Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1990, Publicación: 77ª reunión CIT (1990)

Convenio sobre el medio ambiente de trabajo (contaminación del aire, ruido y vibraciones), 1977 (núm. 148) - Suecia (Ratificación : 1978)

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The Committee notes with interest that the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health has issued Ordinance AFS 1986:15 on Noise. The Government is requested to provide further information on the following points:

Article 8 of the Convention. In its report for 1986, the Government indicated that the regulations of the National Administration of Shipping and Navigation concerning hygienic limit values were based on the Directions issued by the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health. The Government further stated that, as these Directions have been replaced by a new Ordinance on Hygienic Limit Values (AFS 1984:5), the National Administration of Shipping and Navigation regulations were being revised so as accurately to reflect the provisions of the new Ordinance. In its latest report, the Government has indicated that the Ordinance on Hygienic Limit Values has again been revised by Ordinances AFS 1987:12 and AFS 1989:4 on Occupational Exposure Limit Values. The Government is requested to indicate whether the provisions of these new Ordinances have been reflected in the National Administration of Shipping and Navigation regulations and, if so, to supply a copy of the new regulations. The Government is also requested to supply copies of Ordinance AFS 1987:12 and Ordinance AFS 1989:4 in its next report.

The Committee notes that the General Recommendations concerning the application of Ordinance AFS 1986:7 on vibrations from hand-held machines does not provide for any exposure limits to be set. The Committee would recall that Chapter 6 of the ILO Code of Practice on Protection of Workers Against Noise and Vibration in the Working Environment states that vibration limits should be set and reviewed from time to time in the light of new scientific knowledge, technical progress and possibilities of prevention. In this regard, the Government is referred to the ISO Standards for Mechanical Vibration - Guidelines for the Measurement and the Assessment of Human Exposure to Hand-Transmitted Vibration (ISO No. 5349 of 1986). The Government is requested to indicate the measures taken or envisaged to specify exposure limits concerning vibrations.

Article 12. The Committee has noted that Ordinance AFS 1986:7 does not contain provisions specifying the processes, substances, machinery and equipment involving exposure of workers to vibration which must be notified to the competent authority. The Government is requested to indicate the measures taken or envisaged to specify the processes, substances, machinery and equipment involving exposure to vibrations, the use of which shall be notified to the competent authority.

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