Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1991, Publicación: 78ª reunión CIT (1991)

Convenio sobre la discriminación (empleo y ocupación), 1958 (núm. 111) - Bangladesh (Ratificación : 1972)

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The Committee notes the information contained in the Government's report.

1. The Committee notes with interest the statistics provided in reply to its previous request for information on the number of posts filled by women and men in various fields of employment, particularly education and on students in primary and secondary schools. From the statistics, the Committee notes that women hold a much lower percentage of posts than men in the non-gazetted civilian government service in the Ministry of Health and Safety, as primary school teachers and to a lesser extent as secondary school teachers. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report what, if any, are the obstacles which exist to women's increased participation in the above designated sectors and what are the specific steps being taken or contemplated to promote equality of opportunity between men and women in employment in those areas, in particular in relation to access to employment, conditions of work and vocational training.

The Committee also notes from the statistical information that girls, as compared to boys, constitute an extremely low percentage of students in primary schools and also, to a lesser extent, in secondary schools. In this connection, it also notes from the World Statistics Atlas that the literacy rate for women is half that of men. The Committee would therefore be grateful if the Government would indicate the measures taken or contemplated to increase girls' entrance into primary and secondary schools or other educational or training programmes in order to promote and diversify women's occupational and employment opportunities.

The Committee further notes the Government's statement that annual reports of the Ministry of Education are not readily available but requests the Government to make an effort to supply a copy with its next report.

2. The Committee thanks the Government for providing a copy of the 1985 Fixation of Age Limit for Entering into Employment under Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous/Nationalised Establishments Regulation. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the practical effect on the employment of women of extending the upper age limit for women from 27 years of age to 30 years of age pursuant to this regulation.

3. The Committee notes from the Government's report that although the provisions of the collective agreement between Bangladeshiyo Cha Sangsad and the Bangladesh Cha Sramik Union are recommendatory, the Government has no record of any member challenging the recommendations or any association refusing to implement any of its recommendations. The Committee also notes the Government's reiterated statement that, while wage rates for men and women are traditionally listed separately, the rates fixed and the wages paid are the same in each category. The Committee would again request the Government to provide information on the level of wages actually paid to men and to women, and also indicate the number (or percentage) of female and male workers in each class of work in the plantations.

The Committee requests the Government to supply copies of legislation or collective agreements which establish binding minimum wages for men and women in other sectors of the economy including the public service, agriculture (sugar and rice), mining and manufacturing (particularly textiles and vehicles).

4. The Committee again requests the Government to supply full information on the measures taken or contemplated to promote equality of opportunity and treatment in respect of employment and occupation particularly in the area of wages and remuneration, with a view to eliminating discrimination on the grounds set out in the Convention, particularly on the ground of sex. In this regard the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the promotional activities of the Ministry of Establishment as well as the Department of Women's Affairs which concern the provisions of the Convention as well as any reports, studies or documents published by these bodies.

5. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide statistical information pertaining to the employment of men and women and to provide full information on the practical application of the terms of the Convention.

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