Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1996, Publicación: 85ª reunión CIT (1997)

Convenio sobre la consulta tripartita (normas internacionales del trabajo), 1976 (núm. 144) - Hungría (Ratificación : 1994)

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The Committee notes the first report. The Government has described four different consultative bodies. Among them, the National Conciliation Council (NCC) seems to have the widest scope in relation to international labour standards. The NCC has ten standing committees on various labour issues, although the Government gives no information as to any discussions there of the matters raised in Article 5(1) of the Convention.

In their comments, the representative workers' organizations of the NCC refer to the problem of application of the Convention and say there has in practice been no consideration of Article 5 matters: they see a need for development of conciliation techniques and relevant legislation. The National Federation of Agricultural Producers also calls for more active cooperation among the parties in the implementation of the Convention.

The Government indicates there have been written consultations on reports to be sent to the ILO, and other consultations as to ratifications (including the 12 registered in 1993). Although the social partners had not earlier asked for such consultations, the Government now intends to initiate them, together with the question of conciliation systems.

The Committee hopes further contacts on these matters will be pursued and that the Government will provide details. Please supply also more specific information on the various matters referred to in the report form approved by the Governing Body.

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