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The Committee notes with interest the adoption of Decree No. 96-178/P-RM of 13 June 1996 and Order No. 96-1566/MEFPT-SG issuing texts implementing certain provisions of the Labour Code. It also notes the information provided by the Government in reply to its previous direct request, particularly on the establishments enumerated in section A.144.2 of Order No. 96-1566/MEFPT-SG, which are allowed to apply exceptions to weekly rest. Furthermore, with regard to the consultation of responsible associations of employers and workers before the authorization of exceptions to weekly rest, it notes the opinion issued by the Higher Labour Council before the adoption of the above Order.
The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide additional information in its next report on the following points.
Article 5 of the Convention. According to the report, periods of compensatory rest are provided for in agreement between the employer and the representative trade unions in enterprises where exceptions to the weekly rest have been made under sections L.143 and L.144 of the Labour Code and sections A.144.1 and A.144.2 of Order No. 96-1566/MEFPT-SG. The Government is requested to provide more detailed information on agreements and local customs which already provide for such periods of rest and to indicate the other measures which are envisaged or have been adopted to ensure, as far as possible, provision for compensatory periods of rest for the workers concerned. The Committee requests the Government to provide copies of such agreements.
Article 7. The Committee notes that there are no legislative provisions giving effect to this Article of the Convention: section L.141 of the Labour Code does not address this subject. It also notes the Government’s statement that agreements respecting the arrangement and distribution of working hours must be brought to the knowledge of the workers concerned through the posting of notices and that, in establishments covered by section A.144.2 of Order No. 96-1566/MEFPT-SG, this includes information on collective rest periods and special systems of rest.
The Government is requested to provide copies of such agreements and examples of notices and rosters established in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention.
Part III of the report form. The Committee requests the Government to provide copies with its next report of reports drawn up under sections 295 and 296 of the Labour Code by the regional inspection services on infringements of the principle of weekly rest which have been forwarded to the judicial authorities.