Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1996, Publicación: 85ª reunión CIT (1997)

Convenio sobre igualdad de remuneración, 1951 (núm. 100) - Grecia (Ratificación : 1975)

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The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its report and attached documentation, including the National General Collective Agreement (1996-97). It also notes with interest the Government's statement that certain measures have been taken not only with respect to the provisions of the Convention, but also with regard to the Equal Remuneration Recommendation, 1951 (No. 90).

1. The Committee notes that a National Institute of Labour was created in 1993 (by Act No. 2150 of 1993) to, inter alia, undertake study and research on work, not only as a means of providing a livelihood but also as factors in production and social progress; to study and research the supply and demand of occupations and specialities in accordance with the medium and long-term prospects of the labour market; to monitor the characteristics and analyse the structures of vocational training; to organize, finance and implement vocational training and further training programmes with a view to planning, managing and controlling the activities of the European Social Fund mainly concerning matters relating to labour, employment and income; and to create a database and a documentation system concerning national, European, and international legislation, jurisprudence and bibliographical material. The Committee requests the Government to provide, in its future reports, information concerning any work undertaken by the Institute which is relevant to the application of the Convention.

2. The Committee notes with interest the adoption of Act No. 2224 of 1994 - dealing with the regulation of labour, trade union rights, occupational health and safety, and the organization of the Ministry of Labour and other bodies - which establishes a special fund for vocational training and educational programmes and sets up a national vocational guidance centre. It further notes the establishment of the Economic and Social Committee, by Act No. 2232 of 1994, which is charged with considering labour relations, social insurance, taxation and the socio-economic policy, in general. The Committee asks the Government to report on any measures taken as a result of these initiatives which have an impact on the application of the Convention. Please also furnish information on the activities of the National Employment Organization which, in subsidizing new jobs for women and in assisting women to exercise a liberal profession through general employment programmes and programmes targeted to particular social groups, does - according to the Government - contribute to the application of the Convention.

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