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The Committee notes the information provided in the Government's report, and the Decree provided in reply to the Committee's previous direct request.
1. The Committee notes the information in the Government's report to the effect that workers whose remuneration is paid out of the state budget are divided into two groups according to the system by which they are paid: (1) workers employed by the state legislative and executive authorities, for whom the rates and methods of payment are determined by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic; (2) public sector workers employed in education, health care, social security, sports, culture, the arts and sciences, state archives and other such branches, whose remuneration is based on the single pay scale.
As regards the first group of state employees, the Committee hopes that the Government will provide information on the posts covered by this category, the corresponding rates of pay, and statistical data on the number of women and men employed in these posts.
With regard to the second group, the Committee notes the single pay scale approved by Decision No. 60 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan of 26 May 1996, which divides manual and office posts into 19 categories and fixes the pay for each of these categories. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide with its next reports more precise information on the criteria used for this classification and the types of post included in each category, as well as statistical data on the relative numbers of women and men at different levels of pay.
2. The Committee notes the text of Decree No. 499 of 29 March 1993 which promotes the use of a single pay scale in the private sector, and the Government's information to the effect that no violations of the principle of equal pay for equal work were noted when collective agreements were concluded, and hopes that the Government will provide with its future reports copies of any agreements reached through collective negotiations in enterprises employing a significant number of women. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would also supply statistical data on the employment situation of women in the private sector and their average earnings by comparison with those of men.
3. The Committee notes with interest the establishment, by Presidential Decree No. 544 of 27 January 1997, of the state labour inspection service. The Committee hopes to receive information on the work of the labour inspection service in monitoring the implementation of the principle of equal pay for men and women with its next report.
4. The Committee notes that the Government gives no answer to comments made in the two previous direct requests concerning the fact that the legislation referred to by the Government contains no definition of remuneration within the meaning of Article 1(a) of the Convention. The Committee once again asks whether there exists any text containing a definition of remuneration in accordance with the Convention, and requests the Government to provide a copy of any such text.