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Articles 1 and 17 of the Convention. In comments made for a number of years, the Committee has drawn the Government's attention to the fact that the Convention is applied only to limited sectors of economic activity through the Factories, Offices and Shops Act, 1970, and the Mining Regulations, 1970, as amended. Some branches of activity -- agriculture, forestry, road and rail transport and shipping -- are not covered by it. In its report for the period ending 30 June 1993, the Government stated that the issue had been placed before the tripartite National Advisory Committee on Labour which should make recommendations for the adoption of appropriate measures that give effect to the Convention in the branches mentioned.
The Committee notes that no new information has been provided by the Government. It requests the Government, once again, to supply detailed information on measures taken to ensure the guarding of machinery in all sectors of economic activity and notably in agriculture, forestry, road and rail transport and shipping.