Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1993, Publicación: 80ª reunión CIT (1993)

Convenio sobre la discriminación (empleo y ocupación), 1958 (núm. 111) - Suiza (Ratificación : 1961)

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The Committee thanks the Government for the detailed information and documentation supplied in reply to its previous comments.

1. Regarding the federal administration, the Committee notes with interest the entry into force, in January 1992, of the instructions issued by the Federal Council concerning the improvement in the representation and occupational situation of female staff in the general administration of the Confederation. It also notes the 1992 statistics relating to the distribution of staff in the federal administration by sex, mother tongue, etc., which show that women make up only 25.8 per cent of the personnel. The Committee asks the Government to supply information on the practical application of the above-mentioned instructions and on the progress made in respect of the principle of equality of opportunity in the federal administration, particularly in the areas of competitions, appointments, promotions, terms and conditions of employment and vocational training.

2. In addition, the Government indicates that the tenth revision of the old-age and survivors' insurance scheme (AVS) has not yet entered into force and that, in any case, this revision makes no provision for the harmonization of ages at which, circumstances being the same, men and women are entitled to ordinary old-age pensions. The Committee notes the comments of the Trade Union Confederation of Switzerland (USS) in this respect. Noting that, for the public service, the harmonization of the retirement age is hereafter in force, the Committee asks the Government to keep it informed of all developments in this regard.

3. As regards vocational training and further training, the Government indicates that, according to statistics concerning male and female students, in 1990-91 there was a slight drop in the proportion of women undergoing basic training and a notable decrease in the percentage of women in further training. However, the Government indicates that during this same period a number of projects were able to be sustained in the framework of the special measures for further training (under the Federal Order of 23 March 1990). The Committee asks the Government to continue to inform it of progress in the situation of women as regards equality of opportunity in vocational and further training. It would particularly like to have statistical data on the number and percentage of women, as against men, who have benefited from the special measures for further training and the amount of subsidies granted under the special heading for women.

4. The Committee takes note of the explanations provided by the Government on the scope and interpretation of section 13(2) of the Conditions of Service of Public Officials. It asks the Government in its future reports to indicate any cases in which this provision may have been used and any pertinent decision of the Federal Tribunal.

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