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The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its reports on Conventions 102, 121, 128 and 130. It understands, moreover, that the reforms to the health and pensions systems which were envisaged have not been implemented, as the new Government has decided to conduct a global re‑examination of the matter. The Committee therefore hopes that the Government’s next report will contain full information on all measures taken or envisaged subsequent to this examination and that, in this context, due account will be taken of the obligations arising from ratification of the Convention, and particularly the following provisions which have been the subject of its comments for many years: Articles 9 and 48 of the Convention (scope of the insurance in regard to medical care and maternity benefit); Article 10, paragraph 1(a) (specification in legislation of the types of medical care that shall be provided for the persons protected); Article 50 (in conjunction with Article 65); and Article 52 (duration of maternity benefit).