National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes the Government’s last report. It notes that the General Labour Act No. 2/00 of 11 February 2000 has been adopted.
The Committee notes that this Act does not contain provisions giving effect to Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention, under the terms of which any package or object of 1,000 kg or more gross weight consigned for transport by sea or inland waterway shall have its gross weight plainly and durably marked upon it on the outside before it is loaded on a ship or vessel. The Committee therefore notes, as it has been doing for a certain number of years, the absence from the national legislation of provisions giving effect to this Article of the Convention. In this respect, the Committee notes that the Government, in its reports received in 1986 and 1987, stated its intention of taking the necessary measures to give effect to this provision of the Convention. Subsequently, the Committee noted on several occasions the Government’s indication that a draft legislative text along these lines was under examination. However, in its last report the Government no longer refers to this draft text. The Committee is therefore bound to reiterate its firm hope that the Government will make every effort to ensure that a legislative text giving effect to Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention is adopted in the very near future, and that it will also give effect to paragraph 4 of Article 1, by indicating who is vested with the obligation to have the weight marked.
The Committee trusts that the Government’s next report will contain information on the adoption of a legislative text giving full effect to the Convention.
[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2004.]