources on education (page 32).
In its report on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, the UN Secretary-General stated that, with 64 attacks on school in 2019, Somalia has one of the highest numbers of attacks of school. Incidents included the abduction of teachers and pupils, the killing of and threats against teachers, and the destruction and looting of facilities (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraph 141). Considering that education is key in preventing children from the worst forms of child labour, the Committee strongly encourages the Government to continue to take the necessary measures to improve access to free basic education of all children, including girls. It requests the Government to continue to provide information on the progress made regarding access to free basic education, including on the implementation of the National Education Policy and the National Education Sector Strategy Plan. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the school enrolment, attendance and completion rates at primary and secondary level, as well as on the school drop-out rates.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2023, published 112nd ILC session (2024)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
The Committee notes the Government’s first report and the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018.
Article 1 of the Convention. Legal framework. The Government indicates in its report that it has drafted a new Labour Code in 2019, to replace the existing Labour Code of 1972. Section 127 of the draft Labour Code prohibits the worst forms of child labour, which are defined in section 2 of the Code, using the same definition as in the Convention, with the exception of forced or compulsory labour, which is expressly prohibited under section 7 of the Code. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any progress made regarding the adoption of the draft Labour Code of 2019, and to provide a copy of thereof once adopted.
Article 2. Definition of the term “child”. The Government indicates that Article 29 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides that the word “child” means a person under 18 years of age (paragraph 8). The Government further states that Sharia law does not indicate any specific age at which one is considered an adult. There is a measure of maturity. If the young person is sexually mature, he or she is no longer considered a child. He is then responsible for his own actions and can get married and work. That applies to both sexes and is the general rule in traditional Somali Sharia law, as practised in Somalia.
According to the Report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict in Somalia of March 2020, the Committee notes that the regional Constitutions of Puntland and the South-West State set the age of majority at 15 years (S/2020/174, paragraph 64). There is no information regarding the provisions of the other Federal member States in this regard. The Committee requests the Government to ensure that all persons under the age of 18 are considered children, including in the legislations of the Federal member States. It requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard, as well as information on the definition of the term “child” contained in the other regional Constitutions of the Federal member States. The Committee also requests the Government to clarify the status of the Federal Provisional Constitution within the national legal order, in particular whether its provisions prevail over the legislations of the Federal member States and over the customary legal system and Sharia law.
Articles 3 and 7(1). Worst forms of child labour and penalties. Clause (a). All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery. 1. Sale and trafficking of children. The Government indicates that article 14 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides that a person may not be subjected to trafficking. It also indicates that, in November 2017, Puntland State passed new Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes, criminalizing trafficking in persons.
According to the Government, trafficking of children to Europe and other western countries from Somalia exists and may result in forced labour and other types of slavery. It further states that cases of trafficking of children have been identified in the South-West State and that the perpetrators have been arrested. Since 2015, the Federal Government has regularly carried out awareness-raising activities to reduce trafficking of children.
In its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government stated that the Sexual Offences Bill, which is awaiting parliamentary approval, addressed trafficking in persons (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraphs 161 and 165). Furthermore, the Committee notes that section 127 of the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides that a person who uses a child in any activity constituting one of the worst forms of child labour (including the sale and trafficking of children according to section 2) commits an offence and is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both, unless severe penalties are provided for the relevant offence (subsection 11). Given the seriousness of the offence and the dissuasive effect that the penalties should have (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 637), legislation providing for the possibility of a fine alone cannot be considered effective. Therefore, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that the sale and trafficking of persons, including children, for the purposes of both labour and sexual exploitation, is punishable by sufficiently effective and dissuasive sanctions of imprisonment and not just fines. It also requests the Government to provide information on the number of cases of trafficking of children investigated, prosecuted, convicted, and the penalties imposed, and to indicate under which provisions of its national legislation the perpetrators were punished. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to supply information on the laws of the Federal member States relating to trafficking of children, as well as information on the adoption of the Sexual Offences Bill, and a copy of the text, once adopted.
2. Slavery, debt bondage, serfdom, forced or compulsory labour. In its report, the Government refers to a study of 2019 conducted by UNICEF entitled “No Mother Wants Her Child to Migrate, Vulnerability of children on the move in the Horn of Africa”, according to which, during the journey, young people may be subjected to forced labour and slavery (page 54 of the report).
The Committee notes that, in its section 455, the Penal Code of 1962 provides that whoever reduces a person to slavery or to similar condition shall be punished with imprisonment from five to 20 years. Section 456 provides for the same penalty for whoever deals or in any manner trades in slaves or persons in a condition similar to slavery. In addition, section 464 provides for a penalty of imprisonment from six months to five years and a fine for whoever forces another to compulsory labour or avails himself of the services of persons forced to compulsory labour, where the act does not constitute a more serious offence.
The Committee also notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 7 entitled “Slavery and forced labour and recruitment of children into the armed forces”, that forced or compulsory labour is forbidden in any form (subsection 1), and that no person is permitted to assist any other person to recruit, traffic or use forced or compulsory labour (subsection 2). A person convicted under this section is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not exceeding ten years or to both (subsection 4). The Committee observes that, according to this provision, a person committing the offence of forced labour and slavery may be sentenced to a fine only, which does not constitute a sufficiently dissuasive penalty. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of sections 455, 456 and 464 of the Penal Code regarding slavery and forced or compulsory labour of children under 18 years of age, including the number of investigations, prosecutions and penalties imposed. It also requests the Government to ensure that the draft Labour Code, once adopted contains sufficiently dissuasive penalties of imprisonment for the offence of forced labour and slavery.
Clause (b). Use, procuring or offering of a child for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances. The Government indicates that laws related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children are not sufficient, as the use, procuring and offering of a child for prostitution, pornography, and pornographic performances are not effectively prohibited. However, it underlines that Islamic Sharia and the customary law of the Somali people strongly oppose these practices. In Somalia, child prostitution and the use of children in pornographic performances are practically non-existent.
The Committee notes that section 407 of the Penal Code of 1962 provides for the prohibition of the instigation, aiding and exploitation of prostitution and imprisonment from two months to two years as well as a fine for the perpetrators of such offences. It provides for increased penalties when the act is committed against a person incapable of giving consent (according to section 59, read in conjunction with section 47, a child under the age of 14 is considered as a person incapable of giving consent) or against a person entrusted to the offender for care, education, instruction, supervision, or custody. Section 408 of the Penal Code stipulates that whoever, by violence or threats, compels another to commit prostitution shall be punished with imprisonment from two to six years and with fine; the punishment shall be increased under the same conditions of section 407.
The Committee further notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that the Sexual Offences Bill, which is awaiting parliamentary approval, defines sexual exploitation, addresses sexual grooming and sex tourism, and provides for penalties for offenders and assistance to victims and witnesses (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraphs 161 and 165). The Committee trusts that the Sexual Offences Bill will contain provisions prohibiting the use, procuring or offering of a child under 18 years of age for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances, with effective and sufficiently dissuasive penalties, and that it will be adopted in the near future. It requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of sections 407 and 408 of the Penal Code regarding the use, procuring or offering of a child under 18 years of age for prostitution, including the number of investigations, prosecutions and penalties imposed.
Clause (c). Use, procuring or offering a child for illicit activities, in particular for the production and trafficking of drugs. The Government indicates that children are used for illicit activities, including the selling of drugs. Since 2015, it has conducted awareness-raising activities to protect children from their use in illicit activities.
The Committee notes that there is no provision explicitly prohibiting the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities. However, the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 127 on the employment of children, that a person who uses a child in any activity constituting one of the worst forms of child labour (including use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, including the production and trafficking of drugs as defined in the relevant international conventions or treaties, according to section 2) commits an offence and is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both, unless severe penalties are provided for the relevant offence (subsection 11). Given the seriousness of the offence and the dissuasive effect that the penalties should have (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 637), legislation providing for the possibility of a fine alone cannot be considered effective. Therefore, the Committee requests the Government to include in its legislation provisions which would provide for sufficiently effective and dissuasive sanctions of imprisonment and not just fines for the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, including the production and trafficking of drugs. The Committee also requests the Government to indicate under which provisions of its national legislation the perpetrators of this offence may be punished, as well as the number of violations reported, of prosecutions conducted and the nature and number of penalties applied.
Clause (d) and Article 4. Hazardous work and determination of hazardous work. The Government indicates that article 29 of the Provisional Constitution states that no child may perform work or provide services that are not suitable for the child’s age or create a risk to the child’s health or development in any way. The Government further indicates that the list of hazardous work determined under Article 4(1) of the Convention has been periodically examined and monitored. It states that in some instances, child perform hazardous work while working on the street. Since 2015, the Government has conducted regular awareness-raising activities to reduce the exposure of children to hazardous work.
The Committee notes that the existing Labour Code of 1972 states, in its section 90, that the Secretary may, by decree, prescribe the types of work prohibited for children and young persons (subsection 1). Section 110 provides that the labour inspectors shall have powers to give due warning to employers, and to fix a time limit within which the irregularities shall be rectified (subsection 11). Section 144 provides that any person who contravenes the provisions of this Code or regulations made hereunder for which no penalty is specifically provided in this Part, shall be guilty of an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or with a fine or with both such imprisonment and fine.
The Committee also notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 127, that the employment of a child under 18 years of age must be consistent with the fullest physical and mental development of the child (subsection 2). The minimum age for admission to any type of employment or work which by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out is likely to jeopardize the health, safety or moral of children is 18 years (subsection 3). The Minister may authorize employment covered by subsection 3 from the age of 16 years on condition that the health, safety and morals of children concerned are fully protected and that they have received relevant and adequate instructions or training in that type of work (section 128). Section 128 requires the Minister to make regulations declaring any work, activity or contract of employment harmful to the health, safety or morals of a child.
According to section 127 of the draft Labour Code, a person who uses a child in any activity constituting the worst forms of child labour commits an offence, and, if convicted, is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both (subsection 11). If a child is killed, becomes disabled, dies or suffers any bodily injury in consequence of his or her employer having contravened any provision of this Chapter, the employer is, in addition to any other penalty, liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both (subsection 13). The Committee requests the Government to communicate the list of hazardous types of work determined pursuant to Article 4(1) of the Convention. It trusts that the draft Labour Code of 2019 will be adopted in the near future and requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the number of violations reported, prosecutions conducted and the nature and number of penalties applied, with regard to hazardous types of work performed by children under the age of 18.
Article 5. Monitoring mechanisms. 1. Somali National Tripartite Consultative Committee (SNTCC). The Government indicates that the Somali National Tripartite Consultative Committee (SNTCC), comprising the Federal Government, Federal member States representatives of labour ministries, and trade unions and employer’s representatives, has been established in order to deal with all labour issues. The Government stresses that the SNTCC has improved social protection and encouraged social dialogue, including for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the activities of the SNTCC and on their impact in eliminating the worst forms of child labour.
2. Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children. The Committee notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that it has set up the Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children at the federal level. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the activities of the Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children and of the impact of these activities in reducing trafficking of children.
3. Coordination mechanism comprising the Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint steering Committee. The Government indicates that a Panel Ministerial Committee, consisting of the line ministers, including the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Security, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, meets monthly to discuss and develop policies and directions concerning the protection of children’s rights and the eradication of the worst forms of child labour in Somalia. It also indicates that a Joint steering Committee has been established in 2014 by the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development, which comprises representatives of the Federal Government, representatives of Federal member States, civil society organizations, national non-governmental organizations as well as United Nations and International Organizations working in the child protection sector.
The Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint Steering Committee have been structured in a coordination mechanism and programmes have been implemented in this framework for the protection of children. The major activities of this coordination mechanism include reforming the existing policies and laws, monitoring the military bases for the recruitment of children in armed forces, awareness raising to eliminate child labour and providing human rights training to the national Somali army. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the activities of the coordination mechanism, comprising the Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint steering Committee, and to provide information on the impact of these activities on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour.
4. Labour inspectorate. According to the Government’s report, the labour inspectorate is weak, resulting in a lack of routine workplace labour inspections. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the structure and organization of the labour inspection in Somalia, including the number of labour inspectors as well as the training they undertake, if any. Please also provide information on the potential role of the Federal member States regarding labour inspection. The Committee also requests the Government to supply copies or extracts of inspection reports regarding the monitoring of the worst forms of child labour.
Article 7(2). Effective and time-bound measures. Clause (b). Direct assistance for the removal of children from the worst forms of child labour and for their rehabilitation and social integration. Child victims of trafficking. The Committee notes the absence of information in the Government report on this point. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any measures taken to identify child victims of trafficking and to ensure their rehabilitation and social integration.
Clause (d). Identifying and reaching out to children at special risk. 1. Street children. The Government indicates that children work in the street (including shining shoes, washing cars, conducting minibuses, vending and/or assisting khat – a plant containing an amphetamine-like stimulant – traders). It further states that it has facilitated the establishment of care centres for street children, in order to minimize their number in the country.
The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy of the Government of 2019 underlines that orphans and street children are amongst the poorest and most vulnerable children, and that it is important that all social protection schemes be child-sensitive, which would mitigate the effects of poverty on families (page 8). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to protect street children from the worst forms of child labour and to ensure the rehabilitation and social integration of children actually removed from the streets. It also requests the Government to provide information on the number of children living and working on the street identified and provided with direct assistance for their rehabilitation and social integration, including through care centres and social protection measures.
2. Refugees and internally displaced children. The Government indicates that there is a high number of internally displaced persons (IDPs), living in and around the major cities, and estimates that more than 60 per cent of them are children. In Mogadishu and surroundings, it is estimated that there are more than 369,000 IDPs. It also indicates that some parents, particularly in poor and internally displaced families, make their children work to generate income and survive. The Government has initiated several projects to assist and improve the lives of IDPs.
The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy stresses that IDPs face greater risk of trafficking in persons, and that the social protection system will pay special attention to their needs (pages 9 and 26). The Committee also notes that the Government has developed a National Policy on Refugee-Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons , with a view to protect refugee-returnees, IDPs and host communities, including children. The guiding principles of the policy include protecting displaced persons during displacement, including against sexual exploitation, forced labour, and recruitment and use of children by parties in conflicts (pages 16–17). The policy acknowledges the responsibility of the Federal Government of Somalia and of the Federal member States in creating durable solutions for IDPs and returning refugees, including access to education.
The Committee further notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that it established the Somalia National Commission for Refugees and IDPs to address the needs of refugees and IDPs (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 296). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the adoption and implementation of the National Policy on Refugee-Returnees and IDPs, including the activities conducted in this framework to protect displaced children from the worst forms of child labour, and the results achieved in this regard. It further requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to ensure access to education for internally displaced children. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on any other mechanism, including the National Commission for Refugees and IDPs and any mechanism at the Federal member State-level, that has been put in place to protect refugees and internally displaced children from the worst forms of child labour, including in IDPs settlements.
Clause (e). Special situation of girls. The Government indicates that children, mainly girls, are involved in domestic work. Furthermore, the National Employment Policy of 2019 states that young girls are exploited for domestic chores or face sexual and gender-based violence. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken or envisaged to take account of the special situation of girls working in domestic service so as to protect them against the worst forms of child labour.
Article 8. Poverty reduction. The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy aims to build a comprehensive and coherent social protection system (developed for the period 2019 to 2040) that combats poverty and vulnerability in Somalia. It will prevent people from falling into poverty and provide essential support to people who live in poverty.
The Committee also notes that the Federal Government has developed its ninth National Development Plan (NDP-9), for the period 2020–24, which aims at reducing poverty and inequality through inclusive economic growth and employment, improved security and rule of law, and strengthened political stability (page 20). Considering that poverty reduction programmes contribute towards breaking the cycle of poverty, which is essential for eliminating the worst forms of child labour, the Committee requests the Government to supply information on the impact of the Social Protection Policy and the NDP-9 in eliminating the worst forms of child labour.
Application of the Convention in practice. The Government indicates that efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour in Somalia have been increasing year after year. Government institutions and social partners work together for the protection of children. The practical difficulties encountered in the application of the Convention include security problems, high levels of poverty, negative public attitudes, drug selling, the economic situation of the country, a lack of political will, and weak law enforcement. The Government further indicates that there is no available information concerning investigations made in the area of the worst forms of child labour in Somalia. It states that law enforcement is the greatest challenge for the implementation of the Convention, as no labour inspector is specifically responsible for it.
The observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), received on 1 September 2018, stated that the Government has not taken any meaningful measures to implement the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to provide any information, including copies of studies and reports, on the worst forms of child labour, to enable the Committee to assess developments in relation to the nature, extent and trends of the worst forms of child labour and the number of children protected by the measures giving effect to the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2023, published 112nd ILC session (2024)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
The Committee notes the Government’s first report and the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018.
Articles 3 and 7(1) of the Convention. Worst forms of child labour and penalties. Clause (a). All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery. Forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. The Government indicates in its report that article 29 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides for the right of children to be protected from armed conflict and not to be used in armed conflict (paragraph 6). In addition, it indicates that the Somali National Army issued a general staff Order (No. 1), stating that children under 18 years of age may not enlist in the army.
The Committee notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 7 entitled “Slavery and forced labour and recruitment of children into the armed forces”, for the prohibition of forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict, which is considered as a form of forced or compulsory labour. The penalty for offenders under this provision is a fine or imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not exceeding ten years, or to both a fine and imprisonment.
According to the Government, the Somali National Army has benefited from human rights training and continuous sensitization to combat the use of children in armed conflict. However, the Government states that gaps exist in law enforcement areas to adequately protect children from the worst forms of child labour, especially in parts of the country that the Government does not control. It indicates the detection of cases of recruitment of children by non-state armed groups, including for use as spies, when opening and closing checkpoints, and to join their armed groups. In 2017, Al-Shabaab extremists intensified its campaign of forced recruitment of children as young as 8 years old. According to the Social Protection Policy of 2019, the recruitment of children by armed groups has included the threatening of elders, teachers in Islamic religious schools, and communities in rural areas with attacks if they did not provide thousands of children as young as 8 years old for use in armed conflict. The observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018 also stated that children were forcibly recruited and used by militias and Al-Shabaab extremists as soldiers.
The Committee notes that, according to the Report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, the recruitment and use in armed conflict of 1,442 boys and 53 girls were verified in 2019, with some children as young as 8 years old. Al-Shabaab remained the main perpetrator but government security forces, regional forces and clan militias also recruited and used children. A total of 1,158 cases of abduction of children were verified, mainly for the purpose of recruitment and use in armed conflict, as well as 703 cases of children killed or maimed, and more than 200 cases of girls being raped and are victims of sexual violence. The Secretary-General underlined the growing number of violations attributed to government security forces (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraphs 137, 139, 140, 142 and 145). Moreover, the Committee notes that, in her report of 24 December 2019, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict specified that in Somalia, where the highest figures for sexual violence were verified in 2019, girls were sexually abused during their association with armed forces and groups, and forcibly married to combatants. She also stated that abduction was the primary way for Al-Shabaab to forcibly recruit children for use as combatants in Somalia (A/HRC/43/38, paragraphs 27 and 32). The Committee must deplore the continued recruitment and use of children in armed conflict in Somalia, especially as it entails other violations of children’s rights, such as abductions, killings and sexual violence. While recognizing the complexity of the situation prevailing on the ground and the existence of an armed conflict and armed groups in the country, the Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures as a matter of urgency to ensure the full and immediate demobilization of all children and to put a stop, in practice, to the forced recruitment of children under 18 years of age by armed forces and armed groups in Somalia. The Committee also urges the Government to take immediate and effective measures to ensure the thorough investigation and prosecution of all persons found guilty of recruiting children under 18 years of age for use in armed conflict and to ensure that sufficiently effective and dissuasive penalties are imposed in practice. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the number and nature of investigations carried out against the perpetrators of these crimes, as well as on the number of prosecutions conducted, and the number and nature of penalties imposed.
Articles 6 and 7(2)(a) and (b). Programmes of action and effective time-bound measures for prevention, assistance and removal. Children forcibly recruited for use in armed conflict. The Government indicates that it signed a roadmap to end recruitment and use of children in conflict, in 2019.
The Committee notes that, in its report of March 2020 on Children and armed conflict in Somalia, the UN Secretary-General specified that this roadmap, aiming at accelerating the implementation of the action plans of 2012 on preventing and combating the recruitment and use and the killing and maiming of children, includes renewed commitments to strengthening the legislative framework, to capacity-building and awareness-raising for security forces, and to the screening of troops. The roadmap also provides for the creation of regional working groups on children and armed conflict, in order to implement the action plans at the Federal member State-level (S/2020/174, paragraphs 65 and 69). The Committee notes that the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) specified that the roadmap to end recruitment and use of children in conflict details measures to release children associated with armed forces, and reintegrate them into their communities.
The Committee further notes that the UN Secretary-General indicated in its report of March 2020 that the Government was drafting a national strategy aimed at preventing child recruitment and facilitating the release and reintegration of children associated with armed groups, and a national strategy on assistance to victims aiming at supporting survivors of armed conflict, including children affected by conflict (S/2020/174, paragraph 67).
According to the report of the Government to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the National Programme for the Treatment and Handling of Disengaged Fighters focuses on outreach, reception, screening, rehabilitation and reintegration of children previously engaged in conflict (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 362). However, according to the Report of the Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, 236 children were detained in 2019 for alleged association with armed groups by national and regional security forces (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraph 138). The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that children removed from armed forces or groups are treated as victims rather than offenders. It also requests the Government to provide information on the adoption and implementation of the above-mentioned national strategies to prevent child recruitment, facilitate the release and social reintegration of children associated with armed groups, and assist them, including any special attention that has been paid to the removal, rehabilitation and social integration of girls. Furthermore, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the manner in which the National Programme for the Treatment and Handling of Disengaged Fighters has been applied to children recruited in armed groups and the armed forces.
Article 7(2). Clause (a). Prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour. Access to free basic education. The Government indicates that the restoration of free education is one of its priorities. It has provided opportunities for free schooling in some regions, adding that 22 free schools have been established in the country. The Government wishes to implement programmes to enable more children to return to school.
The Committee notes that, according to the Social Protection Policy, there are low school enrolment rates throughout the country, and girls’ enrolment rates are significantly lower. Almost 47 per cent of children from 6 to 17 years of age are not enrolled in school. In 2015, the primary school net attendance rate was estimated at 21 per cent for girls and 30 per cent for boys (page 7). The Federal Government of Somalia, together with the World Food Programme, is implementing a school feeding programme covering more than 20 per cent of primary schools across the country. In the Federal member States, school feeding is carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Education (page 15). It improves children’s school attendance and food security (page 34).
The Committee also notes that the National Employment Policy of 2019 states that the National Education Policy and the National Education Sector Strategy Plan are essential in revising the education system, which was completely destroyed by the conflict (page 7). The National Employment Policy indicates that the private sector is the largest provider for education (page 10).
The Committee further notes that the report of the World Bank Group of August 2019 underlines that Somalia’s allocations to education as share of the national budget are about 1 per cent. The Federal member States also spend little of their own resources on education (page 32).
In its report on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, the UN Secretary-General stated that, with 64 attacks on school in 2019, Somalia has one of the highest numbers of attacks of school. Incidents included the abduction of teachers and pupils, the killing of and threats against teachers, and the destruction and looting of facilities (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraph 141). Considering that education is key in preventing children from the worst forms of child labour, the Committee strongly encourages the Government to continue to take the necessary measures to improve access to free basic education of all children, including girls. It requests the Government to continue to provide information on the progress made regarding access to free basic education, including on the implementation of the National Education Policy and the National Education Sector Strategy Plan. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the school enrolment, attendance and completion rates at primary and secondary level, as well as on the school drop-out rates.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2020, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes the Government’s first report and the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018.
Article 1 of the Convention. Legal framework. The Government indicates in its report that it has drafted a new Labour Code in 2019, to replace the existing Labour Code of 1972. Section 127 of the draft Labour Code prohibits the worst forms of child labour, which are defined in section 2 of the Code, using the same definition as in the Convention, with the exception of forced or compulsory labour, which is expressly prohibited under section 7 of the Code. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any progress made regarding the adoption of the draft Labour Code of 2019, and to provide a copy of thereof once adopted.
Article 2. Definition of the term “child”. The Government indicates that Article 29 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides that the word “child” means a person under 18 years of age (paragraph 8). The Government further states that Sharia law does not indicate any specific age at which one is considered an adult. There is a measure of maturity. If the young person is sexually mature, he or she is no longer considered a child. He is then responsible for his own actions and can get married and work. That applies to both sexes and is the general rule in traditional Somali Sharia law, as practised in Somalia.
According to the Report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict in Somalia of March 2020, the Committee notes that the regional Constitutions of Puntland and the South-West State set the age of majority at 15 years (S/2020/174, paragraph 64). There is no information regarding the provisions of the other Federal member States in this regard. The Committee requests the Government to ensure that all persons under the age of 18 are considered children, including in the legislations of the Federal member States. It requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard, as well as information on the definition of the term “child” contained in the other regional Constitutions of the Federal member States. The Committee also requests the Government to clarify the status of the Federal Provisional Constitution within the national legal order, in particular whether its provisions prevail over the legislations of the Federal member States and over the customary legal system and Sharia law.
Articles 3 and 7(1). Worst forms of child labour and penalties. Clause (a). All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery. 1. Sale and trafficking of children. The Government indicates that article 14 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides that a person may not be subjected to trafficking. It also indicates that, in November 2017, Puntland State passed new Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes, criminalizing trafficking in persons.
According to the Government, trafficking of children to Europe and other western countries from Somalia exists, and may result in forced labour and other types of slavery. It further states that cases of trafficking of children have been identified in the South-West State and that the perpetrators have been arrested. Since 2015, the Federal Government has regularly carried out awareness-raising activities to reduce trafficking of children.
In its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government stated that the Sexual Offences Bill, which is awaiting parliamentary approval, addressed trafficking in persons (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraphs 161 and 165). Furthermore, the Committee notes that section 127 of the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides that a person who uses a child in any activity constituting one of the worst forms of child labour (including the sale and trafficking of children according to section 2) commits an offence and is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both, unless severe penalties are provided for the relevant offence (subsection 11). Given the seriousness of the offence and the dissuasive effect that the penalties should have (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 637), legislation providing for the possibility of a fine alone cannot be considered effective. Therefore, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that the sale and trafficking of persons, including children, for the purposes of both labour and sexual exploitation, is punishable by sufficiently effective and dissuasive sanctions of imprisonment and not just fines. It also requests the Government to provide information on the number of cases of trafficking of children investigated, prosecuted, convicted, and the penalties imposed, and to indicate under which provisions of its national legislation the perpetrators were punished. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to supply information on the laws of the Federal member States relating to trafficking of children, as well as information on the adoption of the Sexual Offences Bill, and a copy of the text, once adopted.
2. Slavery, debt bondage, serfdom, forced or compulsory labour. In its report, the Government refers to a study of 2019 conducted by UNICEF entitled “No Mother Wants Her Child to Migrate, Vulnerability of children on the move in the Horn of Africa”, according to which, during the journey, young people may be subjected to forced labour and slavery (page 54 of the report).
The Committee notes that, in its section 455, the Penal Code of 1962 provides that whoever reduces a person to slavery or to similar condition shall be punished with imprisonment from five to 20 years. Section 456 provides for the same penalty for whoever deals or in any manner trades in slaves or persons in a condition similar to slavery. In addition, section 464 provides for a penalty of imprisonment from six months to five years and a fine for whoever forces another to compulsory labour or avails himself of the services of persons forced to compulsory labour, where the act does not constitute a more serious offence.
The Committee also notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 7 entitled “Slavery and forced labour and recruitment of children into the armed forces”, that forced or compulsory labour is forbidden in any form (subsection 1), and that no person is permitted to assist any other person to recruit, traffic or use forced or compulsory labour (subsection 2). A person convicted under this section is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not exceeding ten years or to both (subsection 4). The Committee observes that, according to this provision, a person committing the offence of forced labour and slavery may be sentenced to a fine only, which does not constitute a sufficiently dissuasive penalty. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of sections 455, 456 and 464 of the Penal Code regarding slavery and forced or compulsory labour of children under 18 years of age, including the number of investigations, prosecutions and penalties imposed. It also requests the Government to ensure that the draft Labour Code, once adopted contains sufficiently dissuasive penalties of imprisonment for the offence of forced labour and slavery.
Clause (b). Use, procuring or offering of a child for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances. The Government indicates that laws related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children are not sufficient, as the use, procuring and offering of a child for prostitution, pornography, and pornographic performances are not effectively prohibited. However, it underlines that Islamic Sharia and the customary law of the Somali people strongly oppose these practices. In Somalia, child prostitution and the use of children in pornographic performances are practically non-existent.
The Committee notes that section 407 of the Penal Code of 1962 provides for the prohibition of the instigation, aiding and exploitation of prostitution and imprisonment from two months to two years as well as a fine for the perpetrators of such offences. It provides for increased penalties when the act is committed against a person incapable of giving consent (according to section 59, read in conjunction with section 47, a child under the age of 14 is considered as a person incapable of giving consent) or against a person entrusted to the offender for care, education, instruction, supervision, or custody. Section 408 of the Penal Code stipulates that whoever, by violence or threats, compels another to commit prostitution shall be punished with imprisonment from two to six years and with fine; the punishment shall be increased under the same conditions of section 407.
The Committee further notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that the Sexual Offences Bill, which is awaiting parliamentary approval, defines sexual exploitation, addresses sexual grooming and sex tourism, and provides for penalties for offenders and assistance to victims and witnesses (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraphs 161 and 165). The Committee trusts that the Sexual Offences Bill will contain provisions prohibiting the use, procuring or offering of a child under 18 years of age for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances, with effective and sufficiently dissuasive penalties, and that it will be adopted in the near future. It requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of sections 407 and 408 of the Penal Code regarding the use, procuring or offering of a child under 18 years of age for prostitution, including the number of investigations, prosecutions and penalties imposed.
Clause (c). Use, procuring or offering a child for illicit activities, in particular for the production and trafficking of drugs. The Government indicates that children are used for illicit activities, including the selling of drugs. Since 2015, it has conducted awareness-raising activities to protect children from their use in illicit activities.
The Committee notes that there is no provision explicitly prohibiting the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities. However, the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 127 on the employment of children, that a person who uses a child in any activity constituting one of the worst forms of child labour (including use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, including the production and trafficking of drugs as defined in the relevant international conventions or treaties, according to section 2) commits an offence and is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both, unless severe penalties are provided for the relevant offence (subsection 11). Given the seriousness of the offence and the dissuasive effect that the penalties should have (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 637), legislation providing for the possibility of a fine alone cannot be considered effective. Therefore, the Committee requests the Government to include in its legislation provisions which would provide for sufficiently effective and dissuasive sanctions of imprisonment and not just fines for the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, including the production and trafficking of drugs. The Committee also requests the Government to indicate under which provisions of its national legislation the perpetrators of this offence may be punished, as well as the number of violations reported, of prosecutions conducted and the nature and number of penalties applied.
Clause (d) and Article 4. Hazardous work and determination of hazardous work. The Government indicates that Article 29 of the Provisional Constitution states that no child may perform work or provide services that are not suitable for the child’s age or create a risk to the child’s health or development in any way. The Government further indicates that the list of hazardous work determined under Article 4(1) of the Convention has been periodically examined and monitored. It states that in some instances, child perform hazardous work while working on the street. Since 2015, the Government has conducted regular awareness-raising activities to reduce the exposure of children to hazardous work.
The Committee notes that the existing Labour Code of 1972 states, in its section 90, that the Secretary may, by decree, prescribe the types of work prohibited for children and young persons (subsection 1). Section 110 provides that the labour inspectors shall have powers to give due warning to employers, and to fix a time limit within which the irregularities shall be rectified (subsection 11). Section 144 provides that any person who contravenes the provisions of this Code or regulations made hereunder for which no penalty is specifically provided in this Part, shall be guilty of an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or with a fine or with both such imprisonment and fine.
The Committee also notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 127, that the employment of a child under 18 years of age must be consistent with the fullest physical and mental development of the child (subsection 2). The minimum age for admission to any type of employment or work which by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out is likely to jeopardize the health, safety or moral of children is 18 years (subsection 3). The Minister may authorize employment covered by subsection 3 from the age of 16 years on condition that the health, safety and morals of children concerned are fully protected and that they have received relevant and adequate instructions or training in that type of work (section 128). Section 128 requires the Minister to make regulations declaring any work, activity or contract of employment harmful to the health, safety or morals of a child.
According to section 127 of the draft Labour Code, a person who uses a child in any activity constituting the worst forms of child labour commits an offence, and, if convicted, is liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both (subsection 11). If a child is killed, becomes disabled, dies or suffers any bodily injury in consequence of his or her employer having contravened any provision of this Chapter, the employer is, in addition to any other penalty, liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both (subsection 13). The Committee requests the Government to communicate the list of hazardous types of work determined pursuant to Article 4(1) of the Convention. It trusts that the draft Labour Code of 2019 will be adopted in the near future, and requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in this regard. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the number of violations reported, prosecutions conducted and the nature and number of penalties applied, with regard to hazardous types of work performed by children under the age of 18.
Article 5. Monitoring mechanisms. 1. Somali National Tripartite Consultative Committee (SNTCC). The Government indicates that the Somali National Tripartite Consultative Committee (SNTCC), comprising the Federal Government, Federal member States representatives of labour ministries, and trade unions and employer’s representatives, has been established in order to deal with all labour issues. The Government stresses that the SNTCC has improved social protection and encouraged social dialogue, including for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the activities of the SNTCC and on their impact in eliminating the worst forms of child labour.
2. Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children. The Committee notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that it has set up the Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children at the federal level. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the activities of the Inter-Ministerial Task-Force on Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants and children and of the impact of these activities in reducing trafficking of children.
3. Coordination mechanism comprising the Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint steering Committee. The Government indicates that a Panel Ministerial Committee, consisting of the line ministers, including the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Security, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, meets monthly to discuss and develop policies and directions concerning the protection of children’s rights and the eradication of the worst forms of child labour in Somalia. It also indicates that a Joint steering Committee has been established in 2014 by the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development, which comprises representatives of the Federal Government, representatives of Federal member States, civil society organisations, national non-governmental organizations as well as United Nations and International Organizations working in the child protection sector.
The Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint Steering Committee have been structured in a coordination mechanism and programmes have been implemented in this framework for the protection of children. The major activities of this coordination mechanism include reforming the existing policies and laws, monitoring the military bases for the recruitment of children in armed forces, awareness raising to eliminate child labour and providing human rights training to the national Somali army. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the activities of the coordination mechanism, comprising the Panel Ministerial Committee and the Joint steering Committee, and to provide information on the impact of these activities on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour.
4. Labour inspectorate. According to the Government’s report, the labour inspectorate is weak, resulting in a lack of routine workplace labour inspections. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the structure and organisation of the labour inspection in Somalia, including the number of labour inspectors as well as the training they undertake, if any. Please also provide information on the potential role of the Federal member States regarding labour inspection. The Committee also requests the Government to supply copies or extracts of inspection reports regarding the monitoring of the worst forms of child labour.
Article 7(2). Effective and time-bound measures. Clause (b). Direct assistance for the removal of children from the worst forms of child labour and for their rehabilitation and social integration. Child victims of trafficking. The Committee notes the absence of information in the Government report on this point. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any measures taken to identify child victims of trafficking and to ensure their rehabilitation and social integration.
Clause (d). Identifying and reaching out to children at special risk. 1. Street children. The Government indicates that children work in the street (including shining shoes, washing cars, conducting minibuses, vending and/or assisting khat – a plant containing an amphetamine-like stimulant – traders). It further states that it has facilitated the establishment of care centres for street children, in order to minimize their number in the country.
The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy of the Government of 2019 underlines that orphans and street children are amongst the poorest and most vulnerable children, and that it is important that all social protection schemes be child-sensitive, which would mitigate the effects of poverty on families (page 8). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to protect street children from the worst forms of child labour and to ensure the rehabilitation and social integration of children actually removed from the streets. It also requests the Government to provide information on the number of children living and working on the street identified and provided with direct assistance for their rehabilitation and social integration, including through care centres and social protection measures.
2. Refugees and internally displaced children. The Government indicates that there is a high number of internally displaced persons (IDPs), living in and around the major cities, and estimates that more than 60 per cent of them are children. In Mogadishu and surroundings, it is estimated that there are more than 369 000 IDPs. It also indicates that some parents, particularly in poor and internally displaced families, make their children work to generate income and survive. The Government has initiated several projects to assist and improve the lives of IDPs.
The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy stresses that IDPs face greater risk of trafficking in persons, and that the social protection system will pay special attention to their needs (pages 9 and 26). The Committee also notes that the Government has developed a National Policy on Refugee-Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons , with a view to protect refugee-returnees, IDPs and host communities, including children. The guiding principles of the policy include protecting displaced persons during displacement, including against sexual exploitation, forced labour, and recruitment and use of children by parties in conflicts (pages 16-17). The policy acknowledges the responsibility of the Federal Government of Somalia and of the Federal member States in creating durable solutions for IDPs and returning refugees, including access to education.
The Committee further notes that, in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the Government indicated that it established the Somalia National Commission for Refugees and IDPs to address the needs of refugees and IDPs (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 296). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the adoption and implementation of the National Policy on Refugee-Returnees and IDPs, including the activities conducted in this framework to protect displaced children from the worst forms of child labour, and the results achieved in this regard. It further requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to ensure access to education for internally displaced children. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on any other mechanism, including the National Commission for Refugees and IDPs and any mechanism at the Federal member State-level, that has been put in place to protect refugees and internally displaced children from the worst forms of child labour, including in IDPs settlements.
Clause (e). Special situation of girls. The Government indicates that children, mainly girls, are involved in domestic work. Furthermore, the National Employment Policy of 2019 states that young girls are exploited for domestic chores or face sexual and gender-based violence. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken or envisaged to take account of the special situation of girls working in domestic service so as to protect them against the worst forms of child labour.
Article 8. Poverty reduction. The Committee notes that the Social Protection Policy aims to build a comprehensive and coherent social protection system (developed for the period 2019 to 2040) that combats poverty and vulnerability in Somalia. It will prevent people from falling into poverty and provide essential support to people who live in poverty.
The Committee also notes that the Federal Government has developed its ninth National Development Plan (NDP-9), for the period 2020–24, which aims at reducing poverty and inequality through inclusive economic growth and employment, improved security and rule of law, and strengthened political stability (page 20). Considering that poverty reduction programmes contribute towards breaking the cycle of poverty, which is essential for eliminating the worst forms of child labour, the Committee requests the Government to supply information on the impact of the Social Protection Policy and the NDP-9 in eliminating the worst forms of child labour.
Application of the Convention in practice. The Government indicates that efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour in Somalia have been increasing year after year. Government institutions and social partners work together for the protection of children. The practical difficulties encountered in the application of the Convention include security problems, high levels of poverty, negative public attitudes, drug selling, the economic situation of the country, a lack of political will, and weak law enforcement. The Government further indicates that there is no available information concerning investigations made in the area of the worst forms of child labour in Somalia. It states that law enforcement is the greatest challenge for the implementation of the Convention, as no labour inspector is specifically responsible for it.
The observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), received on 1 September 2018, stated that the Government has not taken any meaningful measures to implement the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to provide any information, including copies of studies and reports, on the worst forms of child labour, to enable the Committee to assess developments in relation to the nature, extent and trends of the worst forms of child labour and the number of children protected by the measures giving effect to the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2020, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes the Government’s first report and the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018.
Articles 3 and 7(1) of the Convention. Worst forms of child labour and penalties. Clause (a). All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery. Forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. The Government indicates in its report that article 29 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 provides for the right of children to be protected from armed conflict and not to be used in armed conflict (paragraph 6). In addition, it indicates that the Somali National Army issued a general staff Order (No. 1), stating that children under 18 years of age may not enlist in the army.
The Committee notes that the draft Labour Code of 2019 provides, in its section 7 entitled “Slavery and forced labour and recruitment of children into the armed forces”, for the prohibition of forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict, which is considered as a form of forced or compulsory labour. The penalty for offenders under this provision is a fine or imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not exceeding ten years, or to both a fine and imprisonment.
According to the Government, the Somali National Army has benefited from human rights training and continuous sensitization to combat the use of children in armed conflict. However, the Government states that gaps exist in law enforcement areas to adequately protect children from the worst forms of child labour, especially in parts of the country that the Government does not control. It indicates the detection of cases of recruitment of children by non-state armed groups, including for use as spies, when opening and closing checkpoints, and to join their armed groups. In 2017, Al-Shabaab extremists intensified its campaign of forced recruitment of children as young as 8 years old. According to the Social Protection Policy of 2019, the recruitment of children by armed groups has included the threatening of elders, teachers in Islamic religious schools, and communities in rural areas with attacks if they did not provide thousands of children as young as 8 years old for use in armed conflict. The observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) received on 1 September 2018 also stated that children were forcibly recruited and used by militias and Al-Shabaab extremists as soldiers.
The Committee notes that, according to the Report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, the recruitment and use in armed conflict of 1,442 boys and 53 girls were verified in 2019, with some children as young as 8 years old. Al-Shabaab remained the main perpetrator but government security forces, regional forces and clan militias also recruited and used children. A total of 1,158 cases of abduction of children were verified, mainly for the purpose of recruitment and use in armed conflict, as well as 703 cases of children killed or maimed, and more than 200 cases of girls being raped and are victims of sexual violence. The Secretary-General underlined the growing number of violations attributed to government security forces (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraphs 137, 139, 140, 142 and 145). Moreover, the Committee notes that, in her report of 24 December 2019, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict specified that in Somalia, where the highest figures for sexual violence were verified in 2019, girls were sexually abused during their association with armed forces and groups, and forcibly married to combatants. She also stated that abduction was the primary way for Al-Shabaab to forcibly recruit children for use as combatants in Somalia (A/HRC/43/38, paragraphs 27 and 32). The Committee must deplore the continued recruitment and use of children in armed conflict in Somalia, especially as it entails other violations of children’s rights, such as abductions, killings and sexual violence. While recognizing the complexity of the situation prevailing on the ground and the existence of an armed conflict and armed groups in the country, the Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures as a matter of urgency to ensure the full and immediate demobilization of all children and to put a stop, in practice, to the forced recruitment of children under 18 years of age by armed forces and armed groups in Somalia. The Committee also urges the Government to take immediate and effective measures to ensure the thorough investigation and prosecution of all persons found guilty of recruiting children under 18 years of age for use in armed conflict and to ensure that sufficiently effective and dissuasive penalties are imposed in practice. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the number and nature of investigations carried out against the perpetrators of these crimes, as well as on the number of prosecutions conducted, and the number and nature of penalties imposed.
Articles 6 and 7(2)(a) and (b). Programmes of action and effective time-bound measures for prevention, assistance and removal. Children forcibly recruited for use in armed conflict. The Government indicates that it signed a roadmap to end recruitment and use of children in conflict, in 2019.
The Committee notes that, in its report of March 2020 on Children and armed conflict in Somalia, the UN Secretary-General specified that this roadmap, aiming at accelerating the implementation of the action plans of 2012 on preventing and combating the recruitment and use and the killing and maiming of children, includes renewed commitments to strengthening the legislative framework, to capacity-building and awareness-raising for security forces, and to the screening of troops. The roadmap also provides for the creation of regional working groups on children and armed conflict, in order to implement the action plans at the Federal member State-level (S/2020/174, paragraphs 65 and 69). The Committee notes that the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) specified that the roadmap to end recruitment and use of children in conflict details measures to release children associated with armed forces, and reintegrate them into their communities.
The Committee further notes that the UN Secretary-General indicated in its report of March 2020 that the Government was drafting a national strategy aimed at preventing child recruitment and facilitating the release and reintegration of children associated with armed groups, and a national strategy on assistance to victims aiming at supporting survivors of armed conflict, including children affected by conflict (S/2020/174, paragraph 67).
According to the report of the Government to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of October 2019, the National Programme for the Treatment and Handling of Disengaged Fighters focuses on outreach, reception, screening, rehabilitation and reintegration of children previously engaged in conflict (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 362). However, according to the Report of the Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, 236 children were detained in 2019 for alleged association with armed groups by national and regional security forces (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraph 138). The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that children removed from armed forces or groups are treated as victims rather than offenders. It also requests the Government to provide information on the adoption and implementation of the above-mentioned national strategies to prevent child recruitment, facilitate the release and social reintegration of children associated with armed groups, and assist them, including any special attention that has been paid to the removal, rehabilitation and social integration of girls. Furthermore, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the manner in which the National Programme for the Treatment and Handling of Disengaged Fighters has been applied to children recruited in armed groups and the armed forces.
Article 7(2). Clause (a). Prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour. Access to free basic education. The Government indicates that the restoration of free education is one of its priorities. It has provided opportunities for free schooling in some regions, adding that 22 free schools have been established in the country. The Government wishes to implement programmes to enable more children to return to school.
The Committee notes that, according to the Social Protection Policy, there are low school enrolment rates throughout the country, and girls’ enrolment rates are significantly lower. Almost 47 per cent of children from 6 to 17 years of age are not enrolled in school. In 2015, the primary school net attendance rate was estimated at 21 per cent for girls and 30 per cent for boys (page 7). The Federal Government of Somalia, together with the World Food Programme, is implementing a school feeding programme covering more than 20 per cent of primary schools across the country. In the Federal member States, school feeding is carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Education (page 15). It improves children’s school attendance and food security (page 34).
The Committee also notes that the National Employment Policy of 2019 states that the National Education Policy and the National Education Sector Strategy Plan are essential in revising the education system, which was completely destroyed by the conflict (page 7). The National Employment Policy indicates that the private sector is the largest provider for education (page 10).
The Committee further notes that the report of the World Bank Group of August 2019 underlines that Somalia’s allocations to education as share of the national budget are about 1 per cent. The Federal member States also spend little of their own resources on education (page 32).
In its report on Children and armed conflict of June 2020, the UN Secretary-General stated that, with 64 attacks on school in 2019, Somalia has one of the highest numbers of attacks of school. Incidents included the abduction of teachers and pupils, the killing of and threats against teachers, and the destruction and looting of facilities (A/74/845-S/2020/525, paragraph 141). Considering that education is key in preventing children from the worst forms of child labour, the Committee strongly encourages the Government to continue to take the necessary measures to improve access to free basic education of all children, including girls. It requests the Government to continue to provide information on the progress made regarding access to free basic education, including on the implementation of the National Education Policy and the National Education Sector Strategy Plan. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the school enrolment, attendance and completion rates at primary and secondary level, as well as on the school drop-out rates.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2019, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes with deep concern that the Government’s first report, due since 2016, has not been received. In light of its urgent appeal launched to the Government in 2018, the Committee will proceed with the examination of the application of the Convention on the basis of the information at its disposal. The Committee firmly hopes that the Government will respond to its comments below.
Article 3(a) of the Convention. All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery. Sale and trafficking of children. The Committee notes that article 14 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 states that a person may not be subjected to trafficking or forced labour for any purpose. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the provisions in its national legislation which prohibit the sale and trafficking of children and which establish penalties for violations thereof.
Clause (b). Use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, the production of pornography or pornographic performances. The Committee notes that section 407 of the Penal Code of 1962 prohibits the instigation, aiding and exploitation of prostitution, accompanied by penalties of imprisonment and fines. This section provides for increased penalties when the act is committed against a person who is incapable of giving consent or against a person entrusted to the offender for care, education, instruction, supervision or custody. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of section 407 of the Penal Code regarding the use, procuring or offering of a child under 18 years of age for prostitution, including the number of investigations, convictions and penalties imposed. It also requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to secure the prohibition and elimination of the use, procuring and offering of a child for the production of pornography or pornographic performances, including any relevant legislation.
Articles 3(d) and 4. Determination of hazardous types of work. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the provisions in its national legislation which prohibit and determine the types of hazardous work for children under 18 years of age.
Article 5. Monitoring mechanisms. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the mechanisms established or designated to monitor the implementation of the provisions giving effect to the Convention, and to provide information on their functioning.
Article 6. Programmes of action. The Committee takes note of the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), received on 28 August 2015, which state that there are no programmes to prevent and address the worst forms of child labour. The Committee requests the Government to indicate if it has developed any programme of action to eliminate the worst forms of child labour.
Article 7(2). Effective and time-bound measures. Clause (d). Identifying and reaching out to children at special risk. 1. Refugees and internally displaced children. The Government indicates in its report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of October 2019 that it established the Somalia National Commission for Refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) (NCRI) (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 296), to address the needs of refugees and IDPs. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to ensure that refugee and internally displaced children are protected from the worst forms of child labour, including within the framework of the NCRI.
2. HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs). The Committee requests the Government to indicate the measures taken to ensure that children orphaned by HIV/AIDS and OVCs are prevented from being engaged in the worst forms of child labour.
Application of the Convention in practice. The Committee notes that the observations of the FESTU, received on 1 September 2018, state that the Government has not taken any meaningful measures to implement the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to give a general appreciation of the manner in which the Convention is applied in Somalia and to provide information on the worst forms of child labour, including their nature, extent and trends. It also requests the Government to provide a copy of all relevant legislation regarding the prohibition of the worst forms of child labour as well as information on the number and nature of infringements reported, investigations, prosecutions, convictions and penal sanctions applied.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2019, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes with deep concern that the Government’s first report, due since 2016, has not been received. In light of its urgent appeal launched to the Government in 2018 and the seriousness of the problem, the Committee will proceed with the examination of the application of the Convention on the basis of the information at its disposal. The Committee firmly hopes that the Government will respond to its comments below.
Article 3(a) of the Convention. All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery. Forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. The Committee takes note of the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), received on 1 September 2018, which state that children are forcibly recruited and used by militias and Al-Shabaab extremists as soldiers. The Committee observes that, pursuant to article 29 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012, every child has the right to be protected from armed conflict, and not to be used in armed conflict.
The Committee further notes that, according to the report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict of June 2019, 2,300 children (2,228 boys and 72 girls), some as young as 8, were recruited and used by parties to the conflict in Somalia in 2018, namely Al-Shabaab which recruited 1,865 children, but also the Somali National Army, Somali Police and other forces, making it the country with the highest number of cases of the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict. The Secretary-General also highlighted that 1,609 cases of children abducted by parties to the conflict were verified in 2018, mainly for the purpose of recruitment and use in armed conflict, as well as 331 cases of sexual violence against children (328 girls and three boys) (S/2019/509, paragraphs 7, 9, 10, 139, 141 and 144). The Committee deplores the recruitment and use of children by armed forces and armed groups in Somalia, especially since this worst form of child labour entails other grave violations of the rights of the child, such as abductions and sexual violence. The Committee accordingly urges the Government to take the necessary measures to end the forced recruitment of children under 18 years of age by the armed forces and armed groups and to provide information in this regard. It requests the Government to take immediate measures to ensure that the persons found guilty of recruiting and using children under 18 years of age in armed conflict are investigated and prosecuted and that sufficiently effective and dissuasive penalties are imposed. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the provisions in national legislation which prohibit the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict and which establish penalties for violations thereof.
Article 7(2). Effective and time-bound measures. Clause (a). Prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour. Access to free basic education. The Committee notes that, according to its report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of October 2019, the Government indicated that by December 2018, over 3 million children out of 4.9 million in the country were estimated to be out of school. The primary net attendance rate is 25 per cent for boys and 21 per cent for girls. For secondary education, the gross enrolment rate is 15.8 per cent and the net enrolment rate is 8.6 per cent. The Government stated that rural, pastoralist and internally displaced children particularly face barriers to education. Girls are also less likely than boys to access education (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraphs 18, 256, 260, 264, 267 and 268).
The Committee further notes the Government’s indication in its report to the CRC that school facilities are attacked by Al-Shabaab to forcibly recruit children (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 270). It notes that the UN Secretary-General observed, in his report on children and armed conflict of June 2019, that 77 attacks on schools were verified in 2018 (S/2019/509, paragraph 143). Considering that education is key to preventing children from the worst forms of child labour, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to improve access to free basic education of all children, including girls, children in rural areas, pastoralist children and internally displaced children. It requests the Government to provide information in this respect, including on enrolment and attendance rates at primary and secondary level.
Clause (b). Providing the necessary and appropriate assistance for the removal of children from the worst forms of child labour and for their rehabilitation and social integration. Children in armed conflict. The Committee notes the Government’s indication, in its report to the CRC of October 2019, that the National Programme for the Treatment and Handling of Disengaged Fighters focuses on outreach, reception, screening, rehabilitation and reintegration of children previously engaged in conflict. The Government has set up rehabilitation transition centres for disengaged Al-Shabaab fighters (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 363). The Committee further notes that the UN Secretary-General indicated in his report on children and armed conflict of June 2019 that 1,179 children formerly associated with armed forces and groups received reintegration support in 2018. However, it also indicated that 375 children were detained in Somalia for their alleged association with the armed group Al-Shabaab (S/2019/509, paragraphs 13 and 148). In this regard, the Committee wishes to emphasize that children under the age of 18 years associated with armed groups should be treated as victims rather than offenders (see 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 502). The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that children removed from armed forces or groups are treated as victims rather than offenders, and to provide information in this respect. It also requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to identify and remove children from armed forces and groups, as well as to provide them with appropriate assistance for their rehabilitation and social integration, including within the framework of the National Programme for the Treatment and Handling of Disengaged Fighters and through rehabilitation transition centres.
Clause (d). Identifying and reaching out to children at special risk. Street children. The Committee notes that, according to the observations of the FESTU, received on 28 August 2015, children in Somalia are engaged in the worst forms of child labour in street work. The Committee also notes that the Government indicates, in its report to the CRC of October 2019, that during the last two decades, the number of children living and working in the streets of major towns has increased (CRC/C/SOM/1, paragraph 305). The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that children living and working on the streets are protected from the worst forms of child labour, and to provide information in this respect.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2018, published 108th ILC session (2019)

The Committee notes with concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments initially made in 2015.
The Committee notes the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), received on 1 September 2018, on the use of children as child soldiers and in other worst forms of child labour such as in agriculture, construction and street work. The Committee also notes the observations made by the FESTU on the inadequacy of the labour inspectorate. In these circumstances, the Committee trusts that the Government will take all the necessary measures to provide its first report on the application of the Convention as soon as possible and that it will also provide on that occasion information in response to the observations of the FESTU.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2017, published 107th ILC session (2018)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s first report has again not been received.
The Committee notes the observations of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), received on 28 August 2015, on the use of children as child soldiers and in other worst forms of child labour such as in agriculture, construction and street work. The Committee also notes the observations made by the FESTU on the inadequacy of the labour inspectorate. In these circumstances, the Committee trusts that the Government will take all the necessary measures to provide its first report on the application of the Convention as soon as possible and that it will also provide on that occasion information in response to the observations of the FESTU.
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