Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1993, Publicación: 80ª reunión CIT (1993)

Convenio sobre la cerusa (pintura), 1921 (núm. 13) - Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) (Ratificación : 1933)

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Respuestas recibidas a las cuestiones planteadas en una solicitud directa que no dan lugar a comentarios adicionales
  1. 2014

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The Committee notes the information provided in the Government's latest report and the statistics on occupational accidents and diseases for the years 1987 to 1991. It notes, however, that no statistics were provided specifically concerning the number of cases of lead poisoning among workers. The Committee would recall that Article 7 of the Convention calls for statistics with regard to lead poisoning among working painters to be obtained. It notes that section 83 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, 1974, provides that labour inspectors shall furnish periodic reports to the Ministry of Labour containing the number of cases of lead poisoning and the Ministry of Labour shall establish statistics as to the morbidity and mortality among workers due to lead poisoning. The Government is, therefore, requested to provide in its next report any statistics on morbidity and mortality due to lead poisoning, as requested in the report form under Article 7 of the Convention.

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